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Migel Aug 2021
Would the scars heal faster than the wounds inflicted?
Those are not the questions to be asked
Why do constantly inflict wounds?
Migel Jul 2021
Both stays at fall, but meanings don't match at all
one might mean the action to fall
and one mean to crumble

for the other means inlove
and without notice... the other means apart
To my thinking we would go down the same path of falling... i guess i lead u the different direction
  Jun 2021 Migel
Little did she know,
I love her
and the chaos
in her heart.
Migel Jun 2021
Intent to fill your heart with all of me
Not knowing i'm the thorns of the rose not the petals

Intent to fill your heart with love
But only made you bleed and be left with scars.
Too much a heart can take
  Jun 2021 Migel
I just wanted to make you smile
Your eyes were sad
And your heart had a void
I wanted to fill you up
And give you the warmth
That I was searching for
But I ended up making you bleed
And I'm sorry
I just wanted to love you
Migel Jun 2021
For so much the eyes can see
Naked is bestowed only for the body
Not so well known but being naked is also bestowed from deep with in
No secrets to hide
No intentions that are not shown
And open feelings

As two souls unite, two must require to be naked
As two souls unite, no unknown feelings or thoughts should hide
As two worlds collide unity is only to provide

Insecurities must be stripped away
Only a touch of your trust is required

Worries be removed so is doubt
A touch of your assurance is required

Past be removed and accepted
A touch of your settlement

Clothes resemble the feelings we hold
For two souls unite no clothes be worn
And the two worlds provide what is required for them to unite.
You should be open to you significant other, such things you hide and your lies, add up and end up to failure. Hold them close be stripped of the clothes you wear and settle down.
Migel Jun 2021
Life is what i hold dear to most
life is a breathe of releif and comfort you feel, oh hold me close
Life is where you reside and i simply exist to for the reason that you also do
Life is never temporary always there to exist
life is a ray of light seeping through the clouds
life is where you reside for my life is upon you
Life is filled with glimmering eyes and shy smiles
life has sweet cheeks that turns red from just a simple peek
life is immaculate, unexplainable, unbeleivable
Life has a heartbeat and can breathe
life is simply you
for so much time left and time spent
never have i been happy to spend not time but life with you
life is so wonderful
because simply it's you...
Life love
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