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Michael Nov 2018
For me, I like the girls, maybe more than I should
It's gotten me in trouble, though I swear I am good
My brother, he is different, he likes the other ***
He likes em tall, dark, handsome, with two bulging pecks
For his preference I'll never judge, frankly, I don't care
I love him all the same, though the world ain't as fair
They call him gay, a ******, and a queen
Yes, the world ain't right, and people can be mean
It doesn't get my brother down, his smile is always wide
My brother is my hero for he always has his pride

You say one way is right, and the other is wrong
I don't see it that way, I think we can all get along
Michael Aug 2018
I like cats, I truly do
I buy them food then clean up their poo
I am their father, and I love them so
Do they love me back, sometimes I don't know
But it matters not, my love is unconditional
In my family such love is traditional
I'm a cat person and I am proud of that
My best friend is a dog, but my son is a cat
Michael Aug 2018
"Hey, would you like to be with me"

"I don't know what you're asking, or what that would be"

"I don't know, but I think we should give it a try"

"But I guess my question is still just Why?"

"Well I think you're swell and I like you a lot"

"Then give it a try, we ought"
Michael May 2018
I’m trying to do good, to be good, I’m trying to try.
I want to be decent, kind, nice, a good guy.
I’ll be a person people can trust, a person on which all can rely.
I’ll try to be honest, sincere, genuine and I will not lie.
I’ll be respectful of others and their business, I won’t pry.
I’ll keep to myself, but I won’t be shy.
I’ll speak my mind to people and look in their eyes
This all seems unrealistic, my hopes are indeed high
But maybe with all that open space, I’ll find I can fly
And maybe I’ll find other people who think like I
Maybe I’ll join these people I find in the sky.
And maybe they will know why
Why is it so hard to be a good guy
Michael May 2018
I am all I am because of them
My good they’d praise, my bad they’d condemn
I learned all I know through what they taught
While it’s true there were problems, while it’s true we fought
That too made me stronger, for I knew how to fight.
Through their guidance I learned wrong from right.
I no perfect person though because neither were they.
And while I listened to them and all they had to say.
I also learned the importance of finding one’s own way.
I love my parents
Michael May 2018
Why’d it have to be me? I say with a whimper
Sometimes I wish life was just a bit simpler
I have a good life don’t get me wrong
But these days, the days just seem too long
I know compared to others there’s nothing to compare
But whoever you are sometimes life isn’t fair
I shouldn't complain, but I feel like I'm fighting alone
The answer to the pain is yet to be known
But that's life right? Long, hard, and then you're dead
That's what she said
Michael May 2018
I don't like doing things
But I do them anyway because the benefits they bring
See when you do things other things occur
It's not the ideal system, any other I'd prefer
When you do things people become glad
and often when you don't they become mad
So yes, doing things may be hard, difficult, and tough
But doing things, changes the world
So you should do all that stuff
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