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A world, hidden in a lover's eye—
Outsiders ought not to oversee.
It's where anything can come by,
Where ordinary would be a beauty.

Yes, dear reader,
It's the lover's eyes,
A realm much deeper,
Where all the magic lies.

Don't turn away,
Don't shun the flame
Let it softly stay—
It's love, not shame.
It's love, not shame
 Feb 22 Nostalgia
Ganu R
On a mountain filled with beautiful sunflowers, lies one lonely rose.

It's the only dark, gloomy, and black flower on the field.

But the sunflowers are different, always relying on the sunshine. 

The black rose, small and invisible, has never once, seen any light.

And so, on a mountain filled with beautiful sunflowers, lied one lonely rose.
To be a star,
you must burn.

To be a flower,
you must blossom.

To be art,
you must be created.

To be music,
you must be played.

To be a river,
you must flow.

But to be a lover,
you may not be loved.
I think love should never be conditional...

I’m not perfect, and maybe I’m the most complicated and imperfect girl.
Anddd... a lot of people dislike me and give sarcastic comment for that, buttttt.... my parents and siblings love me unconditionally <3...I thank God every day for it.
It's not about quantity of people, but quality of love, for me..... hehehe..... :)

You are never alone; there’s always someone with you.
Maybe it’s just you who are too focused on what's in front of you and haven’t noticed the one standing beside you.
Star loved moon,
and he did too.

They hated him,
but he never knew.

She shattered,
by their cold hand.

Who is at fault?
I was wrong,
you tried,
but I,
I was wrong.

I didn’t mean to,
but they willed us,
to fall apart.

Now the star’s heart is split,
half for the moon,
half for them.
At last, neither 'the moon' nor 'they' are as badly broken as 'the star' is.....
i love them,
"do you?",  whispers my mind.
"i do," murmurs my heart.

but i stumble,

words slip,

i don’t deserve them.

a tear falls.
the mirror blurs.
"it’s over already," the mind sighs.
I love my parents, I know.
But I have hurt them already...
why do I never try to understand them?
I try to do.... just probably the worst daughter alive maybe....
saying things I never mean, then crying as its hurting me...
I can feel the heaviness in my heart

Why the hell am I the way I am???
Life’s like an old rose garden,
once blooming,
now withering.

Petals falling,
replaced by dry leaves,
wrapped in silence,
once so rare,
now so heavy.

I return home,
laughter ringing in ears.

But as the door shuts,
loneliness greets me,
like a cold, hazy mist,
or dark clouds that the stars resist.
Life is a really rollercoaster of emotions.... simple... :)
that loneliness always pulls me in after a vibrant party.... don't know why??...
A new leaf,
shining in sunlight,
a single drop on top,
as heavy as a thought.

I can’t speak,
but if you can,
read my eyes please.
but sadly, not many can understand the language of eyes....
Two strangers,
met by chance,
stealing glances.

A warmth lingered,
but vanished
as soon as it appeared.
simple :)...
not meant to be together maybe
 Feb 3 Nostalgia
Do you ever feel
Like you're a bug?

I mean
Think about it
They get punished
For just existing
And in the world we live in
We are born in to this madness
With the only escape
Being death

Bugs come in all different shapes and sizes
Still bugs nonetheless
But when we see an ant just minding it's business
We step on it
And when we see a butterfly
we take a picture

Bugs get squashed
By people

People get squashed
By people

Do you see what I mean?
Maybe not the most poetic thing, but a thought I had.

(This note was written by a light that could not turn on, but you thought you could turn it on when you wanted to. Is that enough?)
I feel so small,
yet so do the stars,
when seen from afar,
they shine through the scars.

And now I feel better.....
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