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 May 2020 MichaelJfourie
CJ Tims
I am ashamed
At how broken i am.
I apologize
For the amount of stress
I may cause in the midst of your
Efforts of trying to keep me held together.
I apologize
that i continue to fall apart
Before your glue has time to dry.
I apologize
That every time you pick a piece of me up,
Yet another breaks.
I am trying.
You are fixing me slower than i am breaking,
And i am ashamed.
Thank you.
Thank you for not giving up
On a broken piece of nothing.
 May 2020 MichaelJfourie
I believe in the sycamore trees
As they cast their reflection upon the seas
They tower above us, tall and grand
The commandant of the untamed land

I believe in the whispering breeze
They travel the lands in burst full sprees
They swirl akin against an azure sky
A dance hidden from the human eye

I believe in the rising sun
A watchful mother bested by none
A warming presence waiting up high
A shining gemstone upon the sky

I believe in mellow humankind
Benign and tender in our mind
That we can bring some good to this life
To rid the world of worry and strife

__ OrcasTogether
Whether it be through mountains of snow or the scorching summer heat, just keep trudging on.
Make them wonder,
& Seek
the illusionary
at their
 Jan 2019 MichaelJfourie
you say you’re not a poet but
with a girl like that,
how could you speak
anything less than
the stars?
 Jan 2019 MichaelJfourie
 Jan 2019 MichaelJfourie
Take my open hand,
it shall not waver from sight.
I'll lead you from doubt.

— The End —