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901 · Dec 2017
Julia Dec 2017
I am your puppet.
You pull my strings.
Make me dance,
for it's you I please.
I am your puppet.

Thing is, I'm not.

You treat me like a toy
and it needs to stop.
You act like I'm on the bottom
and you're at the top.
I am not your puppet,
I am not your game.
That's it.
You will not play with me today.
408 · Dec 2017
Stronger than you think
Julia Dec 2017
He treats me like I'm fragile
but I assure you I am not.
I'm stronger than what meets the eye
though a stirring soul of doubt.
He does not know the thoughts
that pound and scream throughout.
He doesn't know I saved myself
without any of his help.
I was strong before I met him,
why shouldn't I be now?
I'm trapped in my own thoughts
with no escape but this.
Don't treat me like I don't know
how to handle myself.
I know me better than you do.
Don't act like your keeping
my own secrets from me.
Don't act like you are saving me
because the truth is,
I don't need saving.
I'm stronger than you think.
Work in progress
228 · Jan 2021
Julia Jan 2021
Once upon a time
Before the whites stormed our prairies
Like it was theirs from
The beginning
We roamed as we pleased
No cares but our own
Life was simple
We were
They came like a wolf in sheep's clothing
Only wanting peace and a
Fair chance
We comply
We make space
Yet they are not
They take our outstretched hand
But pull a thread of our clothes
From behind our backs
with the other
Turning and running
till we are left naked
And we wonder
When they will be
We’re driven to places
That are not our home
They claim they have Providence
On their side
They will do as they please
Until their goal is
So here we live
Where they say we can
In the way they allow
And though it has been
Hundreds of years
We will not be silent for
Our killed brothers and sisters
Our stolen land, our stolen lives
We will not be silent
We are not
I am not Native American, this was for a history final where we tried to look from a different perspective.
226 · Feb 2018
Julia Feb 2018
What is perfection
without imperfection?
Answer: It does not exist.
There must be darkness
for light to shine.
There must be troubles
for deeds to show.
175 · Apr 2018
Julia Apr 2018
I wonder
Why does the earth spin?
Is there any point in living
this life that we are in?
Some see it as a game
and try to get ahead,
some see it as pointless
and wish that they were dead.
The truth is it's different
for every living soul.
And each and every person
has a different
end goal.
95 · Aug 2021
Minds' Sky
Julia Aug 2021
You've got me
Even though i dont see you
You are the sun, and theres a passing cloud in my mind
The sun still exists, it still shines
I just have to wait for the cloud to pass
Maybe ill get some rain
Maybe you are in the rain too.

— The End —