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 Jan 2020 Leo
Donall Dempsey

The kestrel
threw its shadow

on the path
that ran away from me

vanishing into the sun
before it could enter my eyes.

I saw and did not see it.

I had only ever seen it
in words

the poet's lines
hovering in my mind

until here upon my arm
in a football ground

deigning to allow us
in its presence

gazing into
and beyond

my tiny humanity.

Visiting West Ham United's original ground with a class we encountered a man flying a kestrel whilst the grass was being sown. Apparently the iconic shape of the hawk becomes imprinted on the bird's brain and it triggers the right flight response rather than "Hey....let's gorge on seed!" After that kestrel and man were off to Highbury to done the same for the Arsenal.

It was like looking into the eyes of something from a very distant whom all time was the same and this awed man was nothing but a speck on its vision that simply didn't interest it. It was kind of itself and owned the world.
 Jan 2020 Leo
Jena T
Bitter Truth
 Jan 2020 Leo
Jena T
A bitter truth I sit down to write
But the words stop and nothing flows
So I sit and think
Stare at the wall and wonder about the paint
Is it grey or primer paint?
Then I remember what I came to say
If only the words would stay
So I decide to come back another day
Only to find the words at 2 am
There goes another night of sleep
Written in four words I weep
"Why can't I sleep?"
 Jan 2020 Leo
Tom Atkins
Never ordinary.
Surreal landscapes.
Unrecognizable creatures.
Dead people dancing.

Always voices.
Voices of the dead.
Of betrayers and lost loves.
Voices of strangers in the night.

Impossibly vivid.
Bursts of light in the darkness.
often with music.
Full moon madness every night.

as if your mind rebels in the dark,
unwilling to allow you the peace you dream of
in the day.
I dream a lot. In color. Often with a soundtrack. So vividly that at times I wake up and it takes a moment to determine which is real and which is a dream.

I am sure a dream reader would have a field day with me. Mostly, I am glad they fade quickly.

 Jan 2020 Leo
Can I Be Both
 Jan 2020 Leo
Can I be both
the center and
the ray

the middle
and the outskirts

and is this longing why
it hurts so much

and why you asked me
to expand?
 Dec 2019 Leo
I am Heaven
I am Peace
Life Love

I am Sadistically Committed to Being Peacefully Happy
 Dec 2019 Leo
Melanie Anne Paulos
3 am makes trees grow taller
i've seen it
falling into the edge of morning
it's gentle like the sway of
my buckling knees
under the weight of
four drinks
and the rush of being in love

i know there have been others
maybe there will be more
that i want to stay awake for -

a play ground at dawn
lost key and found lock,
even the same story
begins to feel
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