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  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Brie Sarita
Flying on Oxycontin
Feelin lonely and forgotten
Mind reeling
Don't know what the hell I'm feelin
Letting time do the revealing

Staring into space
Caring only with disgrace
While reality slaps me in the face

Goin so slow
Like where'd the hell I go
Lost cause no one will ever know

Falling further
Day n night become a merger
Soul gone like it was ******

Speed slows down
Fumbling, tumbling to the ground
Relief knowing no ones around
Finding solace
Reality not to be missed
Lost in intoxicated bliss

Although I know it
Its only for the moment
Temporary peace
Self induced release
Its too much, its a lot and
I'm flying on Oxycontin
feeling lonely n forgotten..
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Jonny Angel
I placed gentle kisses
along your spine,
traveled downward,
to the small of your pretty back,
where the deep pools
of your sweet sweat resided
& there I drank,
I drank until drunk
on the spirit of our sin
& in my delusion,
I confess,
every single minute,
every single stroke
was worth it,
just to be,
just to be loved
by another sinner.
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Poetic Artiste
If I unlocked my pages,
Would you read me?

If I showed you my chapters,
Would you remember my details?

If I opened my heart to you,
Would you accept me?

If I let down my walls,
Would you care for me?

If you ripped one of my pages,
Would you mend me?

If you scratched my cover,
Would you heal me?

If you completed me,
Would you toss me out?

If I didn’t intrigue you enough,
Would I be forgotten about?

If I served my purpose,
Would I be kept near forever?

Or would I return to the shelf?
Collecting dust,
Never again to be cherished or touched.
Until the silk of my pages lose their beauty becoming foxed.
As if I were not recently in your arms.
Enjoying the warmth of fingertips slowly turning my leaves,
Adoring the tender gaze set upon me,
While nearing a closing inevitably,
Why should I break my seal for you?
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