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Blake Aug 2017
She says there is no love,.
She manifests it into something vile,.
I scratch my head until it bleeds,.
Wonder why she cannot see,.
What it means to burn,.
When the sun no longer shines in the heart,.
And a mellow feeling subsides,.
Just remember the feelings of high tide,.
Remember the loss of the sands,.
The fate is in her hands,.
If there was only one thing she can do,.
Is to believe that my love is true,.
When she thinks about something and ponders too long,.
She might as well just pack and leave it all alone,.
She looks for hints that do not exist,.
She looks for syntax and errors,.
Tunes them into binary that breaks the hard drive,.
Hell, m'lady, I am only trying,.
If she pulls back her eyelids and sees the love, she will smile,.
Like she did when we first met,.
When the four letter word was not so tasteless,.
When the times we shared were not bitter and hopeless.,.,.,,
Blake Aug 2017
Feelings tantamount to withdrawal,.
Trickling like lava,.
Onto my skin,.
I look within,.
And see the pain,.
That planned my mind,.
To wonder like a vagabond,.
Through the streets of desire,.
Wishing that before I find her,.
My hope will not expire,..,.
Blake Aug 2017
Anger froths from my mouth,.
Boiling onto your skin,.
Depression conjures emotion,.
Projecting from hallow eyes,.
Intruding into my soul,.
I cannot let go,.
Smiles evoke a feeling of safety,.
A fallback security feature,.
Laughter grows as the day passes on,.
Carrying on until we finally embrace,.
As for now, the vision is totally obscure,.,.,.,,
Blake Aug 2017
His heart not ready,.
Blotted by the coals of naivety,.
Her pale wings beat anachronistically,.
Blotting out the splintered sun,.
She smiled upon him,.
She penetrated his tainted soul,.
How could such beauty come,.
From under the graciously blinding sun..,?
Blake Aug 2017
Washing my hands in dirt,.
just a wonderer getting the clean off,.
feel too new to just walk through,.
Without being noticed,.
just a lost soul with a heart of gold,.
punished by the misgivings of suggestions on the billboards,.
how pretty we all must be,.
to live in this artificial world,.
pretentiousness is our God,.
On my hands and knees,.
I worship the land that was wasted,.
By the thoughts and misgivings of man,.
I worship the trees that breathe for our sake,.
Just for us to turn our backs; destroy and take,.
If there was a way to reverse our mistakes,.
I would still wash my hands in the soil,.
Maybe to see a sapling sprout and make it worth while of all our struggles.,,.,.,
Blake Aug 2017
Will we ever learn,.
To put aside differences,.
or will we stay persistent with hate,.?
Blake Aug 2017
With a pen as weapon I'm free,.
To entangle minds with ability,.
To freely excite words,.
To freely extrapolate this herd,..,.,.,
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