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 Feb 2016 Babylyn
 Feb 2016 Babylyn
Before I die I want to be somebody's favorite hiding place. The place they can put everything they need in order to survive. Every secret, every solitude, every nervous prayer, and be absolutely certain I will keep it safe.
And that's what set you apart from all the other lovers
The fact that for the first time in my life I got to collapse into someone's arms
And I wasn't required to be the
strong, independent, fearless person the world saw

I simply got to unravel, unload
*And breathe
 Feb 2016 Babylyn
PJ Poesy
Amidst creepers is brick abode
Red complimenting well the green
Dyed shady tinctures of blueish mode
And the lady hardly ever seen

Paleness in black windows glance
In silence does ivy swallow
Someone said her name, Alamance
Which I was told meant "Bless,"
or "Hallow"

How she lingered in her own exile
Frightened perhaps by unjaded air
Visited only once in a while
By younger man with greyish hair

He'd trouble through ivy growth
Past gate to staircase overridden
You felt dismay of them both
Ivy's soiled twine had so written

He'd leave packages at her door
Sometimes you'd see them speaking
Indeed very hard for one to ignore
The ivy encroaching and shrieking

Whoever knows what blessings be
Of existance and seclusion
How to bear astranged family
Commitment, fear, and delusion
 Feb 2016 Babylyn
A river is aware
of its course...
wise to the ways
of water.
~Jai Ma~
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