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Saumya Nov 2017
People   come
And people go
Some  turn into  friends
Some turn into foes
Some stay for years,
Some even more
But some may
Leave you lost in hopes.*

Yet all we need,
Is to learn and know,
What once comes,
will one day go.
And that we need
To go with the flow,
Letting go
What is no more.
Saumya Nov 2017
The nights,
Not bright,
That Hide all light,
Blushing... Waiting
For the love
That's gonna happen tonight.

Your arms,
The Place that holds us tight,
Your arms,
The place, I adore being all night.
Your arms,
The place, that knows good faith.
Your arms,
The place, that cuddles so great.

The giggles, the fights,
All  end up allright,
In your warmest shelter,
With a grin each night.

We start so bad,
And end up mad,
Yet your warmth,
Your arms,
Make us smile,
And relax.

I love those arms,
The hugs we have,
It grips us tight,
In the love we have.

Those arms,
I wish, are forever mine,
For they define best,
The term called 'divine'.
Just a thought :)

Lemme know how was the piece.
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Saumya Nov 2017
A tree stands tall on soil,
A human on earth,
The ground,
forming soils upper 'crust'.
But what would thou be,
If sans was the soil first?

We origunated from the soil,
Evolve through it,
One day, we'll be this soil
The soil, on which thou may never sit.

Life still isn't a thing,
without this mere soil.
It endures so much,
Yet gives back peace.
And complains not,
Of its strife's and greifs!

The food we eat,
The air we breathe,
Will all be futile,
Sans soil beneath.

There wouldn't be trees,
Would fresh air we'd breath?
The water we drink,
Would'en really be free?
And Oh, the ground that
Endures you feet,
Would you be standing,
Without the soil beneath?

The soil forms lifes,
Aids us live,
But little we know,
Of its sincerest deeds!

It burns itself,
To prevent us  from heat,
It wettens itself,
And absorbs all heat.

The birds,
The beasts,
the tinniest creatue indeed,
Are the elements indebted
to soil in brief.

Thou life is but this soil,
The soil that reings life,
we are the trees,
Who stand on it,
Who laugh, endure,
Learn, speak,
Yet keeps so much,
like those little seeds.

Thy parent are seeds,
And the roots to be
Thy friends are leaves,
That may shed in weeks,
Thy siblings the arms,
Those helping hands in deeds.

The soil of life,
Sees success, misfortune and griefs,
Yet fertile is the one,
Who masters to smile even in adversities.
The soil is major part of eternity,
And our lives an essential part,
The part, we then call as an 'evergrowing tree'
Just a thought :)

All feedbacks are most welcome.
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Saumya Nov 2017
Sleep­, that sets weariness aside,
Eyes that dream so free each night,
Of life to be a pure delight,
Yet wanders off to the darker sides.

I kept drowning further deep
To catch-up with your pace
But as I get closer and sway,
I seem to not touch your face

Your love is taking me
A place I have never been
To a heavenly garden 
Where grows no pain

Darkness has fallen 
Nobody is insight 
My eyes are wide shut 
But I see your guiding light

A light that makes me
Blush in delight!
The garden grape green,
The flowers smelling serene,
The glowworms glitters,
In this landscape yellow, reds and greens.

From your gardens of fruits
I want to have a tasty feast 
For you’re the pleasure I seek
Take me home before I’m awake

Not for me, 
Not for you,
Not for us,
But for the 'love' that entangles us,
Entangles hearts and soul.
Take me home,
For the heaven's sake.
Take me home, please
Before I'm awake.

I am sleeping in my dreams 
But wide awake in yours
I feel completely addled 
And lost my ways of truths

If insomnia has a different side
I would remain sleeping 
I need not wake up soon
From this pleasant view dreaming.

For it makes me cry,
It makes me smile
Like a happy child
With hopes so high,
Those hopes,
I know, shall never die!

@jobira &
**=Jobira's lines.

Lemme know how it was
Thankyou for reading, Commenting and the reactions :)
Saumya Nov 2017
Ever wondered why everyone who speaks a lot, speaks not anything at a state, where they could just speak a lot?

Well, that's a condition, when the mind tells us something else, the soul reflects something else, and in between all these loud voice, the 'heart' merely throbs, and whispers things,that one themselves can't understand and figure out! And it is then, one becomes, 'Silent'.

Silence, is a very pious condition, a being can be in.It is this silence, that connects us, to ourselves, to our surroundings, to nature, and the creator.It is because of this fact, that one who is depressed, or is suffering from anxiety isues, often wish to be in solitude.

Silence heals, silence helps one perceive the unperceivable things, silence helps one figure out the situation, and silence, shows us the   'right way' because we involve God's consent in whatever we do then.

Silence again, is a virtue not possessed by many! While there will be some, who are hardly quiet, there also are people who hardly talk.To know exactly when and till when should one be quiet, and when should one never be quiet is an art.And that's exactly what differentiates people from other people.

The wiser ones are the most quiet ones often.They don't exaggerate things, and Exactly opposite to them are the fools.Ever seen a bird complaining about the bad weather or the grains she didn't bget from your house? Obviously not!Even birds complain not, and fight not, for what they didn't get.They stay quiet, and find some other way to get what they need.

Maybe this is why there's such peace, such seerinity in our holy places, no matter how much of a crowd gathers there! Ever seen a priest getting agitated by the noises crowds make?
No, they respect people, and they have patience to deal with the crowd, because they know, people's habit can't be changed, as each habit takes months and years to be foemwd.everyone is different, and so are they.and most of all, we all are the children if God.

Anything that holds knowledge is mostly quiet, and patient.Whether it's the sun, the moon, the winds, the sea, the breeze, the daylight, the dark, and Most importantly Our 'Creator'.

It is because they are quiet, we respect them.The day  nature, and the Gods start speaking, they'll speak stuffs that we'll not want to hear again.For it is human nature, to respect people and things, only till the time, they don't harm and react.The day, it happens, we'll leave and lose respect for such people and things, forever .

It is therefore very important to speak less, listen more., For they who listen much are much listened and respected.Value Silence, Value Yourself!
Just a thought :)

Lemme know how it was.
Saumya Nov 2017
They smile and let go when they need to act?
Do the same, when it's your turn.

They laugh, when they need to understand?
Smile, and wait for your turn.

They ridicule when they  gootta respect you as a human?
Dare, show em' the ground where they still stand.

Tolerate not disrespect, and disdain.
Respect people till they do, and not untill you can.
Be a humble cow, humble enough to
Love, care and understand.
But dont hesitate using your thorns to **** them off,
If they treat you with disrespect
And nobody ought not to do that
To any other women and man!

Forget not, you've got your hands,
Not just to pray, and work as you can,
Use those hands, if a punch is exactly
What they deserve then!

Dare not stopping your legs,
To March towards right,
And do what exactly needs to be done.

Being humble, and sweet is a virtue
That everyone should have in them,
But never let that humbleness,
Affect your peace by any chance.

Stand for right,
Fight for your worth,
If that's what needs to done.

Treat people exactly the way they treat you
As that's  what they're worth.
Treat them better,
Treat them worse,
And in both cases,
You'll anyway lose them!

Nobody and nothing stays forever,
Nor will then this disrespect and disdain.
Stand up, fight for the right, fight for things that you feel are undone.

Fear not anything, as time will adjust
If you perform right actions.
Fear not people who leave you in this mess,
As they showed they were just 'Fake friends'
Love yourself, love others
Treat yourself right, treat them right.

Fight for right,
Forgive not such despise!
Because, that's what exactly needs to done.
Your comments please?

Thankyou for reading :)
Saumya Oct 2017
If that small headed spider
Knew the fate of web
Built Days and nights
For his comfort and rest,

Would on day
Turn out
To be but his 'caged deathbed'!

He'd never ever think of making a web.

If we new our expectations,
Were not more like this
Spiders Thready glimmering web,
We sure would be free,
From remorse and regret.

The spider makes it web,
And we make our expectations
Unquenchable instead.

Knowing not the truth,
That we are sure born free,
But a chain webs us,
Ironically here and there
Much similar like the spider's web.
Just a thought. :)

Lemme know how it was.

Thankyou for reading.
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