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Feb 2015 · 261
On souls and their value
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
If you could sell your soul, would you?
I've asked this of many,
but most of all, myself.

What is the price of soul?
We're not really asking
about suffering and desire.

What we really want to know
is a simple thing.
How much is my life worth?

What would I charge for my life,
my freedom, my eternal happiness?
Is it worth it?

Well, is it?*
What would you give
for your one true desire?
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Dry ice
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Someone once told me
not to hold dry ice,
Because it's so cold
that it will burn you.
Isn't that strange?
Something so cold
that it burns the skin?
It reminds me of you,
and the glaciers you called eyes.
I held you for too long,
and was burned
by your frigid touch.
Feb 2015 · 539
Wishing well
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I leaned too far over the edge,
when I wished on my penny
as it tumbled down the well.
I lost my balance and
plummeted after it.
So now I'm stuck at the bottom
of a wishing well.
and it is full of
tarnished coins and unfulfilled wishes.
No one waits in the tiny circle of light,
to throw down a rope,
and help me out of this hole.
Feb 2015 · 377
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
Why would you do that to me,
after I gave you all that I had?

*I don't understand.
Even the word traitor can sound beautiful
Feb 2015 · 345
Day dreams
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
When I dream of the future,
I only ever see myself alone.

Aren't I supposed to dream
of tolling wedding bells
and laughing friends
and children, wrapped in my arms?

But I only see myself alone.
I cannot fathom myself
as a wife, a mother,
an adult.

I can dream so much,
And yet I still dream of myself alone.
I never wanted to grow up.
Feb 2015 · 627
A Deal
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
I would give anything to fly.
No matter the cost?

The freedom of the sky is worth everything.
I could give you wings, little girl.

I'll give you whatever you want for them.
I want your soul.

It's a deal.*
You stupid girl, you've traded away your freedom for freedom.
You may have the sky, but you will never be free.
Your soul is mine,
and so, you belong to me.
Feb 2015 · 4.9k
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
She looked more alive
dangling from the edge
than she ever had resting
in the lap of luxury.
Were we ever meant to live the ordinary life?
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Fallen angel
Liz And Lilacs Feb 2015
They threw me from heaven
when the pearly white of my wings
Faded to ashen grey
and darkened further with my mind.

They say the white feathers mirror
an angel's purity and righteousness.
That my blacked feathers reflected
a rotting heart and malice in my mind.

But what righteousness is there
when one being decides
the everlasting fate of many?
What is right and what is wrong?

An angel with blackened feathers
is no longer welcome in paradise.
For once I understand,
There is no justice in faith.

The fallen shall remain fallen,
The disgraced angel shall not return,
But shall instead find the truth and
take comfort in knowledge no longer forbidden.
Jan 2015 · 538
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I used to believe that humans
were beautiful creatures,
meant to be admired.
There was a wall
between them and I
I loved them so,
But could never be like them.
Until the day I realized,
That I was the one in the cage,
Kept to be gawked at.
I was the one who
could never be free.
And I was jealous of the humans,
With their freedom,
And they didn't seem so beautiful anymore.
Jan 2015 · 1.2k
The fool
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
He fell in love,
With the idea of her.
But he realized too late
that ideas aren't people
and they never do
what you expect.
People aren't things to dream about.
People are imperfect beings
And they don't fit into
Your misunderstood notions.
Foolish ideas, foolish emotions,
Now he's her fool,
Juggling his own life
For her entertainment.
Jan 2015 · 520
The advisor to his king
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
If you give a king an army,
****** war will besiege us.
Power is all consuming.
If you can, you will.
Isn't it your god given right?
Well what are you and your god
going to do when everyone is dead?
Your war has wrecked this havoc
and it is time to bring it to an end.
There is no nation to rule
when all your citizens have been
sent off to die in battle.
How do collaborations work?
Jan 2015 · 308
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I don't feel emotions
the same as I used to,
and that worries me.
It used to be so vivid
So vibrant and golden.
Now it's like looking out
through a ***** window.
I fear that it won't ever
return to the beauty.
Jan 2015 · 879
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Have you ever held your breath,
Just to know what drowning feels like?
They told me that you can't
reach out and touch death,
but death has ghosted his hands
across my fragile skin.
Life is a delicate thing
and it can so easily be lost.
His cold hands on my cheek,
his frosty breath down my neck,
Death is watching.
Jan 2015 · 443
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I never could tell the difference
Between love and lust and hate.
They all combine into
a mess of pain and fear,
But that's all I have known
for love to ever be.
I mistook kindness for caring,
Made some wrong turns,
And found myself in Stockholm.
Because I could never tell the difference
Between love and lust and hate.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Read between the lines
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Poetry isn't about the words,
Or the emotions,
Or sounding beautiful,
Or looking smart,
Or knowing big words
Like ephemeral.
It isn't about alliteration
Or similes and metaphors.
Poetry is about what it doesn't say.
The silence between the words,
That's what matters.
Jan 2015 · 288
The Shadows
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Won't you come,
come dwell in the shadows?*
I've always found the night
to be far safer than day.
Live in the shadows,
embrace the darkness,
you needn't hide away
when the world is dark.
Dark is cozy and safe,
Sunlight is so harsh,
never gentle anymore.
Won't you come?
The shadows are so enticing.
Love in the darkness,
Where you will be safe.
Jan 2015 · 620
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
When I was little,
I wanted to hold the clouds,
to feel them,
to touch the unreachable.

I asked my father if I could,
and he told me,
They were water vapor,
I would never be able to hold them.

But i still reached for the sky,
hoping that he was wrong,
I hoped that maybe someday,
I would rest my head in the clouds.
Jan 2015 · 428
Sleeping through life
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
You cannot simply act,
you must think.
You can try to pretend
that time will wait for you,
Or that your actions don't matter,
But it will do you no good.
Every action has a consequence.
You must face the reality of your choices
You cannot just sleep through life,
You cannot just dance across the surface
amd hope to slide by without notice.
One day, it will have to stop.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
When I opened my eyes to the world,
Everything was beautiful and new.
But now everything seems tarnished,
Nothing sparkles like it did.
Time passed and the beauty faded.

I would have done anything for him,
Does it make me a bad person?
We all knew the truth,
But no one dared to speak a word.
The little lies and bruises floated by.

Save yourself, is what they said,
Even if they didn't say it.
But I thought it was true,
That it was better how it was.
I thought he was beautiful.
Jan 2015 · 363
Double think
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
War is Peace
We wage this war,
it's the only way, they say,
to keep the peace.
War is the only solution,
they say, it's for the best.
This war is what keeps
the world at peace with each other.

Freedom is Slavery
They make the choices for us,
it gives us freedom
from the stress of independence.
We would fall to our own
weaknesses if we were free.
Freedom means to be enslaved
to the very choices some desire.

Ignorance is Strength*
We keep our eyes shut tight,
We needn't know the truth,
it only leads to weakness.
The world is a scary place
and it's easier to know that
black is white and up is down.
The paradoxes in the book "1984"
Jan 2015 · 414
200 (for you)
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Hello, friends,
It seems there are two hundred of you.
How terrifying.
I like you all very much,
but I hope you don't
expect much from me.
Thank you for all your support,
Poetry was meant to be shared.
Liz and Lilacs
Jan 2015 · 507
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
My soul
                         for freedom
                                               of the mind.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
The prince pecked my cheek
and led me away to his chambers.
A simple young maiden, meek,
Is what he saw in my eyes of embers.

Royalty always expected the best,
He didn't understand that I said no.
Said I to him, "Give it a rest"
He saw his faults and let me go.

Freedom was not true,
Not in the empire,
Out of the blue,
I was in the fire of desire.

No one says no to the prince.
Save yourself, just nod and wince.
The rhyme is a bit forced.
This wasn't supposed to be so dark, but all the romance I write ends up very unromantic.
Jan 2015 · 234
Trust the wrong people
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I fought the angels that
tried to save me
and kissed the demons
who stole my soul.
Evil can be so beautiful,
Twisted, haunting,
But so much like myself.
I thought they would save me,
But I was wrong.
Nice is different than good.
Jan 2015 · 481
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Let us leave this place.
It reeks of anger and fear.
The bitter stench of life
disgusts me to no end.
We never asked for this,
but punishment is swift.
No questions asked
when it comes to the end.
Jan 2015 · 703
Lion heart
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Be brave, my dear.
When the world comes
crashing down,
I'll hold your hand.
You can cry on my shoulder,
I've seen far worse in this life.
I will stay strong for you,
For I would never allow
you to see the lion fear.
Life may be stained with my blood,
but not a soul will see my tears,
Nor taste the salt of my pain.
I don't know.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
I wonder
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
They found her body;
At the bottom of the ravine.
Said she jumped in the night,
that she never looked back.

I wonder if anyone ever understood her,
I wonder if they even knew her.
Did they know she was hurting?

They did not care that she was gone.
They closed the case and called her dead,
A text book suicide, no victims remained.
Call the morgue and have her tagged.

I wonder if they knew,
About all those she hurt when
she died and left them behind.

Comfort the sobbing parents,
Watch her sibling misunderstand,
Send the family away,
And never think of her again.
Jan 2015 · 375
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I stopped sleeping
a long time ago.
Rest is restless,
Dreams are nightmares.

When I bolt awake
in the middle of night,
Not a soul is there to
comfort my screaming mind.

I'm tired of this.
Tired of staying awake,
Tired of fearing sleep,
I've tired of this life.
Jan 2015 · 431
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Turn your eyes from the truth
and pretend you know nothing.
Foolish child, the truth cannot be changed.
Forgotten moments, demented lies,
with the fading truth of the matter.
Innocence is a sin.
It's easier that way,
to pretend everything is fine.
How selfish, how childish.
Turn you eyes from the truth,
and sin, eyes wide, naive.
Time waits for no one,
you cannot stay in this simple life.
Innocence is a sin,*
and you can no longer be forgiven
for your ignorance.
Jan 2015 · 462
Pity for the prey
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Creatures of the night,
Seduction in our voices,
My prey caught in a web of lies.
Open your eyes, you naive creature,
I've captivated you with
my enticing words,
But look into my eyes,
See the distance, the coldness.
I am a monster.
You should fear me, and yet,
you allow me to bewitch you.
I have the instincts of a predator,
But I feel sorry for how helpless you are.
Powerless, naive, open your eyes,
See the truth in this monster's facade.
Vampire legends are quite interesting. Beasts in human form.
(Once again, playing with perspective. Put yourself in someone else's shoes for once.)
Jan 2015 · 618
I am a vampire
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I am a vampire and you should fear me,
But not because I'll drink your blood.
You humans got the legends wrong.
I don't want your blood,
I want your emotions.
I want to drink in your joy,
Your hope, your sorrow,
Every last sensation.
I cannot experience it myself,
so I shall steal it from you.
You should fear me,
because I will take your humanity,
and all that will be left of you,
is a numb, empty creature; cold and distant.
You will be a vampire, too,
And they will fear you,
Just as they fear me.
but don't I fear everyone?
Jan 2015 · 506
What more?
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
What more do you want from me?
I've given away my time, my hope, my trust,
And you stole everything that remained.
Now nothing is left inside me,
but you came back for more.
I don't have a **** thing,
I'm just as empty as your head,
and as shattered as your soul.
Nothing remains, but the pain of what's lost.
Jan 2015 · 710
I know you
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I know you,
You claim you want happiness,
You want romance and joy,
Not the broken people.
Then tell me why,
Tell me why all my
most popular writing
Is about pain and suffering?
I mean no offense. I'm just saying...
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Preacher's Daughter
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
They say that a preacher's daughter
is the most rebellious, immoral.
Daddy raised me to be a good girl.
To believe in God and to be wholesome.
I grew up in a strict household.
Don't make the preacher look bad.
Well, I stopped believing in god,
and I broke under the pressure
of the high moral standards.
The preacher doesn't take kindly
to his little girl forsaking his god.
The preacher's daughter
isn't so chaste anymore.
Somehow I went and became everybody's fool.
Jan 2015 · 402
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Maybe if I turn the music up loud enough,
I won't hear the silence in my head,
Or feel the emptiness inside.
That's what music is, right?
It fills the holes,
A dose of emotion for the emotionless.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
There are monsters in this world.
They just aren't what we thought
when were young and innocent.
Their sly smiles and coy grins
are not pointy toothed and rotten.
Their teeth are white and straight
and you can never see their true intentions.
Shadowed minds and twisted souls
do not reflect on the outside anymore.
Jan 2015 · 367
Still human
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Are we still human?
Maybe, we're too broken.
Too lost, too far gone,
to be considered human.
Are we still human?
After all that's said is done.
Maybe it's just not right.
It's not okay not to be okay.
Are we still human,
if at night, we forget how to feel?
Are we still human,
When we can't breathe anymore?
Are we still human,
When we've given up hope?
Are we still human?
Because I feel like an empty shell.
Jan 2015 · 528
She's a hurricane
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I've always loved the way
the air smells before a storm.
It smells like the world is static,
and maybe, there's potential.
You can smell the sea,
The lilacs in the breeze.
Breathe it in, inhale deeply.
The calm before the storm;
It only lasts so long.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Two years ago
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Who would have thought
two years made a difference?
Two years is not that long
in the grand scheme of things.
Two years ago, I didn't know
so much that I do today.
Two years ago, I wouldn't have
made some of the choices I did.
Two years ago, I could smile,
a genuine smile, with real emotion.

If I could go back to two years ago,
I would change what I did,
Warn myself that not everyone is good.
I used to believe that everyone was good
even if they were only good in some tiny way.
I know better now some people will never care
how much pain they cause.
Two years ago, I wish I'd known.
Early morning confusion
Jan 2015 · 414
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
No matter how many times
you wash your hands,
They'll always be *****
with the blood of the innocent.
It's all about power,
You like control.
Vultures like you,
Picking on the weak.
Hit me when I'm already bleeding.
I know you take joy
in watching people break.
Jan 2015 · 552
Hail Mary
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Forgive me.
Set me free,
Pray for me.
Hail Mary,
I'm on my knees,
Accept my pleas
Death is free,
But I have sinned.
I tried to rhyme? I'm aware this isn't good. Nothing ever is.
Also, I'm not catholic, so I did a bit of research to make sure I knew what the prayer was for. If it doesn't make sense, I'm sorry.
Jan 2015 · 4.0k
Fuck you.
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
"I'm dying to see you *******."

Then die.
Keep your hands to yourself.
I'm angry.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
The voices
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
If you listen in the silence,
you hear the voices,
whispering dark things.
Not everyone can hear their
iniquitous murmurs, heavy with danger.
You'll hear the secrets of the past,
the lies of the present,
and the ideas of the future.
but no voice is without a body,
and when you start noticing them,
they'll start noticing you.
inspired by a horror story
god knows i'm a walking nightmare
Jan 2015 · 278
Why my writing sucks
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
The words have lost their meaning.
I feel really empty... Numb...
I can't seem to make the words mean anything.
This is all I have.
I need it.
Jan 2015 · 876
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
The worst thing about painkillers?
They take too long to **** you.
Bleeding is too messy,
I don't want them scrubbing my blood.
Hanging is too traumatizing
for whoever finds me.
Maybe I'll just disappear,
Find the nearest train track.
It's okay,
Keep quiet,
They needn't know my pain.
I'm just thinking.
Jan 2015 · 998
Under my skin
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
He knows it.
A wink, a touch,
Watch me shudder.
Hot breath on my neck,
Flinch away.
Close my eyes,
See his face.
A soft caress,
An angry bruise.
Twisted mind,
Shattered soul.
I can still feel him.
Crawling under my skin.
This probably means a lot more to me than it does to anyone else. That's okay.
Jan 2015 · 395
You know who's awesome?
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Maha Salman and Wicked Hope.
I wasn't going to do this, but I just wanted to thank you guys because you've been really kind to me and it's been a rough time for me lately. It means so much to me to have someone who's there for me.
Jan 2015 · 672
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Have you ever felt helpless?
Well and truly powerless?
Do you know how it feels?
A hand wrapped around your throat,
Someone else is in control.
You cannot breathe
Unless they want you to.
Your life in someone else's hands.
It's terrifying.
Jan 2015 · 377
Once avian
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
We used to fly,
We used to soar.
Our laughter danced across the sky
Our strong wings never faltered.
We never feared falling,
We knew we could trust our feathers.
But our wings are gone,
Our faith had been stolen,
They broke our trust with their lies
and they took away our freedom.
When we fell from the sky,
we were never the same
To the man who stole my wings, it's too late to apologize, and you can never fix the scars you left when you tore them from my back.
Jan 2015 · 345
A letter to myself
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I hate you, ******.
I hate you. I hate you.
You've ruined everything.
I hope you die.
Fat *******.
Nobody will love you.
And it doesn't matter if you want people to care,
You'll only ever be used.
No wonder they do what they do.
Open your eyes,
you've spent your whole life dreaming.
Open your **** eyes and realize this isn't some ******* fairy tale.
Nobody is going to save you.
Not from him,
Not from them,
Not from yourself.
You aren't lucky enough for that.
Stop dreaming and pick yourself off the ground,
You can't sleep forever
and dreaming won't help you forget.
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