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 Dec 2016 zeph the deer boi
Perhaps I'll move to the cardboard box
that sits under the stairs.
I'll say I found a new apartment,
one at no expense.
I'll have my own aerosphere
3rd-class postage stamps,
punched into my knees.
I'll get to know the gloves and folds
that package at my skin-
let the corners of the box
soften into different shapes
and alleviate my fears.
 Dec 2016 zeph the deer boi
Sometimes I feel like writing
but sometimes it takes days,
for me to think of something
and bring the pen to page.
When brought to you it brings you undue stress
unwelcome guest that turns the soul to red
It comes upon you in your mind's address
a barrier with chains that have been bled

Suffocation that starts a loudly tick
you wrap the condition around your life
you rustle the sheets, and no sleep- lungs kick
and throw away chances-- sharp as a knife

One will claw you, and another will pull
an endless battle-- only you alone
mind is scattered, try to keep a handful
words can not escape, I miss my own tone

At my own hands I sink and fall and drown
surrendering to the trench that keeps me down
 Dec 2016 zeph the deer boi
 Dec 2016 zeph the deer boi
Around and around the bees fly,
above the colorful flowers.
You'll never know when they'll try,
To gain what's rightfully ours.
If I needed you
Right this second
I've been shot
Hit by a reckless driver in a cab
It's an emergency
My life isn't just on the line
I feel myself dying
Bodies becoming cold like the pavement
My heartbeat
Is starting to fade
I'm fighting to stay conscious
But everything seems to be in a daze
And there's only one person I can think of
You said you'd miss me when I'm gone
Is that really true ?
Because I'm calling
Because I'm dying
And all I wanted to say
Is I love you
But as usual
I can never get through
"I'm sorry the person you have called has not set up there voicemail, goodbye"
**** oh well
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