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Aug 2020 · 107
Forgive Me First Loved
LKavanaugh Aug 2020
I have never imagined you to be tainted

Unlike the others I have loved,

You have shown me smooth skin, taught me unknown freckles

Braving through the borders of my curves,
Slicing through the doubts

My arms are a fountain of glorious wonders, and I will share my hands

If you promise to always interlock them with yours

I will return the favour and forever promise to kiss you inside out

Only the light you carry when it dims the dark

I may colour you blue some days, but you will be at to be strong enough to show me I’m wrong

Sometimes the rivers will feel like oceans, and the hill mounds like Everest

But diligently and gracefully we will swim, climb even crawl If that’s what it takes

Conquer all but conquer none, whatever the path it will stretch and wind in front of us with everlasting gold plates of experience

Truth be told The wind at my back feel more like kisses than daggers lately

And I have never pictured love to have such a kind smile

I never knew love What have curls around his ears

Or rough hands that would wrap around me with an a brace that can only be described as home

But I know now that love carries the weight of me

And it is just

And it is right
Jul 2020 · 106
EatMe DrinkMe
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
Last night love transformed
Into a grotesque fist,
Unleashing its ugly
Onto my face
Stitches will dissolve
Traces of war can be piled neatly into a trash can
Love has reared it’s head
And now I cannot un-see it’s vile grin
Jul 2020 · 133
Tan Skin
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
Tanned Skin
I lost my tongue
Probably somewhere in your bedroom where we explored every last inch of each other
For the final time.
You see in my memory
Our bodys were maps
Indiana Jones couldn’t measure our wanderlust.
I forgot my integrity
I think I dropped in between the seat of your car
When you first picked me up last spring.
Like all of those lighters
It slipped gently and quietly between the leather
I misplaced my independence.
It might be in a disguarded box
Maybe it happened when I helped you pack moved from that apartment you loved so much on Queen.
I imagine it somewhere forgotten
Behind the patio furniture in your moms garage.
I let go of my muse
Reaching into my stomach I tore out the last remaining butterflies
Opened my palms
And watched them fly away
Just as mesmerizing and bright as I recall when they arrived.
I remember now that I lost my tongue.
You did always adore the silence.
It was not body's we explored that day.
We discovered the end.
The unfair truth.
Every last inch of you.
Jul 2020 · 84
Climbing Bark
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
The heart beat of your life
Unravels into
Whiskey blotted, eggshell white
Paper air planes
That once soared a hair to close
To solace

Hold your attention
As he unfolds
Creases release
human mistakes
He is not yours to worship

All you have you have to offer
Sweaty naked palms
Open wide to catch his sobs

You are now the kitchen sink
His faucet pours onto you

This is the moment you
Learn to be
The woman
He wanted
Jul 2020 · 77
Sorry we’re OPEN
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
He crawled inside my body,
When you serve your morality to a crowd of Famished self acclaimed gentlemen,
They will not treat it as if it was caviar
Slathered mouths accompanied by a satisfying grin will fill the room
Filling the walls with air so heavy you probably choke
Or was that his cologne
But always quietly
Don’t be rude now, you’re a lady
Your mothers voice scolds only your mind
Four feet away from the bed,
Watch him as he slips his Jeans as if they were a shield,
Smothering any opportunity for even a sliver of intimacy
The zipper sounds of the finishing credits to your favourite movie
You know the next one will be different,
Catch the beer he throws at you,
You’re going to need it.
The next one will be the same.
But you know that don’t you?
Jul 2020 · 80
Winner takes it all
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
He, he who wears the crown of ivy
Wore me once as a shield
I was left, right and centre.
Rising my weary legs from beneath me
When my name was called.
Torn like old sheets to rags
Strips of myself were used to clean messes that were not my own.
He, he lost touch
Dove into my fountain
Stole what I had like handfuls of penny’s.
Each individual wish stuffed into his shallow pockets, grimly smiled
A thief of my livelyhood broke into
my soul
Past lovers dusted for finger prints and had only ever found yours.
I will always remember being lead me to the shadow of myself.
He, he was a reason.
Lifting my own foolishness I was taught that my witts need to be carried with me at all times.
In case I take a short cut through an alley.
Women like us don’t ask to be mugged when our mind is travelling
After the sun leaves
But men like him wait for us in the Darkness.
He, he wore a crown surrounded by ivy
And my god it looked so much like love.
Jul 2020 · 100
Skeltons & Closet's
LKavanaugh Jul 2020
The house grew arms
Reaching beneath the broken floor boards
Screaming behind the panel walls
That were themselves begging to be lifted
From their own place
Teeth began consuming me
Bite by bite
Before swallowing me slowly
I watched
Morality disappear into the fog
That once revealed
My home
Ode to the peak of my addiction

— The End —