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Jan 2015 · 979
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Do her red lips enchant you?
The curve of her body screams of sin.
Her alluring eyes, and her thick lashes,
Falling under her spell with a wink.
Weak minded fool,
Do not fall for the temptress.
Her siren's song echoes across the room,
Insidious eyes follow her as she walks.
You mean nothing to her,
you should know it.
You'll be her toy,
Another disposable lover
in a long line of trash.
Enjoy the pleasure and games,
They never last long with her.
Temptation, I call her.
Know it well,
Temptation never stays.
A warning
Jan 2015 · 451
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I still wish for happiness
every time, I wish.
Despite it all,
Despite the childishness,
I still wish for happiness.
Jan 2015 · 891
Poet me
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
I don't write for pity,
or attention or friends.
I write for myself,
I write instead of bleeding.
My poems are personal,
Not written for others.
I share them because
I want to touch someone.
Maybe we can all stop being alone.
I'm a mess, as is my poetry.
Jan 2015 · 239
Ramblings once again
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
She's going to go places.
She's going to go far in life.
Me? I'll probably be dead
by the time I'm twenty five.
My own hand, I'm sure,
will be the one to tie the knot.
I think about death a lot.
The different ways to die.
The best day to do it.
This isn't what normal people do.
I'm sorry to say it, but it's likely,
I'll **** myself before I'm twenty five.
I have a plush elephant named Leone, and he has seen my tears more than any human. It's childish, yes, but I was never meant to be an adult. I'm not, anyway.
Jan 2015 · 234
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
He asked me if I wanted to die
and I smiled demurely and said
Another step back
Another two forward.
It was too late.
I stepped off the edge,
never looked back.
Jan 2015 · 203
New Years
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Another year gone by;
The only thing I've done
is tell myself that maybe
one day, one day,
I could find happiness.
Where has it gone?
Jan 2015 · 294
Four am
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
Four AM
And five stitches later
I finally realized the
cold hard truth.
I never want
to see you again.
I can't keep showing
up at the hospital
when you've broken
me yet again.
Jan 2015 · 378
Liz And Lilacs Jan 2015
His hand up your skirt
isn't going to make you
feel any less dead inside.
Sweetheart, don't do this.
The money won't last,
The attention isn't worth it.
Dec 2014 · 408
When will it end?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
She was a simple kind of pretty.
Instead of eyeliner,
Dark circles and worry
outlined her eyes.
A good student, they said
but it was never good enough.
She knew she could do better.
There could always be better.
She knew she wasn't good enough.
Things were never good enough for her.
To disappoint the high standards
she forced upon herself
was a crime punishable by death.
Dec 2014 · 457
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Bruises take a long time to heal,
They get worse before they get better.
Black and blue,
Here I am, hiding them,
Yet again,
I feel like a criminal
Hiding evidence.
I've done nothing wrong,
Except be me.
I would give anything,
To not be me.
Everything I write lately is ****.
Dec 2014 · 412
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
They say you're not alone.
I'm not alone
...but I'm alone.
I know what they say.
I know I'm supposed to believe them.
I'm not alone
...but why do I feel so alone?
I can't do this.
Dec 2014 · 328
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Let me abandon my dreams for you.
It's not like they matter to me.
Goodbye Ivy League,
Goodbye law school.
I clearly have no need
for such things when
I have you.
It's not like my dreams
are the only thing
that keeps me alive.
Dec 2014 · 998
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I used to wear galaxies
on my feet, in my shoes.
So I had something to look at
When I stared at my feet
Instead of looking into
The stars in their eyes
Dec 2014 · 472
Something to know
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Never save someone
who doesn't want to be saved.
Dec 2014 · 267
Memento mori
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Remember that you must die.
Do you know that?
Everyone dies,
you should know that.
Life does not go on,
It ends.
It's sad, for some,
But true all the same.
Remember to die, my friend.
You cannot live forever.
Dec 2014 · 588
Character Viewpoint
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
It's been a long night,
The lavishly dressed rich, with their expensive clothes,
party like there's nothing wrong in the world.
I hide my bruises, and offer hors d'oeuvers.
Servitude has not been kind.
Mistakes are not tolerated.
Life as a servant has left me feeling like a lampshade,
Useful, but rarely noticed.
I offer a convincing smile,
They prefer to ignore the sadness.
They drink away the pain,
And party away life.
Life's more playful,
If you pretend nothing hurts,
This came from a prompt to use the words: bruises, lampshade, and convincing.
I don't want to name it.
Dec 2014 · 272
By the sea
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I sat on the swings
and stared at the sea,
dragging my toes in the sand.
Where has life gone?
It seems to have passed me by.
The ocean sways
and life goes on
forever perpetual
by the sea.
It's unseasonably warm so I went running along the shore and found an abandoned beach with an empty swing set. Makes you think.
Dec 2014 · 403
A short conversation
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Your lip is split. Let me clean up the blood.

She backs away, her hand touching her lip. Don't touch me! This is your fault.

I never meant for this to happen.*

She glares at him, *Then why'd you let it?

He looks away, and doesn't answer. The silence weighs heavy in the air.

*That's what I thought.
It's easier to look at things from the outside.
Dec 2014 · 311
I closed my eyes
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I closed my eyes
and made the decision.
This was the end.
I found the pills,
and wrote my note.
My tears smudged the ink.
Pill after pill,
I began to feel light headed.
I closed my eyes.
Dec 2014 · 5.0k
A poet's admirer
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
A man once loved her
She warned him to stay away.
She was a monster,
She liked to hurt.
She knew she would hurt him,
Because she couldn't understand
Why he would love her.
He grew sick of her self hatred,
He didn't want to see her scars.
She couldn't write love poetry for him,
Because she doesn't believe in love.
He gave up on her,
and she wrote more poems.
Dec 2014 · 312
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
It makes me angry,
When other people hurt each other.
I couldn't give a ****
about what you do to me,
but please don't hurt others.

I've long since stopped caring
About my own feelings.
If I can protect someone else,
I'll take the beating.
I can't write today.
Dec 2014 · 859
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I don't understand
the human desire
for endless life.
For me,
would be
a curse.
Eternity trapped
my thoughts?
No thank you.
Dec 2014 · 382
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I've been awake for too long again.
Take the pills and sleep?
Risk the nightmares?
Or stay awake...
I'm kind of sick of not sleeping
But I'm sick of the nightmares.
How many is too many?
Not enough.
Dec 2014 · 731
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I woke to his hot hands
resting on my stomach,
Just above the scars on my hips.
He looked down at me,
His eyes tracing my scars,
Sadness deep in his eyes.
You were crying in your sleep,
he explained.
His big tee shirt was pushed up slightly,
and he gently tugged it down, covering my belly.
*I wanted to comfort you.
As if this would happen.
It might be nice not to wake up alone after all my **** nightmares.
Dec 2014 · 430
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I cannot remember
the last time
Blithe: showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper.
"a blithe disregard for the rules of the road"
Blithe sounds like a sad word but it doesn't mean sad... It's a strange word.
Dec 2014 · 291
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I used to be a dreamer,
With light in my eyes
And stars on my tights.
But now there's a watch
around my neck,
Ticking away.
Ticking away the time,
Forever reminding me,
That sadness always lurks,
No matter how grand the dream.
Inspired by my outfit?
Dec 2014 · 708
I'm basically the grinch
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I'd like to think
that tortured souls
find happiness in the end.
That maybe who ever is watching
Will understand that it's hard.

It's hard to be a good person
When the world treats you like ****.

But I've long since stopped
believing in miracles
When the world showed me
It's true colors.

But how do I explain to my family,
Why I don't have Christmas spirit
Or why my eye is swollen.
I don't want to ruin their Christmas.
Just keep quiet, like always.
I'm not a title person.
Dec 2014 · 279
Why not?
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
For once, I want to say
why not?
Instead of always asking
I'm sick of this
perpetual fear.
Just let me say
*why not?
Dec 2014 · 320
Lie to me
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Please just lie to me.
Tell me everything is going to be okay.
Tell me that you don't know I'm broken.
Tell me that you understand.
Tell me that it's okay to not be okay.
Tell me to believe in people.
Tell me that the world is lovely.
Tell me that I haven't misplaced my trust.
Tell me that humanity is beautiful.
Tell me that life is worth it.
Tell me that you love me.
Please, just lie.
Dec 2014 · 277
Every town has that place
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Nothing good ever happens there,

The kids go there to smoke,
The drunks go there to fight,
And, well, everyone else avoids it.
Except for kids like me,
Who go there to die,
and never come back.

Every town has that place,
Nothing good ever happens there.
Stay away.
Dec 2014 · 254
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I think maybe she liked horror movies so much
Because she finally found something that was more frightening than her life.
And we all know she liked to be scared even though she was sick of being afraid.
Dec 2014 · 299
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I write like I need to breathe.
Desperate words, desperate measures,
If I don't write, the words tumble out anyway.
The poetry builds up in my blood
and I end up saying poetic things
to the cashier at the grocery store.
Bananas are a sad fruit, so desperate for love...
what? ******.

I write and I write,
all at once, or not at all.
I could write five poems at once,
or sit and stare for ages.

Writing for me,
is my escape.
I write to forget,
I write because I need to.
Dec 2014 · 330
Losing her voice
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
She used to talk, and talk,
A story teller for the ages.
She would chatter and smile,
It enchanted people.

But slowly, she fell silent.
One day she noticed, no one listened.
So why should she talk,
When no one cared what she has to say?

She stopped speaking all together,
Yet no one seemed to notice.
The silence killed her, the stories choked her,
And when they found her hanging, they didn't understand.

Her note asked them why,
Why had they stopped listening?
She would never speak again,
And their care came too late.
Dec 2014 · 332
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He told her she had a beautiful scream.
She tried to be defiant, not to scream again,
But he did unspeakable things.
When he let her go,
She never spoke again.
A little scary, I hope,
Dec 2014 · 547
The end of an ending
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Is it the end of an era?
Is it the end of an age?
Is it the end of me?

The end of an ending,
My dear, we've barely begun,
But this has been coming,
The ending must be at the end.
Drivel, sorry.
Dec 2014 · 433
Blue eyes
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
He has the most blue eyes I have ever seen.
I will not compare them to oceans, or the sky.
They are blue, like sadness,
Or ice, the sweet kind that you eat in the summer.
I don't usually look him in the eyes.
I'm afraid of him, understand.
But when I do, his eyes never match his words.
His eyes belong to someone who is sad like me.
They belong to him, though, and his words are sharp
and his voice threatening, but his eyes,
They leave me confused.
Dec 2014 · 557
When I grow up...
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I don't see a future me.
A me with kids,
A me getting married,
Me as a lawyer, like I used to want.
I'm not even sure
I'll get through this year.
It's hard to envision a future
when you don't have hope.
Just have to make it to graduation, right?
Dec 2014 · 403
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
My father once told me that good men don't hit women.
But I never thought of him as a man.
And I never thought of myself as a woman,
We're still just kids, aren't we?
Yes, we're graduating in a year,
And maybe then you'll be a man,
But I don't feel like an adult,
So hitting  me doesn't count,
And you still have the chance
To be a good man.
Don't hurt the next one,
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Happy Yule,
The winter equinox, you know,
It's the darkest day of year.
And yet I feel the safest,
Drinking hot cocoa,
Away from the terrors of the world
Dec 2014 · 331
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Did you think this was Romeo and Juliet?
Did you think I'd give up everything for you?
I have not known men to be kind
or love to be lasting,
So I think it's better I stay alone.
At least I know that loneliness is lasting.

I have never believed in love,
But I believed in you,
Until you asked me for all I had.
You know I can't give it.
Lately my poems aren't right. Something's missing.
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I'm fairly sure I don't need a degree
to tell you what's wrong with me.

It's a pretty long list,
I'm pretty messed up, huh?

I don't need to hire a doctor
to tell me I hate myself and why.
I can name each and every reason why.

I don't need a doctor
to tell me I'm traumatized from my past.
My nightmares assure me well enough.

I don't want to talk about it,
I don't want your medicine.
I'm not alright and that's okay.
Dec 2014 · 278
In danger
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I screamed.
No one came.

This is ruthless world,
and no one will be there
to save you when you need it.
Dec 2014 · 209
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
As much as I want to be happy,
I'm afraid I'd forget how to make words beautiful.
The most beautiful words
come from the most broken people.
And poets are the shattered ones.
If I was happy,
What if I forgot how to be a poet?
Dec 2014 · 254
A thought
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
How did you get my number?
Why are you doing this to me?
What did I ever do to you?
Why must you make my life such hell?

I guess you wanted to remind
me just how worthless I am,
when you weren't there to reinforce
the lesson with your presence.
Dec 2014 · 275
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
The silence is oppressive.
The quiet weighs heavy in my head.
When all is silent.
The thoughts creep in.
The things you've said,
The things I've done.
It is on the calmest nights,
When I am in the most turmoil.
It is on the calm and quiet evenings
when I remember my worth,
and that is not much.
Dec 2014 · 219
How to be a monster
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
You can't love somebody
who you don't understand
And you know what happens
When they don't understand?
They learn to fear you
And then they look at you
Like a monster.
No, you can't love what you
Don't understand.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
Let me drown in this hell
Or drag me to salvation
But for god's sake,
Don't leave me in this
I never believed in being saved, anyways.
Inferno. Pergatorio. Paradisio.
Dec 2014 · 358
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I hated going to piano lessons
at first
Because my hands are ugly and scarred.
But the teacher,
Her hands were gnarled with age
And she still played the most beautiful music.
Dec 2014 · 288
Selfish me... Again
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
If I stopped posting poems,
You'd never know what happened.
Maybe I forgot my password,
Maybe I learned to be happy
And forgot how to be a poet.
Maybe I finally did something right.
Maybe I gave up.
You would never know.
I'm not sure it would matter.
Look at that... Yet again, I'm writing a selfish poem.
Edit: I'm not leaving, just overthinking.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Cheshire Cat
Liz And Lilacs Dec 2014
I've always loved Alice in Wonderland
When I was little,
I thought it would be a grand adventure.
Even now, I'd like to fall down that rabbit hole
And never look back.
If a cat can grin that big,
They must have a secret.
The secret of happiness.
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