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Khaab Jul 2021
"Artists...artists are like butterflies...
They have delicate hearts
But this society can't handle them..."
My mother answered as I told her
about Vincent van Gogh...
The Starry Night painter
was once said to be happy in London ...
With a rainbow heart and sky mind
He drenched the canvas with his emotions
People unaware of this legend
put him in an asylum...
'cause the decieved Vincent cut his ear lobe!
But he paints and brushes
were still there...just like his brother.
He was 37... when voices were all over his mind
It was not easy to stop them...
So he picked up the gun...
And the bullet went straight to that golden heart
I wonder how many colors died that day....?
But I could have told you, Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you..."
                                                                                              - Don Mclean (Vincent)
Khaab Jul 2021
It feels like a graveyard inside...
Everything is dead...
But the demons...were still in hunger...
So, they dug up the graves...
They were feeding on my dead...
But these graveyards are good for nothing
So they are...on their way
to the forest... am...
I don't know...when I lost my way?
And ended the middle of the ocean...
Everyone knows...I don't know how to swim...
I am drowning deeper and deeper...'s been a while here...
so it's be breathless...
I have memories of the radio in my dark room...
It doesn't work any more...broken...
I would be safe in here...
deep down in the ocean...nobody would come...
But the spiders are everywhere....
Just like...they were across my room...the garden...everywhere!
They live all over my head...
Digging mind...eating every piece of it...
I guess...the demons couldn't reach down here...
So these spiders make my mind rotten...
I don't know...where I am?
I just float around...deep down in the dark ocean...
with the my eyes wide open...
I can see the light disappearing.
Khaab Jul 2021
Hiding under the table...she was all wet
No one was sweat or tears...
Her fears had taken over her...
But no one came to the rescue...
She was lonely....waiting for someone
The day passed by...
And she still sat there shivering...
The demons...were wild...
roaming free around the house...
their thirst for her blood...could be seen in their eyes...
But...she couldn't die...
If she was the victim...then she was the savior...
She got up...waiting for no one to come...
On her cut the demons into half!
to cut the throats...who had the guts to call her out!
Only one of them...was going to make it out alive of the house
She was misunderstood...
I remember...I heard some monstrous screams...
I ran...and I saw her smiling with the knife...
Hiding under the table...she was all wet...
No one was sweat or blood...

I wonder...what happened that night?
The demons are have to save yourself!
  Jul 2021 Khaab
Creating art
is like letting your soul breathe
that once choked by doubt
that came to life after one verse .
"Art is just the image of your  soul"

Maybe that's why when I looked at you
your eyes looked like meteors showers
and your iris like moon ,
body barely holds
millions of shattered galaxies
beauty is in the shattered soul
which balancing its sanity .

Sometimes you looked  like a saddest yet beautiful piece of art
which lie at the corner of museum
having a thousand  of tales to tell
yet no soul to listen
maybe they know they won't able to bear it
perhaps it's meant to be that
not everyone is an artist
who can feel your soul .
" Not everyone can understand you because not everyone is an Artist "
find a soul and fall in love with it . which is ageless and Shapeless.
Khaab Jun 2021
Walking all scared alone at night
Getting harassed on internet
Increasing no. of rapes and assaults
And the never ending sagas
This gender - men
has made life hell! for many of us... can I say all of them?
I cannot insult my father...and thousand other men
Whom I have seen giving regard to the women
I still remember that night...
when my father saved that lady from a creep...
I feel so proud to be such man's daughter
And there are...yes there are...thousands of proud daughters and sons like me...
Men who are raising men...
to make this society better...safer for everyone...yes they are there.
It's us women...being preyed by patriarchy...
What about men? who have been crushed by this system...
Why was his tear not that valuable?
They laughed at him as if a clown
And now I know...why clowns are portrayed deadly
His emotions are considered trash
I wonder when was this equation made
that emotions = 10 x weakness
Just hold on like that...with a straight numb face
or you won't be 'man' enough
All sizes are not beautiful...when it comes to him
As his short height is not acceptable!
He will be the 'man' of the house...with every one's happiness on his shoulders
Even if...he is tired or broken inside
He couldn't talk about his depression...why?
Suicides eating these beautiful men...
because this society can't see them opening up! far we have come...forgetting about him
He is not metal...he is human too...
with a little heart beating...that aches the same when broken
He needs to be loved and pampered
He won't be less man...when asks for help
Society says," we are losing gentlemen..."
But who is to be blamed then?
It's not about man...not about woman
or any other gender
It's about's about humanity.
The ways boys are being brought up...I guess needs to change. Let's for once appreciate the amazing men in our society. If my father would have been a creep...and did not respect any gender...I wouldn't have the confidence on writing this poem...thanks to his he was brought up properly.
Khaab Jun 2021
Sometimes I just wish to vanish...
There are so many of us sitting at our homes
But still looking for one
I don't it just me?
When a sudden urge rises to run
Run away on a dark starry night...
to the woods...where fireflies are like stars on earth
And I make my way to that forgotten bar
a place vintage find peace
Where songs are sung...and happiness is everywhere
like beer in mugs!...It's a fiesta!
I don't ask their names...and they don't know mine...
We just play guitar and share secrets...
as strangers...filling colors in the bright night!
And just return with some memories and a photograph
A photograph filled with unknown 3a.m smiles
I think...or may be...I believe...
I would be happy to let it go that day.
It's just my imagination....a vintage bar *laughs*
But some days I do feel like running away to a place where no one knows me.
Khaab Jun 2021
Black is all I can see
Vacuum is all I can feel
This place feels like the universe
And I am...just floating around
Hiding away from the truths of the world
Going increasing the volume of the music
So that I can't hear them
Going pretending to sleep
So that I can't see them...
Just trying to survive in this world of science and logic
Where I can see artists losing their worth
where poetry or painting should be taken just as a hobby
                                         O really!?
How will you survive with that empty bucket of emotions...
that lays inside your heart?
I am just tired!!
This world is nothing more...but a race
Where is the peace?
They ask you to feel...
'Peace!' (smirks)
Ask the kids who survived the war...
who still see missiles in their dreams...
the family who lost their son...why?
the dumb police officer couldn't stand his color...HIS LIFE MATTERED!!!
That depressed kid in the corner of the classroom...
Ask them about the peace...
and it would be a bird they heard centuries ago
Where is the love?
They write about....
Look at the ****! we are calling love these days
Teary eyes, broken hearts but smiling lips...
This is my generation...nothing more but just
Where is the freedom?
when they say...follow your heart!
As they have got problems...serious problems
with your faith, color, body, sexuality and what not!
That they do not even hesitate once...while crossing limits! won't happen!
The doors to peace, love and freedom are locked
in this world... heard it...I saw it...
And may did too.
So...let's just find the lost open these doors...
I will begin first.
I am sorry...but I am kinda frustrated. I respect the fact...that science has made our lives 100 times better...but how will it save the vanishing humanity?
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