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 Nov 2014 MahoganyPumpkin
If this was a love poem
I’d wind your virtues round my fingers
Like wedding rings
And compare your beauty
To some sort of magisterial
Corner of nature
I’d write about ‘time’s winged chariot’
And I’d send you Sonnets
Cross-cut across desks -
Paper aeroplanes.
If this was a love poem
I’d find all these pretty little parallels
Between you and I
And I’d join our constellations of freckles
With ink chains and metaphors
Until we too enjoyed Paris
In the starlight
Or could afford each other
Rather than flowers
But I won’t write you love poems
Because we studied them for too long
In English class
And wrung all the enjoyment out of them
Like inked sponges
And you said you hated poems
Because they were never written for you
So instead I’ll write about how all I can really think about
Is that I preferred your hair before you got it cut.
Urgh - GCSE English Poetry :/
 Nov 2014 MahoganyPumpkin
is just a
roller coaster
of ups and of downs
of ins and of outs, twisting,
turning, rising, falling, jerking, gliding,
sometimes you can see the turns coming
sometimes you take them blind,
going with the flow, being
tossed and taken, and
bruised, shaken,
just part of
 Nov 2014 MahoganyPumpkin
Define perfect.
Is it a pretty face, nice hair?
Is it thin as a rod, or ripped with muscles?
Is it smart, witty and brilliant?
Is it funny and personable?
Is it friendly and kind?
Is it honest and true?
Is it in the way you walk, the way you talk?
Is it in your nature, in your core?
Is it inherent or attainable?
Is it even real, or just an illusion?
Perfection is an illusion, but one well wrought. Everyone falls into its trap.
Once upon a time
there was a beautiful time
in a beautiful place
when people were happy
and little boys sang in the streets
and little girls were not afraid to fall in love.

And everyone thought that beautiful time
and that beautiful place
were entirely the work of fiction
until someone said to them

Make that your time.
Make it here.
Make it now.

And them they took the happiness in both hands and rode it
felt the breeze of contentment blow them kisses in the moonlight
wrapped the cloak of serenity around their gowns of blissful ease
embraced the long forgotten warmth of rapture and never let it go
and they
sang in the streets.
and they
fell in love with the next person they laid eyes on
and they

*Made it happen.
Happen here.
Happen now.
There's a girl in my mirror.
She's there whenever I look
she never looks the same
I don't ever recognise her.

I wish she'd crawl back to
whichever ****** ward she
came from.
golden hair
burning up
clear brown eyes
made from muck
salted smile
lipstick tears
just a girl
dead for years
dressed in sunshine
dressed in blood
would they help her?
*no one could
Love never dies -
but people do,
and that's so much worse.
The match worth nothing
would not light a candle but
fuelled a revolution none the less
- turned out it wasn't nothing
after all.
In order to combat the increasing rise of poems
revolving around love if not death if not tragedy

In order to combat the remarkably unremarkable accounts
of commonplace things like war and depression and destiny

In order to combat the stereotypically stereotypical stereotypes
that are behind our society's long awaited demise:

This poem is fondly dedicated to Johnlock fanfic.
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