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  Jul 2016 Kara Jean
I understand her beautifully
And I understand her tragedy
In a world that can't be saved
I'm saving her
As she's saving me,

And even her silence
Speaks everything
And even my silence
Says more

I'm afraid
That I don't need her skin
That I may breathe without her breath
I'm afraid
I don't need her love
When she's all I ever need

She understands me cosmically
She reads all of my stars
In a world that's only death
We live together
Or not,

And even her silence
Screams at me
And my silence
Is a pleading voice
Kara Jean Jul 2016
Saying goodbye would break my pride
A heart steaming  
You left me selfless and bleeding
Butterflies still take flight
My mind cries

Keep me lost and kissing tonight

The rose bushes hide are thoughtless rights
The moon ignites
The crickets sing with the world never ending,
"You are mine"

All I ask is you keep me lost and kissing tonight

My tank top snug tight, made your heart Rush
The way you whispered my name made my knees wobbly
We were young but it meant something

Keep me lost and kissing tonight

We are free
You and me
Naked from the world's hating
Simple innocence surrendering

All I ask is you keep me lost and kissing tonight

Brave enough to say this is our everything
A reality created from our everlasting insanity
Your hands, hips and love always thrusting

Please just keep me lost and kissing tonight
Written for my amazing husband
Kara Jean Jul 2016
The freshes essence let's off a scent
A fragrance bold and fearless
Dumb and numb
Hopes higher then an egos design
Hold your breath
Here they come
A backpack harnessed snuggly, full of broken dreams and low self esteem
A misplaced jaw and no bra
They may look unfit
Don't be mistaken
The world is for the taking
Kara Jean Jul 2016
Persistent as you hold a gushing flushed heart
A confused rhythm, tick, tick, ticking
Selfless, lifeless and desperate
Full of desire
Running naked through the fire
Inertwined through blinded happiness
Be the one others look at with resentment
The eruption of fate
Time to create
  Jul 2016 Kara Jean
The Lunchtime Poet
Time is racing
Always going so fast
One minute the future
The next it's the past

Oh so fleeting
Quickly passing by
One day your born
The next you die

Always chasing you
Staying closely behind
No sense in hiding
It is you it will find

No drugs or operations
Can fool this persistent friend
With you from the beginning
Following you till the end

Don't waste time worrying
Leave it all to fate
Before you know it it'll be over
Enjoy it before it's to late
Kara Jean Jul 2016
I take a deep breath
I feel the deep heat hug my torso
He loves me like an ****** on the front patio
It's coming, that sense of hazy
He brushes the hair off my cheeks
Kissing me
My heart beats
I am power
He is lust
We push for trust
Settling with love
Our time is surrendering
So let's keep *******
Until night is bright and we're to tired to fight
The presence of our auras is frightening
I keep biting
We're ****** into dying but the rush is exciting
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