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937 · Apr 2019
Notre dame
Kayu Venture Apr 2019
Notre Dame in flames.
i'm crying for my mother.
my Notre Dame that was eaten by inferno.
In Paris went through terror.
Notre Dame is bearer from all europeans .
Oh my mother how is suffer .
I see how your tears fall but is late.
Oh my Notre Dame how i love you so much .
My mother please wait.
Please don't fall into despair.
Oh heart from europe save your mother.
In Lisbon i see dark and sadness from the Paris.
the tears from all the parish.
My mother be stronger wait from more million years.
I fell to the ground when I saw your beauty disappear.
your Crown is gone and you know it's true.
Sky in Paris was blue, has became a dark and red
Oh my mother your are the fenix, you aren't dead yet
902 · Mar 2019
Kayu Venture Mar 2019
Invincible for the empire roman;
That fury and vengeance was his language;
How Viriathus as vanquish around 200 years;
And lusitânia wasn't clears;

Port du graal was it's the place;
How was hidden the Holy Graal;
The secrets and wars was case;
And raise the Portugal;

The Kingdom for war and conquer ;
Was spoken by a glory Europe;
The spanish, french,english and Dutch ;
Bowed over the mighty Avis Master;

The glory and death of The Empire ;
Was not clear , the kindgom was gone;
The King D.Manuel II wasn't the bel;
But was bare wire;

Know Lusitania is lost;
So high is the cost?;
We never know the reason;
But Iberians gonna be the new season;
308 · Feb 2019
Kayu Venture Feb 2019
Ninguém sabe como é vida
E como fosse uma pedra de argila
Pequena e frágil..

Ninguém sabe como é a vida
é como fosse um Tigre a procura de comida
é solitário e dominante...

Ninguém sabe como é a morte
é como fosse só vazio... não há preto nem branco
é como fosse só o "the end"
252 · Feb 2019
It is a Bird in the sky
Kayu Venture Feb 2019
It is a bird in the sky
-"Can i be like you?" :- Ask  Svana to the Bird
It is a bird in the sea
-"Can you find my mind?" :- Ask Svana to the Bird
It is a bird in the space
-"Can fly if you?"-Ask Svana to the Bird
Is a Bird in the window see Svana and say:
-"If you want to be free go, just open your wings"
-"if you're lost, open your mind and fly"
-"Because you are already a bird"
Vin Kelseir
245 · Feb 2019
Never say never
Kayu Venture Feb 2019
Never say never to challenge
You can win;

Ne jamais dire jamais
Tu peux gagner;

Nuncas digas nunca
Poderás perder o que queres mais;

Never say Never
You never know tomorrow.

— The End —