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NoHayPila Nov 2024
A veces
me siento tan sola
Es un dolor que
pica, y
me escupe

Dicen que
el tiempo
las heridas

Pero la soledad
vive con el tiempo,
Quisiera estar
estando sola

como puedo
cuando es
todo lo que
Algun día estaré cómoda en mi piel
NoHayPila Nov 2024
te busco en los demás
Tu amistad saturó y
llenó las grietas
en mi ser

Te vas
Te disculpas
Lava y repite

Claro, te extraño
pero, como puedo
extrañar a alguien
que nunca conocí?

Me conformo y
me complazco
con un desconocido
Lava y repite
A veces siento que estoy intentando a reemplazar a una amistad que tuve y lo busco entre otras personas. Pero eso nunca se podrá reemplazar
  Nov 2024 NoHayPila
What if every little thought
That lives inside your head
Instead of hiding away in there
Was spoken out, was said?

Would you be embarrassed?
Would you hate your mouth?
Would you rather be mute
Than let the truth come out?

What if every little thing
That people thought of you
Instead of being tucked away
Was heard, was listened to?

Would you be ashamed?
Would you cover your ears?
Would you rather be deaf
Than let the truth come near?

And what if every image
That passes through your thoughts
Was freed from its prison
To roam until it rots?

Would you be disgusted?
Would you look away?
Would you rather be blind
Than see your thoughts at play?
  Nov 2024 NoHayPila
Friends for Dinner
Every bit and every key
Every thing that makes me "me"

Validation via screen
Validation via stream

A proxy heart
And virtual veins
Code information
To my brain

Burn down the walls
Or let me climb
Type truth to form
And shape my mind

As cord's to board
So is root to tree
This light is so bright
That I can't see

Glitching bits and corrupted keys
Validate me or I'll scream

Constitute my myocene
Validation via screen
We each contain components which we would rather reject. One of mine feels the deep desire to know the approval of strangers. I do not like this, but it is the truth.

Rather than removing and rejecting the urge, I am choosing to embrace and integrate it, with the hope that it may someday grow into a healthier version of itself. With the help and kindness of friends, I believe this is an attainable goal.

I seek external validation too earnestly because I was taught, incorrectly, that only fools are pleased with themselves. If it does not come from another, if it is only true to you; how can it be agreed upon as 'real'? This idea put me in a position that made it advantageous to try and understand the wants and needs of other people. Which is not, itself, an innoble goal, of course. The major issue that I have with it is that I've widely done so in order to help myself, rather than aiming for the obviously more thoughtful alternative.

Someday my Validation Machine will be addressed by another name, as her function will swing toward kinder things. I look forward to this day. But until then, a plugged-in and needy being, I must, for now, remain.

— The End —