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Mohammed Arafat Apr 2020
I get myself together
not knowing how to react
I look around
Everyone is wondering
carrying the same heavy feeling
the same handful of hope
the last piece of hope
“Why did you come into our little world?”
I asked with an obvious question mark
waiting for an answer…

Mohammed Arafat
Mohammed Arafat Apr 2020
Away from the brown soil where I was born,
away from the red strawberries and the yellow corn,
away from the grave of my grandfather who taught me farming,
and away from my family-jammed home with no backyard or swing,
I sing of my far land,
in which my dreams grew,
with no end.
I sing for the land that gave me patience,
that gave me bravery,
that planted love in me,
which became high green trees,
reaching the skies of other hearts,
I sing for the land where love lives,
with hate trying to replace it.

I still sing of my land,
for which I long night after night
song after song,
curse after curse,
tear after tear,
nightmare after another.

I still sing of my land,
where I lost friends and family,
where good people die, not of hunger,
but of oppression,
where good and bad exist,
where easy gets complex,
where stories are narrated by silence,
voices are heard from the dead,
and decisions are made by the foolish.
I still sing for it,
where infants are born political,
and their worrying about their rights becomes their toys.

I sing of the land, where brains are washed with fear and hate,
where farms are separated with walls,
where people are split by destruction,
where rubble shelter children,
where hearts are divided by revenge.

I will still sing for my land,
for what it gives me,
and for what it takes from me…

Mohammed Arafat
I was talking to someone dear to my heart, and we both shared photos of passports. The name of my country (Palestine) on the Passover  reminded me of how much I love my homeland. My  love to my land no matter how much it gives me and how much it takes from me
Mohammed Arafat Apr 2020
Since years and years,
they talked Salam.
I see no Salam.
What is Salam?
I don’t know how to say Salam.

Mohammed S Arafat
Peace means Salam in Arabic. This poem is for those who have been talking about Salam and never made it happen.
Mohammed Arafat Mar 2020
I am going out to pay my dreams a visit
It will be short, upping my thumb
They tell me words and I tell them some
I shan’t be late, you too come?

Arguments will happen and begin
They or I might sulk
At the end of today
I want them to win
not over me, but over their fellows.

Mohammed S Arafat
Mohammed Arafat Mar 2020
Mirror hung on my wall
I am staring at you
A conversation starts
between us two

Ununited the world is
You have hate to one another
Rage sneaks into your lives
to your nerves and blood
They love you when they need you
They leave you when you need them

The strong prey on the weak
The rich steal the poor
You have no right to speak
Patronage plays the role

Families divided
Decisions decided
Bad presided
You misguided

I come for a reason
to make you thankful
to stop the treason
and believe in handful

You came to teach us
but with a big fuss
Our families are pretty ill
Please, teach, but don’t ****!

Mohammed Arafat
Every new day comes while we are still quarantined at our houses and away from our friends and beloved ones, the Coronavirus shocks us with new surprises. Today, it inspired me to write this poem.
Mohammed Arafat Mar 2020
I walk for miles to reach the pink trees 
In a hurry, I rush, hurt my knees 
Under the strong sun, the cloudless sky 
I try to find place of shade and breeze 
In the place I woo, no wind. It is dry 
The sun still strong, it is warm and high 
I see no people but some buds of cherry 
It was never like this. It is a lie 
I am under the cherry, it is not ordinary 
Beautiful, stunning, pretty and extraordinary 
I stare out at the new colorful blossoms 
Praying for the return of the real imaginary

Mohammed Arafat
I have been waiting to visit the cherry blossoms in Washington DC since last year. The time comes now but sadly, it’s different and the scene is really sad. This inspired me to write this poem.
Mohammed Arafat Mar 2020
Besieged Twice
from eight to six
Crowds avoided
Gatherings faded
Restaurants closed
Hookah bars emptied
No meeting with my friends
No dating my crush
I am losing them
It’s unusual
I look at the sky
It’s blue and shiny
I don’t see warplanes
I see no tanks, no bulldozers on the borders
No soldiers with army uniforms.
What’s going on, then?
Once again, I realize I am besieged
By no humans
By no soldiers
But by a pandemic
that picks preys
and steals their lives!

Mohammed Arafat
I lived in Gaza most of my life, where I witnessed a siege by Israeli occupation. Now I moved to the US, things here look like having a siege, not by humans but by a virus.
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