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Emma Nov 2018
I would do anything to have you back.
I say those words and I don’t know if I mean them.
I would do anything to make this stop hurting.
I would do anything to never go through this again.  
I would do anything to do it all over again.
I would do anything to have never walked down this road in the first place.
I would do anything to feel like you loved me, missed me.
I would do anything to have you back.
221 · Dec 2020
Dep 9
Emma Dec 2020
Lingering past expiration dates,
the fridge smells
and you ****.

Black clouds don’t lift,
they loiter, intruding,
circling the drain.
220 · Sep 2018
Emma Sep 2018
Invidious, invective, violent, and vicious

I say that I understand,

but you ignore me when I feel like flaying myself,

and I want to dig my teeth beneath your skin and expose the red threaded muscle beneath,

energy screaming against the sides of my brain.
195 · Jun 2021
hold me
Emma Jun 2021
Hold me.

Make me feel safe

And small

And hideable

Put your arms around me

So that the world can’t get past

Give me your care

And absolution for my needing it
193 · Feb 2021
Rumours and Ghosts
Emma Feb 2021
Tell no secrets of mine
And I won’t pull you into the corporeal.
Forget the taste of life I left on your lips,
The wine of my blood you drank as an offering,
The honey of my skin.
Speak not of what was given too freely,
Memories that should have suffered our same demise.
Speak not my name.
If not for me, then for fear that I know your name too
And how to use it against you.
191 · Sep 2019
Emma Sep 2019
Streaky little bits of sky splattering through the window.
It is open so that the outside can leak its way in,
Covering the stale unchangedness.
You were once here,
This warm glow of skin that made the spilled drops of sunlight more beautiful.
And now you’re not here, or there, or anywhere.
It’s all just so much ******* uglier now.
190 · Jul 2021
Poem 48
Emma Jul 2021
I want you.
And wanting is heavy,
Breaking in waves and never drifting apart.
I want you inside me;
*** is the only way I know how to form connections.
Cheap and sacred,
Meaningless and potent.
I want you to know me.
See my sadness and loss and understand they’re not all of me better than I do.
I want you to fill me;
Glaring holes and gaping chasms.
Pour light into me and soothe absences I should know how to heal myself.
Fix my rot,
Want me though I’m broken and lacking.
See me, unfinished and trying and with eyes that should help but follow you,
And pick me though I am the devourer of worlds, already devoured more than once myself.
I want you, and the want is so heavy.
Though I don’t break apart beneath it, or anything else.
All I do is stand here, wanting,
And my wanting wants you.
184 · Feb 2021
Sharks Swim
Emma Feb 2021
Behind six feet of glass,
You watch the sharks swim,
And know that you would be left in ribbons by them.
But the water is impossible blue,
And you’ve forgotten wetness.
Your fingers tap—
On the glass, considering.
For a moment,
You see cracks spiderwebbing.
For a moment,
You imagine the glass breaking, water rushing out.
You can see the sharks lying on the floor,
Gills fluttering futilely, bodies struggling under the weight of themselves,
While your clothes lie heavy against your slick skin,
But you think of their eyes, unblinking, uncomprehending,
So you stay behind six feet of glass,
Forgetting what pain feels like,
Along with everything else.
180 · Sep 2018
Emma Sep 2018
You are quiet.
Not when we are outside, then that becomes mine.
But when you belong to me.
All I can hear is the sound of your breathing, and of my lips on your skin, the press of our clothing in the front seat of my car,
Knees on either side of your waist
Knees on either side of your waist.
Then I tease noise from you,
With less than others have asked,
Or taken,
And my spine is gripped by electric hands, nerves lighting up that are threaded beneath my skin.
Because I teased noise from you
And I want to hear you make it again.
#*** #poetry #poem
171 · Jan 2021
Even Even More Six Words
Emma Jan 2021
1) We f*cked to be less lonely.
2) In unbroken silence, lips slowly fuse.
3) Strings at my wrists, tied inescapably.
4) Without speaking, I turned to stone.
5) Left ribboned, abandoned on the floor.
6) Behind glass, bulletproof, subject to unreality.
170 · Dec 2018
Emma Dec 2018
I am a tangle of wild keyed up emotion that roars beneath my skin.

You could be forgiven for thinking restraints held me down as I sit here in the dark,
for thinking I was strapped into this chair.

Nails digging into --


-- the wood of the armrests.

Muscles straining and perfectly still.

If I don’t move, maybe it will quiet.

If I don’t move, maybe it will leave me alone;

No longer lashing into my brain,

Self-flagellation demanding more,

Harder, faster, more

More pain to feed the craving for escape, to punish for the regrets and failure, to show that there is striving, progress, as I strain to be else.

Maybe if I hold still this need for pain, punishment, this urgent desire to outpace myself will rest.

It is louder than my own thoughts, but not the ragged breaths pulled from my chest when I have exhausted my own ability to tear one step further down the street

I wish I could tear a hole in the fabric of the world and disappear somewhere new, somewhere the hornets’ nest of my own thoughts would be unable to follow me.
161 · Feb 2021
Emma Feb 2021
Thunk, clack,
There is the sound of brick laid on brick,
Their harsh edges meeting as you build a wall.
P-R-O-T-E-C-T Y-O-U-R-S-E-L-F,
The Gameshow.
The audience knows when the lights flash to repeat the words.
Their enthusiasm is a bloodlust,
And you are just waiting for the blood mist,
A knife in your ribs,
You build a wall.

— The End —