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14.2k · Jul 2018
Smile pretty
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
I know you want me to shut the **** up
Cut me off and not have a opinion
I try to stop myself from being
My vocal self my very essence
Grab some some tape and have some fun
Wrap it around my so called tongue
That will give you some peace of mind
At least for a minute while you unwind
I’ll spare you my rants and my thoughts
How silly of me to think so much
Why speak up I only complain
Nothing I say has any weight
Smile pretty and behave like the rest
Look good be quiet and don’t protest
All is well as long as you
Do as I say and don’t be brave
Clean do dishes and act like you’re fine
Ignore those voices that tell you otherwise
You are the thing that I contain
Into this box this square this frame
It’s all I know and what I expect
A learning curve and I suggest
Get use to being treated this way
Feel lucky feel privileged And don’t walk away
I hold this over you I confess
But what can you do except, accept?
This is the way that things are done
Don’t make waves or trouble my dear
Just go along with what you hear
If I keep you silent everybody wins
And that is what keeps me, me and you with them
If I hold you down then I succeed
Which benefits us all as you will see
What’s good for me is good for me
And why I want you to smile pretty
11.3k · Sep 2018
Mr. Handsome
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
Mr. handsome stranger
He’s coming after
Desperate like a last request
Frantic delusional lunatic
Unhinged fragile losing what’s left
Self serving sadomasochistic
Easy on the eyes but doesn’t quite fit in
Playing it cool in social situations
His intelligent banter he claims as his own
With somewhat smart comebacks he practiced at home

Trying so hard that the sweat beads down
Onto his stressed wrinkled furrowed brow
the stories he skillfully misdirected  
Carefully darting  unwanted questions
Mr. Indiscreet can’t blow his cover
Disarm the girl of his unrealistic dreams
How quite average and normal he can be

Mr. Stalker walks over to the Girl
works up the courage and talks to her
Strikes up a witty conversation
With his movie star smile and education
Using the words that he pre rehearsed
Says all the right things and compliments her
Looking past his rather peculiar behavior
And when politely asked gives up her number

He rings her up the very next day
With a romantic scenic picnic date
Under the shade of a lush green tree
Upon a blanket with wine and cheese
Playing the part of the handsome boyfriend
Gains her full trust and faith in him

Joking in a effort to make her laugh
To put her at ease and follow his plan
Jealous of her ex boyfriends
Knowing their names and full address
And when he drops her off at home
Tracks and follows her every move
Knows all her weekly kept routines
Threatens and blackmails all her friends
Studies everyday mundane errands
Unaware of his decent into madness
8.0k · Mar 2018
Zulu’s Apprentice
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
I got a ruby secret
I keep it in my pocket
Only Zulu knows about it
So I put him in a prison
He thinks he's getting out soon
But he doesn't have a clue
He's just a little rodent
But he thinks he's a Raven!
He's in love with a prophet
So now he's on a conquest
But I planned his execution
He doesn't know know about it
He's always getting roasted
Thinks he's a stallion
He's really just a rodent
But he knows my little secret
I tried to sew his mouth shut
But he had an objection!
Thinks he's the president
Shh.. "He's really just a rodent"
I gave him a promotion...
So now he is my magician
He just keeps on escaping
He's drunk again, talking ****
Hey Zulu! Where are you running to?
Everybody is looking for you!
5.4k · Jul 2018
Under Her Ghost
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
Resisting your surrender
Like a passionate pretender
Cursing your existence
So unruly cant even believe it
Rehearsing until morning
For a ending to your story
Searching for a reason
Why you’re always out of season
Still wearing those ***** clothes
And swearing at the Her ghost
Living in your furry
Just makes things more blurry
Some drunken thrills
Followed by some healing pills
Staring at the mirror
Thinking it will look clearer

Resisting your departure
And what seems like constant torture
Insisting on the weather
To lead you somewhere farther
Counting on tomorrow
To release you from your sorrow
Leads you to forgiveness
Repenting all your sins and
Starting a new chapter
In this new world that you are  after
Living in the moment
Gives you quick atonement
Walking from the ashes
The past and what it’s taken
Your soul now unbroken from this spell
That had you been under
3.2k · Sep 2018
Karma Comedian
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
I use to laugh at ironic things
No punishment for the bad deeds
The Bible says that good 10 fold
The universe returns to us in gold
That fairytales and nursery rhymes
Exist to scare and keep us in line
But on this day fate stepped in
And karma it seems is a comedian
A lesson weaved throughout every line
Carefully crafted as a warning sign
It was a day like any other
As usual jumped in the shower
Quickly washed and rinsed my hair
Noticed too late that it was NAIR!
Every luscious lock and strand
Fell out completely in my hand
What seems like a sick joke being played
Or demented parts a malicious prank
A plot unfolded my part the lead
The lines straight from a horror scene
Like laws of nature or earths gravity
The rules we bend to suit our need
Like a boomerang’s invisible path
It seems to follow when it comes back
Even the ocean and it’s changing tides
Needs the moon’s persuasive side
We are the keepers of what we seek
And what we sow we indeed will reap
The nightmare that we fear the most
Comes back to haunt us like a ghost
Like Peter Pan and Captain Hook
Just a good story in a children’s book
what if the earth gets bored of us
And decides that we are entertainment
those characters we read as kids
Like Pinocchio or the 3 little pigs
Sleeping beauty or the ogre Shrek
You thought was funny as a sketch
Brought to life would pose a threat
Although to you this seems far fetched
The truth Ive written has not been stretched
I hope you read this and know as fact
What you put out there will soon come back
1.9k · Jul 2018
Spider Web
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
I tricked you into being here
Practiced words that weren’t sincere
Concocted a truly deceitful tale
Crafted And worded not to fail
Wrapped you tightly with sharp barbwire
To keep you still and somewhat quiet
Patiently weaved a rusted web
So when you move it stings your skin
Squirm and fight this all you want
Resisting just makes this more fun
The belief in the goodness of mankind
Consider this a warning sign
Evil consists in a opposite form
The sweetest smile can do you harm
1.5k · Sep 2018
Her Ripped Blue Jeans
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
You’re screaming at me through the kitchen door
I’m not quite as pretty as the one before
Her ripped blue jeans keep staring at me
In trouble again for the way I clean

The neighbors complain every time we fight
And I’m not quite sure if I ever was right
He won’t throw away her **** blue jeans
Got the ghost of his ex in the house with me

You beg every time for another chance
Say you will change and be a better man
Can’t count the times that I’ve forgiven
Your endless lies and promises broken

Finally lit a match to those jeans of hers
Cracked a smile as I watched them burn
The flames turned a pretty shade of red
Almost the color of my favorite lipstick

Gathered my things and heard you shout
Mean angry words that I tuned out
Caught the first ride and waved goodbye
To those **** blue jeans and my old life
1.3k · Sep 2018
That One Night
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
In the back seat of my car
Strumming on a borrowed guitar
Then drive down to the bar
Drank some beers and smoked cigars
Pretended not to be
Ourselves just for a week
Had some fun at their expense
Sipped champagne and burned inscence
Talked for hours on my bed
Watch the sunrise  made breakfast
Cruised the streets of our hometown
Turned the radio up loud
Got lost on purpose in some crowd
Lost our phones lost track of time
Decided that was fine
Crashed out on someone’s couch
As we faded in and out
Woke up and saw that is was dark
So we headed out to see the stars
And as we planned our trip to mars
Daring to dream and fearless so far
Along the way made some friends
Crashed into a Mercedes Benz
Walked for miles came back home
Told no one of that night we owned
1.1k · Jun 2018
Doll House
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
The pillows do not rest your head although you may be tired
Perfect porcelain statues of people
Tiny trinkets motionless and admired
towels that dont dry ***** hands
Because they are for looks
The dolls stare blankly across the room
Sit on shelves instead of books
The fine china sits in a curio shelf
Alone forever collecting dust
Pretty flowers no one smells
Frozen forever go untouched
antique couches plush and blue
The guests not asked to have a seat
Price tag attached as if brand new
It’s contents staged precise and neat
Take off your shoes at the door
To maintain the integrity close to mint
Walking on eggshells upon the floor
The carpet lacking one footprint
A life size doll house you can walk inside
look but do not touch written in large print
Detailed written warning signs
Inform the cautious and careful inhabitants
A house you wouldn’t want to live in
But a family does reside
A shocking truth you can’t believe
Resembles forms of any human life
976 · Jul 2018
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
I am not a book you wrote about yourself
You can not write me in or edit me out
You can not read through these lines
Or paraphrase me with quotation marks
I’m not a word you struggle to find
Or your editor’s phone call about your deadline
I’m not a chapter that you cut short
Or a embellished lie you write as a last resort
And that rewritten paragraph you can’t quite get right
Frustrates you and keeps you up at night
I’m not a unfinished thought you fail to mention
Or a idea for a story that you question
I am not a working title you keep changing
Or a failed storyline for the ending
I’m not word you can’t think of
Or adjectives that you make up
Not a exaggeration of a night you had
Or a scattered memory from your past
All these things you wish I was
I don’t exist to complete yourself
899 · Sep 2018
The Genie
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
He may look like you or me
As he walks down your friendly street
Casually starts a conversation
Never knowing his evil motives

You will nod and strangely agree
to things you thought you didn’t believe
He will befriend you and ****** your mind
You’ll slowly change and compromise

One day he will knock upon your door
And  walk right in and he’ll ask for
a friendly wager if you’re interested
Your hearts desire anything you wish

Greed gently tempts with untold riches
He promises you your 3 wishes
How fortunate you think your fate
And what a deal you think you made

You take a breath and close your eyes
A billionaire a mansion and nice ride
He folds his arms and makes it appear
now it’s my turn you suddenly here

Greed and lies rules this Djinn
And his freedom he tricks you in
The magic fades and slowly rust
All your gold will turn to dust
889 · Sep 2018
The magician
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
Short sided half blinded
Slight of hand and I’m reminded
Tricks hidden up his sleeve
As well as the Ace of diamonds
always ready for the next  show
As it must go on as we all know
Well suited half cocked fully booted
Well dressed and nicely suited
mischievous clever handsome gent
More confidant than the president
Well worded heavy handed compilments
Flow like honey from his lips
Sparkling smile and sinister grin
witty banter and articulate speech
Each magic trick a selfish greed
To trip you up and slow your speed
Prepared illusions well practiced form
precisly metered and preformed
Perfected evil and aptly staged
To keep you fooled and entertained
878 · Jun 2018
The Trial
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Should I define the explanation
I love a good cross examination
You interject so crudly I have to question
The reasoning for this strange expedition
a useless attempt on your part my dear
Maybe you’ll trip over the truth this year
A fruitless Journey, Mr District Attorney
A disarrayed and unbelievable story  
You weave a dark and deceitful tale
conceited hard headed unfortunate male
Misdirectting the jury cheap distraction
waiving a wand for a nice reaction
It will not change or alter the facts
The truth always finds its way back
Cleverly worded and with particular jabs
Aimed to destroy any chance you had
skillfully and with style and wit
Disassembled every lie you tried to get away with
determined and with direct intent
Eviscerated and attacked your defense
Easily directed and earned the  jurors trust
With the ease of a professional psychiatrist
But all of this is not in vain
A lesson here has been learned and gained
595 · Dec 2018
The wager
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
A friendly wager between the two
A shake of hands and it was through
God and the Devil struck a deal
How many souls could they steal
subjects of a sinister bet
Humans as the main event
Our fate a twisted competition
boredom replaced by a bad decision
Who would win the most souls
And bragging rights and gold medals
A different kind of entertainment
To keep them busy for a minute
This madness trumps all rational
Where right and wrong they can not tell
Like waking up from a demented dream
A nightmare played on a movie screen
Would God betray us and sell us out
Just for lack of something else to do
Maybe Such madness is not so far fetched
To put a price tag on all our heads
But this is just a silly thought
A harmless notion That I dwell on
Out of boredom and lack of sleep
But what a scary thought indeed
A deal with the devil and god agrees?
549 · Dec 2018
Hands and Parts
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
While on my  way to a friends gathering
I came across some boys walking
they spoke to me said I was pretty
I shied away from complimentary
they tore my dress ithat day
As I screamed  my little screams
covered my mouth no one could hear me
I bled my soul that day, no recovery
hands and parts in and all over me

Forcing and thrusting against my body
Shoving and pulling holding me down
After they finished left me there to bleed
Some nights I relive this haunting memory
Echos of voices penetrate my dreams
this is the day I lost my virginity

I tell my story It serves as a warning
To all the happy sweet nice innocent girls
Don’t be so **** trusting of what you hear
Not all  compliments from boys are sincere
Stop wanting thier approval and attention
Be aware if this very painful lesson
459 · Jun 2018
Welcome to the firing squad
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Welcome to the firing squad
Shut up and don’t talk too much
Maybe I’ll sew your **** mouth shut
Now they pull you down in front
Waiting for the guns to go off

Nothing here makes sense to us
Guess we should have risen up
Maybe now we will all stand up
Take down the goons with the guns

Should have made our minds up
Left them in a blast of dust
Put them on a train or bus
Now they'll get the rest of us

Let's get them all in a room
Light a match and watch the boom
Then have a party and watch them burn
We are in charge! it's our turn
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
The title means: Truth( Razor  Blades) For Beautiful Creature ( Of The Mind)

To explain what this poem is about, when I use the words Razor Blades,  I actually mean Truth and when I use the words Beautiful Creature I mean The Mind.  This poem is not about Suicide. It is about a girl who finally starts to remember painful memories of her past when she was a little girl. Her mind at the time couldn't handle or process what was happening to her so lies were put place to protect her fragile mind. When she is older and more capable of handing the truth her mind decides it's time to start the painful process of remembering and dealing with these memories.

It's beautiful this creature and me
we sit in silence grasping air
and appease the darkness willingly
the deepness of the tone goes on
Hearing small noises like a ancient drum
the ethereal voice creeps in
your good deed will soon arise
shoot out, shoot up, then compromise
the steady drum rolls on then stalls
what will creature bring to me?
a thought, a spark, a memory
a place to crawl in when my tide is high
or razorblades instead of lies

Places, Places everyone
the prisoners enlightenment has just begun
creature beckons my soul to arise
stand up and  open your once silent eyes
beautiful creature what have you done?
I have brought razor blades of truth sweet ***
What cruel truth will creature tell?
the ones you buried in your yourself
Whose thoughts and memories are these I ask?
my dear ghostly girl they are your past
for this is the hour of your reason
nothing here is out of season
fiery and fierce your will must be
do not be tempted by its misery
these growing pains must be held
they hold the keys to unlock your cell
beautiful creature how much will this hurt?
gut wrenching and painful
so a little a first
410 · Jul 2018
You’re so Vain
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
This vacuous space between
The words and commas that you speak
Liquidate what’s left of me
Disingenuous insults hurled so
Perfectly aimed and cherry picked
Precise and sharp and aptly wit
Like razor blades they cut a slice
Targeted malice but at what price?
To redeem this man his suffered worth
Or his self indulgent sense of birth
This big tall man of men
This giant, titan king of them
Bruised sore loser maniac
Faulty wiring physopath
You think you fill up a room
With all your charm that you exhume
Mr. handsome know it all
Has all the answers can’t be wrong
Every hair precisely in place
Matches the cold stiff smile on your face
The premeditated answers that you give And mannequin like movements as you shift
The others start to **** their heads
And their disbelief begins to spread
All of your false and fake  pretenses  
Come crashing down around the fences
The walls you built to hide the truth
Crumble down and can’t save you
All this in vain as you creep out
The room you ruled now filled with doubt
398 · Mar 2018
Strong Morphine Please
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
Lost my faded red lighter
can't believe I might have lost her
Just shoot me now, I can't go on
she was always there for me
and my funny little tantrums
Oh God someone save me!
from the flood, the wreck the fire
from every ******* disaster
I think I'm sinking, burning alive
in my own personal hell
my own foolish desires
quick call the doctor
someone stole my only friend
which was indeed my faded red lighter
is this place getting smaller
because it's getting hard to breathe
make me forget
strong morphine please
This poem is about anxiety
396 · Dec 2018
Paper Moon
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
Translucent dim lit paper moon
Slightly faded pale subdued tones
Delicate meloncoly hues gossamer gold
royal blues ethereal undertones
halos rings emits eclectric solar beams
radiates a rare luminescent glow
Shiny satellites inferior installations know
Gems of pearlescent ethereal stones
Composed orchestrated melodic overtones
Glorious galaxies of metallic chrome
Explored precious irredentist milestones
392 · Dec 2018
November Cold
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
November’s Icy fierce windy freeze
December’s snow quietly dreamed
January every second the longest hour
February told the clouds to shower
March’s moods and loud tantrums
Swelled like waves from the ocean
April grew colors of sweet perfume
May lit up the sky with yellow hues
June pushed me to heal my wounds
July honestly just spoke the truth
August sang sweet melodic harmonies
September walks and her majestic trees
October with its peircing blue skies
November’s landscape caught my eye
December and all it’s glorious white
January snowflakes sparkled in the twilight
February urged me to find my voice
March didn’t give me much of a choice
April is my new absolute favorite
May revealed some dark secrets
June helped me find my happiness
July I felt like myself again!
August taught me I am enough
September’s lessons I listened for once
November is when I fell back in love
December glowed and brightly glistened
the smallest speck as big as infinite space
Each continent sized second has a significant place
381 · Mar 2018
Paper Dolly
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
The tide subsides
As you creep in
The ocean waves crash upon our sin
The salty sweat of your razor tongue
Lashes out and melts the once brilliant sun
The Rocky cliff that is no more
Held the light upon its shore
You heaved, trashed and destroyed the walls
Thousands of years now dust and shards
You plucked the moon right from the sky
Crushed it down with just a sigh
Monster from the deep dark sea
What is it you ask of me?
You slashed gored down every tree
Pushed them over like a Paper Dolly
You stained the streets with our blood
Then trudged your way through the flood...
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
The title means: Truth( Razor  Blades) For Beautiful Creature ( Of The Mind)

To explain what this poem is about, when I use the words Razor Blades,  I actually mean Truth and when I use the words Beautiful Creature I mean The Mind.  This poem is not about Suicide. It is about a girl who finally starts to remember painful memories of her past when she was a little girl. Her mind at the time couldn't handle or process what was happening to her so lies were put place to protect her fragile mind. When she is older and more capable of handing the truth her mind decides it's time to start the painful process of remembering and dealing with these memories.

It's beautiful this creature and me
we sit in silence grasping air
and appease the darkness willingly
the deepness of the tone goes on
Hearing small noises like a ancient drum
the ethereal voice creeps in
your good deed will soon arise
shoot out, shoot up, then compromise
the steady drum rolls on then stalls
what will creature bring to me?
a thought, a spark, a memory
a place to crawl in when my tide is high
or razorblades instead of lies

Places, Places everyone
the prisoners enlightenment has just begun
creature beckons my soul to arise
stand up and  open your once silent eyes
beautiful creature what have you done?
I have brought razor blades of truth sweet ***
What cruel truth will creature tell?
the ones you buried in your yourself
Whose thoughts and memories are these I ask?
my dear ghostly girl they are your past
for this is the hour of your reason
nothing here is out of season
fiery and fierce your will must be
do not be tempted by its misery
these growing pains must be held
they hold the keys to unlock your cell
beautiful creature how much will this hurt?
gut wrenching and painful
so a little a first
343 · May 2018
Serious Swagger
Noel Billiter May 2018
serious swagger weighted gait
Heavy ***** hard left side sway
Gritty sleezy slicked back style
Contagious beautiful easy smile
Stone cold **** mega rockstar status
Smooth icy cool on stage backlit
Fortunate fellows follow his fate
Perfectly posed and pleasently fake
Every inch and word portrays a studious
Headliner of untold fame
Gold lined suited Taylored and primed
the spotlight gazes for him to find
300 · May 2019
The confessions of Four
Noel Billiter May 2019
He introduced himself as Four
Told me to listen and closed the door
I have a confession i need to make
To right the wrongs of my mistakes
My sins are numbered by my name
dark secrets I’ve held and soley claim
One Sunday morning a plot unfolds
Took a life to save her soul
The second occurred at 21
A bar several beers and a gun
Number three a damaging lie
Hurt many close friends of mine
The fourth accused as a thief
Charged convicted and found guilty
Prayed repented and asked for forgiveness
Meditated deeply and contemplated
Searched endless for this very moment
For gods approval and atonement
273 · Jun 2018
King of Nothing
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Your cash lined pockets can’t hold all your gold
Your beautiful castle made of ice cold
And there you sit upon it’s thone
I still don’t envy because you are all alone
There you are with all your presious  “things”
And what happiness does it bring?
When you meet your love and she has inner “Gold” will you see her for what she holds?
Will you pass her by unknowingly without the slightest glance or peer from your eyes
What you will miss is the love of your life
How sad this makes me my heart aches
You will die sad and no one by your side
Because you walked right by her side and you didn’t know her worth while alive
256 · Jun 2018
The healing realm
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Come on in to another
I'm not a saint, but I've gone no farther
Don't delay the healing motion
No, don't delay we're losing patience
Come on in from isolation
Take everything in moderation
Just another question to
The lost soul who stands In front of you
Here take my hand
I'll lead you over
Were almost there
It's not much farther
Were going under, beyond and over
Don't look back it's now or never
The pain will soon release

Come on in and take a friend
To this place where madness ends
A perfect feeling will soon set in
You will rise above and fall again
Look around we are so far gone
Into this place we don't belong

Can you believe this feelings mine?
Ignore the "Do Not Enter" sign
Way beyond the realm of time
Is where we roam out on the line
Ever closer to disaster
Farther from the present danger
Soon we will be above their laughter
Far from being sober
Here take my hand, I'll lead you over
We are almost there, it's not much farther
We are going under, beyond and over
Don't look back it's now or never
The pain will soon release.
Originally a song it has a beat I wrote it to
248 · Mar 2018
Flames for Breakfast
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
I found a red door
I've never seen before
I followed until the dawn awoke
we all unlock to become then not
What a place dark and subtle
whispers chanting harsh and little
a small smile I sank into
within a space I thought I knew
I'm not all there, I must confess
Flames for Breakfast?
Everyday I rise with the rest
and smoke a unlit cigarette
out of this place I'll soon forget
I'll fly away, too soon to nest
243 · Dec 2018
A Vengeful Sea
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
Tides of angry crashing waves swell tall
The shore abruptly braces itself
Ancient books and secrets have held
This thousand year old epic battle
Famous fortunes fortold of this war
Hundreds of fight to settle the score
creatures emerge from the murky deep
abandoning all reason or sympathy
The salty sweat of its razor tongue
Lashes out and melts the once brilliant sun
Cursed the landscape into dust
Cliffs and mountains all forsaken
No longer grace us with their wisdom
A thousand years crushed eviscerated
A scorched earth now blackened ashes
Noel Billiter Jan 2020
on Friday night just after 10
small town locals gather talkin ****
standing outside a dive bar dimly lit
a loud crowd of obnoxious drunk derelicts
anxiously wait gossip and smoke cigs
faint amplified sounds of acoustic guitars
play practiced late night written chords
half lit ***** drenched musicians
with whiskey soaked rockstar ambitions
strum vintage Gibson’s and fender strats
songs about lost loves what if’s and regrets
behind a big shiny silver microphone stand
prominently displayed fancy cowboy hat
his handmade tailored studded boots
tap in rhythm sipping a glass of absolute
charred smokey voice like a burnt cigarette
personifies a James dean confidence
240 · Mar 2018
Blue Jean Cow Girl
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
I'm a blue Jean cowgirl
Heading for a place to rise
And somewhere out there in between you and I
On my way to little Skylake
I'm a dripping green on the dragon gate
That's where I left my silver Heartache
Big-time cash in honey, let the games begin
On a burgundy wine high
Boy time I zip my fly
I'm a Coca-Cola *****
I'm your blue-eyed death wish
I'm a Saturn returner
Who killed the Road Runner
I'm a blue Jean cowgirl yes who will be the one to save my anxiousness
Cause I'm going on a trip
And I'm taking my acoustic
Gained a bit of my soul on my way back
It was getting late miss placed that sad heart ache
Met a starlit ****** boy who sold his soul for a nice goodbye
236 · Oct 2019
Pretty Pearls
Noel Billiter Oct 2019
She’s a pretty pearl with a sinister smile
Highly addictive and somewhat vile
Light the flame she sizzles and pops
Like little crumbs of white  rocks
Adorned with hues of reds and blues
Blowing out dark smokey plumes
The way she makes you feel so high
Waves of pure happiness slowly float by
Hungover at 3 am in a ***** motel
4 shots of whiskey still feel like hell
A few sips of beer and I’m out the door
Money in hand to cop some more
228 · Dec 2018
The Judges
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
They burned under mercy
when suspicion ruled and courts were cruel
willed to sleep when the black soaked in
and candles flamed
as each night tore another sin
silence soared the untamed green
no mercy here among the savage screams
those innocent souls
whose voice they told
Were not heard by those who scold
they spoke
they rose
from ashes of rage
and ultimate smoke
Their ghosts seeking redemption and justice
A warning  sign to those who judged
The innocent who hold a grudge
Karma will come and spare none
So steel yourselves the real hunt has begun!
224 · Jul 2018
Shadow Replica
Noel Billiter Jul 2018
His words now crawling on my back
As I slip off into dark
Those words I couldn’t say before
Now sliding of my so called tongue
And me alone he’s thinking of
Such a influential thought
The truth is I still got
A shadow replica
Maybe it’s just some cosmic hysteria
God I hate those sunburned blondes
She likes lifting up her dress
To explain the words she can’t confess
I caught him sleeping in her bed
Looking through the infrared
Oh god I see a avalanche
and just what happened to the sand
Running through the hourglass
A absent me forgot to be
My past is catching up to me
And now I’m slipping of the dark
Such a influential thought
Taking hold she’s all caught up
My famous shadow replica
223 · Jan 2020
Sweet Spider Lashes
Noel Billiter Jan 2020
He’s got some sweet spider lashes
Like a tidal wave he comes and crashes
round emerald reflecting pools his iris
fractured shards jeweled spectrums
saturated azure shades electric blue
arctic white porcelain chiseled stone
iridescent rose gold cheek bones
ruby red stained shimmering pout
prismatic copper toned curly locks
218 · Mar 2018
Marlboro Queen
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
Well I'm taking off my skin i'm tearing through the thick of it
Shedding like a snake I want to be this, next week
Yes I know it's bad smoking is bad for my health but the surgeon general doesn't follow me around anymore
Now it's all the boys hitting on  everything that walks
They think they're so cool with everything they talk
Taking off the ball and chain in the hand that holds me down
And I lost my health so I fear myself
in the ground below that seem so sturdy
now unruly
Hey the wax coating is finally pealing away
hey I am healing no need to wear any, you're already appealing
The little angel that you are picking up on
***** words in all your words now clinging to the things you do
But watch who you talking to
Strangers like to follow you
So appealing that you know yourself so well
you're pretty
What a pity
I won't hold it against you
Better start to smear your lipstick
aint nobody here that is perfect
The girls from your past are creeping looks like your their main dish they said
Such perfect skin so sad to see your on their wish list
Now to get your hundred lashes but baby don't worry don't act like that because h
210 · Mar 2018
Useless pack of reds
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
Emerald Blue, shes walking through
broken pieces of her youth
she'll never ask that of you
have you seen her latest scheme?
she's getting back her beliefs
now she only hears the dark
it's always had a way with her
she has always had a way with words
Emerald Blue she'll see right through
everything you ever do
I'm sitting here among her mess
haven't had my much needed cigarette
waiting for a flame to catch
upon it's tip of bitter sweetness
just a little nicotine fit
can't seem to find some matches
such a useless pack of reds
sitting here among her darkness
whatever happened, use to know an Emerald Blue
203 · Mar 2018
False Idols
Noel Billiter Mar 2018
Your soul jumped into mine
And we lost track of time
There are no rules
Nor obligations
Just skeletons  and temptations!
We rule this soul, no objection...
What shall we do with our deception?
Business or pleasure? My sweet accomplice...
Drink and be merry?
Or divide and conquer?
Shall we claim this world unfit?
And "off" them all in spite of it?
They call us Gods and then they bow
Beneath our heavy furrowed brow
Our hallowed words shall remain
Until the very end of days
There will be statues in our honor
Our words of "wisdom" carved there after!
197 · Dec 2018
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
Light beams scatter through the air
A thousand stars react when you stare
Diamonds shatter amoung your glance
The tallest mountains never stood a chance
The sun shines brighter just for you
The moon himself gives you a better view
A note sounds sweeter as it flows
In and out of sound it goes
Waves bow down and change their tide
The trees sway in rhythm as you walk by...
Do you even know your own weight?
Worth more than gold or so they say
Rumors about your beauty
Swirl through the crowded streets
Whispers of a Angel here on earth
Spread quickly as we speak
Written down in folklore books
The story of your famous looks
The dreamy way you always walk
And lovely words you softly talk
The fairytale forever told
Through generations new and old
Your picture guilded Dipped In gold
More prominent then queens and thrones
The most beautiful woman ever known
Carved in marble
Etched in stone
194 · Jun 2018
Snake Charmer
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Walking dreaming talking scheming
Upwards towards the sky I fought
Downwards tripping down I ought
Double meaning words spill from
My snake like bewitched fork like tongue
Shady altered unfriendly friends
Shadows follow slowly bend
Adventures tease and lure me out
To the dark outskirts of a ghostly town
We wander aimlessly about and around
Nothing lives here just dust of crowns
We find our way back to a place we know
And see some friends and off we go!
To another place another adventure
With our slippery words and greasy temper
192 · Jun 2018
Anthony’s Rage
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
It was winter cold
fierce iciness against our skin
dawn was far away and ignored our disruption
I stood in front defending my friend
Then a violent ****** of his rage
My body thrown feet away
The ground now greets me with sharp pain
The still quiet dark, snow stinging my skin.
He stands above me laughing like sin
get up! Run! Stupid girl!
Frantically running panicked scared
I enter his house, is anyone there?
Room to room, locked a door
Holding it shut with all my strength
Pounding, kicking , yelling, Cursing
He crashes thru, a vase smashes near
run run stupid girl!
Away from his hands around my neck
Back outside to find my motionless friend
Get up! Get up! We have to go!
She doesn't move and now I know
He slowly walks down his driveway towards us
Paralyzed, alone  and unprepared
Table leg in his hand, I'm shaking in fear
I steel myself, ready to brave a beating
Inches from us, he stops...raises his arm
Out of the darkness
Police Cars lights and voices surround us
Saved saved from Anthony's rage!
A true story
191 · Jun 2018
Lost in a Walk
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Walking outside again, a breeze kisses your face and sways the trees you see along side of you. You notice the detailed gondola across the way, without a doubt as old as the church it's next to. Grand canals await peacefully in the warm sun, soaking up the stream of rays that shred the daylight, piercing your skin with soft radiance. At night thousands of lights are the water's eyes that greet you as you pass. The water looks like a door to heaven, as you peer at it with an amazed look. It is a seamlessly endless place with wonder and excitement crawling around each corner. In the streets a beautiful melody seeps though the darkness and your ears writhe to listen. A harmony of voices joins in to temp and arouse your senses. You follow as if in a trance to see the mystery, you are enveloped by the music, it overpowers you as you float down the sidewalk, aimlessly unaware of everything around you.  

You approach a library. Inside there are brilliantly light portraits lined on each wall, newly polished and cleaned but obviously old and delicate to the touch. You see tall shelves with withering books you swear will fall apart just by the gleam in your eyes. History and intrigue  drip from the ceiling, lashing out at your curious mind and fascinated movements as you stand in awe in the immense world you have just fell into. Dark hallways that whisper and scream the ancient rituals of yesterday, capture your thoughts and dreams as you walk away inspired.
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
I can't contain wish I could
I'll just re-strain and say I should
Went to church on Friday night
No one came until Sunday light
Bless me father for I have sinned
I can't believe I'll fry for this

My skin always in need of something, Somewhere down on my knees begging for a sweet release of heavens love and gods approval

This anger is wild and has no end
There is no peace for what I've done
For in silence of me no bliss
Forgive me father
I can't believe ill fry for this
Search for others so I become
Have used again  And so it goes on
185 · Jun 2018
The Judges
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
They burned under mercy
when suspicion ruled and courts were cruel
willed to sleep when the black soaked in
and candles flamed
as each night tore another sin
silence soared the untamed green
no mercy here among the savage screams
those innocent souls
whose voice they told
Were not heard by those who scold
they spoke
they rose
from ashes of rage
and ultimate smoke
Their ghosts seeking redemption and justice
A warning  sign to those who judged
The innocent who hold a grudge
Karma will come and spare none
So steel yourselves the real hunt has begun!
About Salem witch trials
185 · Jun 2018
The Choice
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
I want to be a positive influence in this world
and pull good karma towards my soul
Random kindness, forgiveness and unconditional love
Can heal the hurts of ones heart
however the other force
the negative one
is a tornado that will pull you in and take you apart with every inch of it's gruesome power
and you will go down with a violent smack!
it's malice is only self serving
and to no other end will you become
183 · Jun 2018
The Man with the Shoes
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
Click click click click
His shoes hit the ground with that sound
Into his abyss he takes me
On my Chest a heavy feeling
His full weight, my eyes hit the ceiling
As he grasps my throats, my soul steps out
Into my NEW world, I crawl slowly towards a door that is not there
Wake up! Wake up! My voice cracks
I am not asleep...
Time ticks STOP! ******* clock
Get out of here girl and fast
Never will I be the same
183 · Jun 2018
I woke up in shambles
Noel Billiter Jun 2018
I woke up in shambles
Stark across the room
Nothing but my underwear on
Just what happened last night
Hit the bottle hard enough to fight
Can't remember what was ought
You sit there with a confused grin
Somewhere is my bottle of gin

I want to talk about it
How much we lost
How did we lose each other
And what is the cost
i try to speak some words to you
I say it loud but it slips right thru
Everytime I make a fine
Alternative, we never seem to give a ****
I woke up in shambles again
Wondering if I could make up for my next sin
Guess I should guess again
Same mistakes **** girl **** gin
Goodbye my love I tried I tried
It just wasn't enough this time
Someday I'll make it rhyme but for now
I'll just take my time
Get up, get dressed and remember my lines
Move on to the next love of mine
180 · Dec 2018
Earth Has Autocorrect
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
I have a scary reoccurring thought
That makes me wonder “what if” a lot
Like the day we find the plans
The true agenda of the fate of man
A conspiracy that earth had hid
declaring the human race unfit

Between the Mother Nature and the race
Exists a document that states
A signed and dated binding contract
That ends the moment we become the threat
The day the earth declares us all hypocrites
Her wrath and vengeance apocalyptic

As the details of the conspiracy unfolds
We learn the just how far and deep it goes
As the utter shock of our destiny sinks in
earth’s first choice is self preservation

Her twisted sense humor played
Ironic justice on the human race
A horrific plot and a hidden agenda
Unaware the we are the main event

consumed, ravaged, without any remorse wasted, used her precious resources
gluntenus soul ******* human parasites
unintentionally inept absurd and precise subsequently fired are future grim
Our small fixes just foolish intentions

Fully Confident and with conviction
Nature puts herself first without hesitation
A desperate move of self preservation
Recinds the contract we signed and dated

car exhausts and chemical that we dispense
casually released with deadly consequence
We so easily waste and carelessly use
chopping down trees for a post it note
Aimlessly aloof and utterly a joke

Our end solely and completely on mankind
So teach your children differently this time
We are small and insignificant cells
She’ll take us out and save herself
178 · Sep 2018
November Cold
Noel Billiter Sep 2018
November cold
December snow
January is my least favorite
February deep regret
March is very sad and lonely
April I was still in mourning
May I always forgive myself
June I put him on a shelf
July is when I began to smile
August made it all worthwhile
September taught me to move on
October skies and long walks
November I felt like me again
December ended and I began
178 · Dec 2018
Arizona Blues
Noel Billiter Dec 2018
A couple bucks in my pocket, A ticket a locket
Somewhere else for this restless soul
To keep it safe to keep it whole
Tell me where Arizona went
lost it on my way to this
A car a bus I just don’t care how
I’m leaving this ***** small messed up town
I'm getting closer to the state
When Arizona comes I'll stay
My blues are falling into place
Lost my map in another state
Where did you get these blues he said
Choked out a sentence with a swig of gin
What happened to that sweet little girl I use to know way back when
I answered Dont remember her with a sarcastic grin
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