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 May 2017 Michalis
 May 2017 Michalis
i wrote a lot of great poetry when i was in love
i wrote even better poetry when i was in pain
i wrote the best poetry when i realized that the two emotions were actually the same.
 May 2017 Michalis
 May 2017 Michalis
Kiss me asleep
with your obsidian lips.

Protect my ears
from the cacophony nights would bring.

Fill the void
between heartbeats that skip.

Take me into the lull,
and into the siren song that you sing.
 May 2017 Michalis
Gracie Knoll
I bring all that I have
I bring all that I am
I bring all that I hoped that I'd ever be

And I place it
On the alter
At your feet

I give all that I can
I give all that I own
I give all that I hoped that I'd ever have

And I give you
All my worries
My hopes and despairs

Because all that I am is yours!
All that I have is yours!
All that I am is yours
Forever I will be yours!
Dear Jesus, thank you for
bringing me back to your fold
Thank you for your mercy and your love untold
I felt so lonely, and far, far away;

I didn't know how I would make it day to day
My hopes and my dreams had actually disappeared,
But then you healed my heart and my soul cheered
Deep down I knew that you would never, ever leave me,

Because you promised to be with me and accept me gladly
It was like a veil lifted from my face
It was like my depression had left no trace
My soul felt light and free as the wind

As free as if there had been no sin

I felt your presence ever near my heart
Even though I didn't acknowledge it from the start
I heard a small, still voice sweetly saying
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and start praying,

Help me Jesus to have
unswerving faith and love
Help me to realize that my help comes from above
Help me to be willing, strong, faithful & true

Help me give you the glory, in everything I do
Help me to be a living witness of your power & grace
Help me Jesus to finally win this seemingly impossible race
Help me to always lean on your firm and loving breast

Help me to trust you when I'm put to the test
Thanks, precious Jesus for opening your arms
Thanks, precious Jesus for tagging along
Thanks Jesus for fulfilling my wildest hopes & dreams

Thanks for letting me feel your most merciful, holy beams
You are truly the most wonderful, loving friend
you do have
and yet,
you may not

swim with me
beneath the sweet
summer moon,
sleep next to me
one lifetime,
be my playful
in this
this forest,
Thanks to my fridge magnet poetry muse, Mr. Ken Moore
God in the wind, the rain and snow,
God on high, and God below,
God with me, where'er I go,
God! God! God!

God in the cold, and God in the fire,
Burning away all base desire,
Setting all my soul afire,
God! God! God!
A chant inspired by a trip to a cave where St. Francis used to go to fast and pray until God spoke to him.
Copyright 2010 by Michael S. Simpson. All rights reserved by the author.

I’m Nobody! Who are you?
Are you—Nobody—Too?
Then there’s a pair of us!
Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know!

How dreary—to be—Somebody!
How public—like a Frog—
To tell one’s name—the livelong June—
To an admiring Bog!

Let my first Knowing be of thee
With morning’s warming Light—
And my first Fearing, lest Unknowns
Engulf thee in the night—
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