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Kara Jean Jul 2016
I questioned tomorrow

Are you real or fake?
Am I afraid of you or do you make me stupid brave?
Do you love or hate?
Will you consider being easy on me?

Sadly, tomorrow had no reply

He just came

Day by day

Moment by moment

All I really can do is try to create my tomorrow today
Kara Jean Jul 2016
To not try is giving into defeat

To try is an opening for possibilities
I'm making a goal to write a motivational quote a day for myself. While I do so I will be posting them here.
Kara Jean Jul 2016
My thoughts shaking
I'm trying to find my composure
Swallow my tears along with the worlds fears

I see a face a 15 year old girl
Arms placed upon her lap laced
Brave and afraid of the unknown
Illiterate she held her own
Freedom was her new home

So many have fought and died, even today for its name

Still I have no clarity of freedom's meaning

Free to love?

Free to worship as we please?

Free from evil and hate?

Or is it equality?

To me it seems we are in desperate need of a refresher
To be reminded what it should be

Kara Jean Jul 2016
Head feeling crushed
Frustration is an acquaintance
The questions seem to accumulate
Like roaches living under debri
You'll never get rid of their presence
You'll also never have that epiphany
To be blunt I don't think he likes me
Stuck in the middle section
Smashed into my seat
There really is no relief, just stupidity
My breath is panicking
Someone please track down my sanity

I'm in need
  Jul 2016 Kara Jean
Poetry Fanatic
She conquered her demons,
               and wore her scars like...
We all get burned down sometimes.
But the next step is a choice.
Do you let your ashes blow away?
Or do you rise from the ashes like a
The choice is yours so,
Choose wisely.
The first 3 lines are a quote by Atticus.
  Jul 2016 Kara Jean
The silent vibration
of the earth is within
my soul

The wind parts my hair
with its gentle fingers

The sun warms my skin
and bakes it to a golden brown

The rain washes away my
sinful habits

The birdsong fills me
with hope

I am redeemed in the world eyes

I am part of the dirt

The flora speaks to me
and I drink in the coolness
of dawn

The earth is mine
and I am grateful
  Jul 2016 Kara Jean
Slur pee
No one noticed the world started to die,
Everyone ignored mother nature's cries.
Failing to see earth shrouded by darkness,
Lifting their hopes on a makeshift harness.
Holding the hands that covered their eyes.

In this earth, we were once deeply entwined,
Rooted in soil that buried our lies.
Harvested souls, and vessels now heartless,
No one noticed.

Ignorant to pain held deeply inside,
A pool of muddy tears replace my eyes,
Hollowed remains, just another carcass.
All the beauty I've seen looks so artless.
The time has come to say all my goodbyes,
No one noticed.

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