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i look at her in the innocence of her casual moment
and in the fine lines of the truth of her image
i see with clarity that she defines me
her hair wet thick tangible with its scented cascade
the curves of her eyelids
the flecks of black in the blue of her eye

in the detail of her
are the thousands of words that a woman's heart whispers
the seas of mystery and soft summer meadows of longing's dream
the ink of her lips feed my pens soul
the soft lines of them wet supple
to hear your name upon them is like having your soul wrapped in silk
she whispers mine
and for a time uncounted i pass from this world
in her lips gentle embrace

she says something but i am so caught by
the intensity in her eyes
the words unspoken there are the fires of my hearts very soul
i burn brightly there in the warmth of her gaze
i burn sweetly in her desires
like drifting on a sea of tears of joy
a thousand lifetimes of the wandering in bliss fairytale kingdoms delight
brought to life in space of a moment that she touches you with her eyes

i with the greatest care untangle her from her doubt
her lips paused in the spoken word
as she searches my face for meanings
i tell her simply that she is the garden of my soul
and i savor all the beautiful things that she gives life to in my heart
the ink of her lips writes the poem of my world
the songs of her echo along my senses from my fingertips
in the warm damp of her hair
to her scent filling my soul with its symphony's of every want that
any soul could ever dream
i burn brightly there in the warmth of her gaze
i burn sweetly in her desires
the crows narrated his approach
as if devising his doom
but scatter to springs crisp air
as he drew near
crying out as they took to wing
an odd forlorn song that crows speak
in the front yard he pauses in the wild weeds and litter
he pushes open the door
and cool dark silences greet him
he steps inside and a crow lands on the lawn
its strange eye leveled at him

inside the house he lay on the stained mattress
with the full weight of his own mind on him
restless he spins on the sheets and
wrestles the blanket for answers it dose not contain
eventually he just sits by the grey stain of a window
and watches the slow clockwork precision that
night consumes day like a glutton with dinners three fold

night is stillness in the house
he sits on the front step barefoot among the
leaves cast aside by the living world
each a unique face gone dark by deaths hand
gathered here by twisting winds
to find comfort in mutual decay
like parched lips feeling for the condensation of souls
lain out for burial
the dead are wet leaves stacked in the heart
sweep them up and tenderly carry them to pyre
release me from this earthly tomb

in the grey of morning
he walks barefoot still across the lawn
decorated with litter and weeds
to the broken fence
when a single crow
utters its soulful cry
the dead are wet
release them from this earthly tomb
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
3:15 am
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery

3:15 am

3:15 am…blurred red numbers tell as
I stir, reaching for what I have seen,
grasping for the moments spent in the presence of beauty
as once again you have visited me in a dream…

Pure white flowing whispered fabrics and butterfly trails
awash of waterfalls cascading and mountain top zephyrs,
rock face delights collect on horizons of hope
as softness frames your luminescent face

My eyes focus in the darkness
as your touch remains real on my skin
I am still while stars sleep in crescent moon hammocks
How can this be, I am alone, yet I was not, for I could see

You were searching for me,
barefoot on lush green vistas, daisy paths and buttercup drops
neath cotton candy clouds suspended
above echoes of love songs harmonizing with our heart beats  

Night outside my window keeps time in silent motions,
slowly sweeping breezes form rhythmic patterns
and poetry settles upon my body
as I continue to write within my now awakened mind

Destiny beckons in fruited winds
as chocolate eyes find luscious views of nature’s majesty
Your skins glows of spring blooms in petal’d bliss
and opal desires in the warmth of the day

But I had found you…you had found me…
my desperate wanderings have shown me the prize, illumined the joy
lingering in your smile…your eyes
your touch which stays with me even as I lay alone…still dreaming

Sun beamed passions follow you, caress you in
dancing shadows of flowing brown hair
breathing of morning glory skies
and shimmering dragonfly wings

At this early hour, with an apricot moon peering through the curtains
and these words which have found me
playing among my thoughts, I now realize
that my every dream is are my poetry
Early morning thoughts
                   of taking this chance
                   and letting you see
                   just how jagged every
                   little piece
                  me is.  Broken, all my
                  scattered portions flutter
                  away until I'm no
                  longer sure of just
                  picture they used to
                  complete.  And you come
                  along, strolling oh-so-
                  casually to retrieve
                  piece and that piece,
                  fitting them in their
                  rightful places again.
                  Each snugly put in with a
                  I never imagined could
                  exist in reality. So tell me
                  why, when I so clearly see
                  your pure intentions, why
                  I not just accept it all?
                  Instead I wonder, second-
                  guess, and contemplate
                  running.  Can I ever just
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