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Lucy Sky Aug 2014
I know what its like to be broken. Im full of cracks that my past left behind, and I've had my heart ripped out and shredded in front of me.
I want to kiss all of your wounds, I want to heal the pain from being broken. I can't make it disappear, but I want to help you rebuild.
The same thing you do for me.
That flame isn't going to fade. I've been broken down and abused and tossed aside so many times. I can't go through that again, if I break again, it will be the last time.
Others may make me smile, but no one else has ever made me feel ALIVE. Just your touch makes me feel ways I never thought I'd feel again. You mean more to me than I could ever put into words. I would and I will do anything I have to, so I don't lose you and lose the fire you ignited.
I want to pick up the pieces she left behind and put them together with the pieces of me. Find the way that they all fit together, in disarray and chaos, but they make something beautiful. Something that some people wait a lifetime for and never find.
**** the drugs. I understand what its like to be stuck in its grasp. Its controlled once before. Im not going to let it try to take control again and keep me from something so beautiful. Something I've searched for, that I never thought I would have after Chris died.
I want you, all of you, the good the bad the ****** up and broken.
I'll fight till death to keep that flame from disappearing.
Lucy Sky Aug 2014
I'm just a regular guy who has more problems than solutions. I'm struggling to get by in my every day life. I'm addicted to the one drug you don't want in your life, I'm so broken inside that I don't know how to even begin mending. I gave my heart and soul to the last person I loved and you saw the left overs. I'm used and abused by everyone because I have no backbone or ability to say no. I put on a smile when I'm crying inside. I love to see you smile because I can see the pain behind your eyes. You have. So much to give to the world and it makes me feel good to know I've helped you out of the shadows. However I fear the day you realize that you don't need me anymore. That there are others who will make you smile and feel alive once our flame has become familiar. I guess I'm scared to lose you once I have given everything I am to you. I'm scared of the day you wake up and realize you don't feel the way you do now. I've been bent as broken so many times that I don't know if I'll make it through another one. Please don't take what I've written wrongly. When I look at you I surprise myself with the warmth that overcomes me. The sensations that flow through me like electricity at your touch. We can spend endless hours together in silence and never have an awkward moment. I'm taken aback by how easily I've let you in and how deeply I can see myself falling or you.
  Aug 2014 Lucy Sky
Engorged with night sky
The fire supersaturated your eyes.
Warmth cocooned me dizzy as you whispered slowly.
My skin lustfully shivered from your deep vibrato.
A migration of monarchs erupted in my stomach.

Sunlight dimples the floor like the freckles under your eyes.
Surging electricity burning, tingling spastic from within.
Revolutionizing the way my lungs fill with oxygen.
How the blood pulses through the veins in my body.

Waves lip grainy sand
Making love over and over again,
Married to the moon's tide.
But my desire is not periodic
It incessantly permeates my being.

Lucid like soundless motion,
Distance blurred what tumbled from your teeth.
I knew what your tongue spoke,
But I, masqueraded as fool.

A breath caught in my cheeks.
Bright cauliflower moon hanged over you.
I swallowed it all whole,
Struck by our elephant fluttering erratic heartbeat.  

The sky swaddles swollen in sunshine.
Clouds soothe mountain peaks.
But you drift irrevocably across my atmospheres.

“I love you.” So buttery on my tongue,
Such a waterfall set at an astounding height.
Watch my words pour over the edge,
Glistening in the reflection of the wildfire you have lit across my skin.

Darling, there is something remarkable in the way stars kiss the blackness
Of midnight, endlessly forever.
This is you and me.
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