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freesoulandpoet Nov 2024
I've written it all, the sound of a heart that breaks
The steps of a soul that goes away
The silence between our space
I've left it all on the paper

So why is my heart still breaking?
Why is your soul still running away from me?
Why is the silence between us becoming louder?
I'm still writing it all on the paper

I carry a heart that breaks when your back turns
I carry a soul that slowly dies when you smile less
I am a sound that shouts with each steps you put between us
I'm still writing it on the paper

To the broken heart
To the empty souls
To those with silent tears in the distance
I will write it all on the paper
My heart sings new melodies every time it breaks. Look at me writing symphonies like Beethoven with all the parts I carry
freesoulandpoet Aug 2024
À ces âmes qui rendent nos sourires plus beaux,
À ces amitiés qui se tissent au fil du temps et résistent aux tempêtes,
Tempêtes qui emportent souvenirs et précieux moments,
Que je suis reconnaissante de vous avoir dans ma vie,
Oh vous, mes plus belles.


To those souls who make our smiles brighter,
To those friendships who grow with time and stand storms,
Storms that carry away memories and precious moments,
How grateful I am to have you in my life,
Oh, you, my most beautiful souls âmes.
A special poem for people I've known longer than I know life. I love you, beautiful âmes.21.02.24
freesoulandpoet Jul 2024
And when you die, die with no regrets
For death does not take appointments.
Walk that road, sing those notes,
Smile a little bit, cry a little bit more,
Hug often, eat that sandwich,
Run that marathon, drink those life's delights,
Walk when the sun sets,
For you might not be here when it rises.
And when you die, die with no regrets
For death does not take appointments.
Life is as a feather taken on a journey by the wind. May your feather stand through storms, cross deserts and float on torrents. May your feather write its story as it was designed.
freesoulandpoet May 2024
To Be Loved is To Be Seen
To be loved is to feel like the center of the universe
To be loved is to be held
To be loved is to be heard
To be loved is to be cared for
To be loved is to allow that inner voice to calm you down
To be loved is to allow those suppressed feelings to soar
To be loved is to carry your burdens with intention
To be loved is to see what's called ugly in a new light
To be loved is to feel the chill rain on a hot day
To be loved is to be offered a cup of tea or coffee when it's cold
To be loved is to smile, and really smile
To be loved is to be kind
To be loved is to be cherished
To be loved is to see your reflection and somehow, somehow love it
To be loved is to see yourself in others with light and love
To be loved is to be given the choice to choose
To be loved is to choose
To be loved is to be free
To be loved is to be here
To be loved is to say it, show it and live it

So believe me when I say "I love you", you are to be loved <3
May we experience love that grows beyond doubt, may our hearts be filled with such a feeling that words can never describe it, may our love shine through our every little moments. For now, and ever.
freesoulandpoet Apr 2024
This heart is hurtin' a lil' bit
Is it the snow all out or the cold inside?
I can't tell the difference
Because this heart is hurtin' a lil bit
freesoulandpoet Apr 2024
I grieve a love from a dream I had last night
I grieve a smile from a person I saw yesterday
I grieve a hug I let go a little bit earlier
I grieve a hand I didn't hold, afraid it goes away

Then it went, and now I grieve a love from a dream
I grieve harmonies we never sang
I grieve gazes from lost eyes,
Eyes that will never lock into each other's sights
I grieve stolen glances, brief smiles and deep looks

I grieve a love from a poem I never wrote
I grieve a song from a heart I never loved
I grieve a melody from a guitar I never played
I grieve a breeze from a wind I never felt

I grieve a silence from a noise I never heard
I grieve tears from moments I never lived
I grieve life from memories I never made
I grieve a love from a dream I never dreamt
Sit with your feelings. Listen to them. Give them room. Let them paint the place, let them remove the painting on the walls. Then, maybe then, you'll see your soul
freesoulandpoet Feb 2024
Your Love is like a Rose with Thorns
I am not sure what I see is the Red of Your Rose
Or the Red of my Blood
Because I am not sure if my hands touched the Rose
Or the Thorns


To Love You is to Love a Red Rose
The Red of my blood blend in so well
With the Red of Rose
Because every time my hands reach out for your Heart
All they hold are the scorching thorns on the Rose


I'll write to you when I can
But the ink will be my blood
Because these hands bleed every time they reach out
Reach out for You

May you go where you're appreciated, may your love be understood, may your heart be filled with laughter and care. May your reflection never be shallow as the cold desert on a hot morning. May your smile remind your lover of a shooting star among other stars, a miracle to always look forward to.
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