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 Apr 2018 Floyd
Secret life
 Apr 2018 Floyd
Secret life
A seed tossed out because no one knew the value of it.....  left to be eaten by animals ........

The wind ..... Felt but not seen how amazing .... Came across this little seed ...

And thought useless little thing and because of its pride.....cast the little seed from its path....
But that was the beginning of beauty...

The sun rose one morning rays of beauty and charm filled the faces of every living creature ... Saw this little seed and felt sad ...

It was all alone ...the sun decided to share its lustful rays .....every morning as it rose it would share its warmth With this little seed....

In a few days this seed grew into a little rose bush ,held with beauty , every eye that beheld its beauty was left astonished.....

The sand embedded its grains tightly around this rose bush ..... Feeding its roots that went deep into the depths of the earth in search of the best ......

The clouds looked down and beheld beauty that it has never seen before.....

And decided that it was going to give this little rose bush all the water that it needs....

Time took hold of the days and turned them into months...

The little rose bush grew beautifully ,the thorns would protect the blossoms and its branches from whatever may try to harm the very body of its life...

The wind blew by one evening remembering the little seed that is now the most beautiful sight.....

Furious and filled with anger... released its wrath upon this little rose bush... It was going to destroy everything that stood in its path.....

The wind blew with its might ...beautiful I say but deadly.... Trying to up root the little rose bush ....the leaves of the little rose bush clung to the branches the ,the thorns formed a shell over the the roses ....

The stems bent to the ground because of wrath of the wind... Forcing them to brake but the stems refused .....

The roots grew larger and went further into the depths of the earth ...... The sand refused to be broken..... it held on to roots With all its might

The wind blew and blew but the little rose bush was still standing more beautiful than ever.....

The wind exhausted and stained with defeat ,anger and pride gave up it's fight against the little rose bush charmed with unimaginable beauty ....left the little rose bush and stormed away....

 Apr 2018 Floyd
 Apr 2018 Floyd
Her dark ***** curls .....guards her head ....clings to the core of her endless reality's her beauty....

Her eyes over look the world with such empathy ...her wits are the very thing that makes her unique..... she's beautiful.....

Her lips speak only of cheer ...the light pink color of her lips ..... Cast a charm on every lustful eye.... It's what makes her beautiful.

Her skin ..... unblemished ...Soft... Glows.... It enchants all.... she's poised .... this is beauty....

Her body .... perfect in it's imperfection .... she's unapologetically herself ...she is the essence of beauty....

Sometimes we need to forget what people think and say about us and discover your own beauty we're all uniquely beautiful .. and everything begins with inner beauty.
 Jan 2018 Floyd
 Jan 2018 Floyd
Are you here
So I could break you?
Tell me words
That I've never heard

What's the science behind you?
He who knows
Is no longer hurt.
Bound to break herd
And walk his own way,
Chasing tall risks and growth.
That's how this story goes,
Bell sounds and colored windows,
Inspired once remains inspired,
Far from silence and yet
So close
 Jan 2018 Floyd
and the world seem to shift in colour
disrupt it's grey
when you cross my way
 Jan 2018 Floyd
rewrite the story
change every word
disguise it behind
new meanings
squeeze it out of context

what lingers

it is all too vast
is it all too vast

turn the sentences
can you hear the origins
beating below
a brand new sound

do you feel the smoke
from wet ink
a different form
the feelings
still breathing
in a new poem
 Jan 2018 Floyd
if you erased all words
cleaned the paper
blank again  

would the feelings
still breathe
in the paper

you know like secrets do
in air  
between the meaningfull gaze
of two close friends
 Jan 2018 Floyd
so is that why
i reach this pit
of sorrow
pitch black

do my body grieve

not this time again
let go of life
one more time

and so my body will
with sorrow
for what could have been

one deep sigh
before letting go

is this what i feel
every month
before my period

that might
put some sense
to this
heavy, meaningless
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