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 Jun 2017 Lovely
 Jun 2017 Lovely
A cardboard box
In the shape
Of a wounded heart

Duct taped
At the bottom,
Too much to carry,
Weathered weary

Once packed
To the brim of another,
Now emptied and filled
With the remnants
Of a faded lover

She cries while
Taping the top down,
A mournful sound
Heard by no one around

It's karma at it's finest,
She was mean and now
Is out of reach for his truest
 Jun 2017 Lovely
I hope you do.
I hope you live life to the fullest.
Enjoying every moment,
Never wasting time on regret.

I hope you travel the world.
I hope you search every corner
And find everything in you.

I know you won't think about it
And I know I have changed sides
And every aspect of my mind everyday

But finding you gave me that feeling again,
The kind you probably don't remember.

I hope you have endless life
I hope you collect everything with your mind.
I hope you love fiercely
And never have doubt
And I'll sit here, relive the past and wonder how it'd feel to cry on your face. And beg to be forgiven for my unforgiving mistakes.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
1st Haiku
 Jun 2017 Lovely
You hesitate now
As if my touch could burn you
But you know it won't
► Los chinos dicen: "La vida y la muerte son la provincia de los cielos."

► The Chinese say: "Life and death are the province of Heaven."
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Gabriel burnS
You rearrange the constellations
Of my compass
With the grace of an orchestra
With the majesty of symphony
Yet you keep my central star intact
The spine of the cellular staircase
You shine the way
Two steps at a time
Not leading; keeping company
On a voyage in the dark
Beneath the sails of night
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Boaz Priestly
When wrote about you, I found my soul.
But I don’t know how to make it go away.
 Jun 2017 Lovely
Zachary William
I can't rhyme when
it comes to writing poetry.
I can't rhyme because it limits
the words that I want to use
to describe my thoughts and ideas
and what if those thoughts have
something to do with
orange or
purple or
Are your thoughts valid if they
can't rhyme with anything?
As is the case in life,
the things I write about do not share
phonic similarities and cannot be
bound by rhyming structures.
It's not that my ideas are too big,
because they aren't,
they're just too **** messy
and the more I trim off,
the less powerful these words feel
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