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Kai 7d
All these thoughts running through my mind
Over and over
When will it stop
It never will
Are they happy??
Are they mad at me??
Are they lying??
I dont know
Im sure they're fine
No they can't be
They should be mad at me
Im not enough
They're mad at me
What did I do?
Kai Feb 18
Where are they when I need them?
When Im feeling down
When idk what to do
Why aren't they online
When I miss them so much
When I want to talk to them
Why can't I hug them?
Show them just how much they mean to me
Show how I feel
Kai Feb 18
Im sorry....
Im sorry im not enough...
Im sorry i cant be there....
Im sorry i cant be what you need.....
Im sorry i cant give you what you need..... im so sorry....
Im sorry i cant provide what you need..... im sorry...
Im sorry...
Kai Feb 7
Those thoughts are back.
Everytime I think it's gone
It'll just come back
I think I'm over it
But then i realize I'm not
I think I'm fine now
But im not
The thoughts will always come back.
The thoughts and feelings that haunt me
They won't go away
They never stay away..
Kai Jan 20
Why do I always feel like I've done something wrong?
Like everyone is always mad at me
That I've done something to make you upset with me.
What have I done?
Just tell me and I fix it
I swear I'll fix it
Please tell me what I've done wrong
I promise I'll fix it
I fix whatever you need me to fix
Don't leave
Not like this
Kai Jan 13
I try to hold my feelings in
To ignore the pain that I hide
The thoughts and feelings are so overwhelming
I try and try but they never stop
I need to feel
Although I don't want to
I need to keep going no matter what
Kai Jan 5
I said id stop
I said id try
But everything i say those words
I know they're lies
While I hold the blade
My mind goes blank
My body does what it does
I have no control
Eventually the pain pulls me out of the trance
Then I see the effect of what I've done
The fresh blood..
The scars on my thighs and arms
The pain that will never go away
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