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Khaab Jun 2021
I realised....
Our heart is just like a strong wall of bricks
protecting our infant like soul...
protecting it from all the wars outside...
But was anything ever safe?
People hit you with their stone like actions...rock like thoughts
Sometimes they become brutal...

Cracks begin to appear in that wall
But...that's where the light enters and feeds the soul to grow...
'cause the infant has to protect itself...
to stand strong for that one day...when everything would be broken!

The D-day comes...when the dams break...
eyes are flooded with tears...and the wall breaks.
The light just like a mother...nourishes the soul to grow...
Because now it has to protect itself...

It's tough for everyone...and till the time you're broken
You hide it really well...behind the thick curtains of your smile
Nobody knows...what's behind that smile
The soul works put everythings back together
Trying to get back those millions of broken pieces...
But we forget that if the creator of stars...
sends someone to break...there is someone to put it back together....

Finally...the time comes...when you meet that one person...
the one who changes your reality...
the one makes you question things...
the one who makes you a better person...
the one they call 'a soulmate'. are you all? I hope you find someone to help you build your broken wall.
Khaab Jun 2021
Hey...hope you are doing great
Because the last we was the eighth
I remember...that august starry night
when we had a fight!
You said...I had a smile on my lips...but sadness in my eyes
You knew all about my secrets and lies
My anxiety was all over my head
There were voices living...I wanted dead
It was easy to say for you was me who was all blue
I said," You won't get it!"
You said," Being not worth it!"
I ran inside with tears in my eyes
Leaving you alone...for the coming starry nights
But these days, poets are writing about you
How mesmerizing you are, but sometimes sad too...
I got kinda jealous... as I thought it was only between us
But...then I were outside everyone's window on dark nights
It was just me...who had closed mine...right?
I came across you last night
You looked so beautiful...dressed all white
Your glow...spread all across the sky
That I had to stop to say a hi!
I remembered my you followed me everywhere
whether it was the ice cream store or granny's home..
we went together here and there
It feels kinda sad to share you with million
As you had and have many secrets to listen
The nights feel complete with your curves
whether it's Sun, me or the ocean
Dear moon, you are everyone's first love♥
I met moon that day....after long.
Khaab May 2021
It felt like a nightmare...
I laid in a dark room...with no door
Just a ray of light falling on me through the window
Making me feel like...the only star in the universe
And the other day....the window was smaller than before
But I did I laid on the bed the whole time
The days flew if they had got wings
But...made the window they went by
A hole was all the name of the window
so weak...I couldn't even reach
out for the last ray of hope with my hand
The window was gone...the hope was gone...
Not even a quark of strength was inside me...
to collect some light for myself
I laid there...paralyzed...on the bed
It felt like...a never ending tunnel with no lights
As I began to forget the colors of the sky and the flowers
I had lost myself...infinitely lost
It was getting hard to breathe in there
Until one day...when I got chained to the bed
the radio was broken...just silence...biting me hard
the air filled with sadness
laid there...hugging me all the time
My heart drank poison everyday
As the pain was unbearable to take
My voice got trapped in my throat
My own words choked my neck
Couldn't even shout...or ask for help
I just laid there...all the a living dead.
I apologize for this kind of poem as it has no hope or positivity...but I just felt like sharing the condition of mind during depression.

This is my it is inside the mind...when a person is depressed.
The dark room with no door is the mind, The window which gets smaller with passing time through which the light enters...are some of the left positive thoughts that vanish as the person gets more depressed.
And the chains are the negative thoughts...that just don't leave.

Depression to me feels like getting trapped in our own mind...but it's okay...i guess if someone is trapped...just please ask for help...because nobody deserves to live in we all have a motive to's hidden...let's find it!
Khaab May 2021
They call me cruel and cold
But all wicked things start from the innocence
After the hell...that I lived in for years...all alone
I fell in love with you
I was a queen living in the world of monsters
You were just a prince living in a dreamy world of yours
I decided to **** those...who wanted you dead
All your enemies...obstacles...were mine
But...despite decided to **** me in the end... were in love with the princess...her voice...her beauty...her everything
I could be her...but your eyes were perfectly blind to see my beauty
Being kind to animals and sing for them was not that of a big deal..
But I asked myself  what kind of love it was...?
if you wanted me to change...
I realized I couldn't sacrifice myself for your happily ever after
I am not a could find wandering in your kingdom's jungle
I am a queen....ruling her kingdom dare you...decide to **** me...
to please your mark my death as a symbol of your bravery?
I got it.... I am a Queen...I deserved a King
Not a mere prince
And after living in hell for years
Dear, believe me...I am use to the beautiful screams
So I couldn't care more...and I killed you and your princess...
Remember...I was always a was you who said me evil...
'The Evil Queen' flatters me!
But...when centuries will pass...they will narrate our tale...
They would **** me in the you wanted...
And you'll be the brave prince!
And this was all because...
I couldn't sacrifice myself for your happily ever after...
It's just my opinion...that the evil queen is not always evil...
These verses are just sayings of an evil queen to the prince she tried to love...did everything for him...but he was not mature enough to understand...and loved the princess. He was in love with the outer beauty...and never saw the inner beauty...
I think judging someone by their words is not a good idea...waiting and trying to know them...can help us know them more...
Sometimes someone really needs our help...but they just don't know how to approach.
Khaab May 2021
It's funny
how we make plans of places to go...
that one ideal person to meet...
or what we have to do tomorrow...
Is it really worth it?
Are you really that sure?
When it's already all decided...
The definite amount of people I am supposed to meet
who are looking for me...and I am waiting for them...
Nobody knows the stranger I crossed on the street yesterday...
would become someone important  in future...
People present in different parts of world...
are all connected...
Nobody knows...the one lying in India...
will meet someone...who is in Amsterdam right now
You...the one...reading this...
It was all planned before
because what has to happen...will happen!
It all feels like...this life is just a drama...
Even the day...even the night...
And everyone are slaves of time...
So why don't we just live in the moment?
It's all decided...
Khaab May 2021
She said,"Write about me..."
And I began to think about the most beautiful words ever in this world....
I went on a quest to search for them...
Across the clouds...
Behind the shine of stars...
On the wings of a butterfly...
Lava falling into the water...
And on the secret path behind the waterfall...
I couldn't find even a single word...
All tired, when I returned her
She greeted me with a smile on her lips
a warmth in her hug...and love in her eyes...
And there I knew...what a fool I was!?
Universe's most beautiful creation was just next to me...
And a ***** like me...was lost...running behind butterflies...
on secret paths...from one cloud to other...asking stars for help
And still...couldn't choose anything to define her...
She is so beautiful...that even the moon doesn't greet me...
when she is next to me on the starry nights...
She makes the moon doubt it's own existence...
You see those pearls in the ocean...that's the shine in her eyes...
You hear Ganga flowing...that's the strength of her voice...
You see that honey in the jar...that's her words...
You see the Jasmines bloom...that's the love in her heart...
You see that patient Cheetah preparing her kids for the survival...
that's how she teaches me day and night...
And now...can you see her feet...that's where my heaven is.
I can never repay my she does so much for me...Thanks Lord.
Khaab May 2021
They say I am the wrong size...
And have things to say about my body...
They say it...and leave...
But do their words leave?
"Can't you see your clothes don't fit in anymore!"
" Oh! you are eating that..."
" look fat today!"
It seems funny to them to compare me to different animals...
What do they want!?
I don't get it...should I stop eating?
Should I get insecure about my body like thousands of other girls of my age?
Should I throw up...and then one day end up in a hospital?

They say I am the wrong size...
Then what is the right size?
A thin waist...a lean figure...
They even say ,"everyone is different."
                        smirks they really mean it?
Words are said to insult my body...
Every single word attacks like poisonous arrows...
they let out of their bows.
And it kills something inside me.

They say I am the wrong size...
Then...what's up with that!? huh!
I love the way I am...
I appreciate my they are mine...
And today...all I wanna do is-
Appreciate my little heart...
For taking all of that
As I can't let myself down.
We live in a world filled with different people with different body size, color, shape and what not...let's stop putting people and ourselves in that trap of ideal body types of these beauty standards. Let's normalize everything...because it's sad how many of us suffer!
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