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Aug 2019 · 259
Of Innocent Ways...
Aug 2019 · 181
Joy Munde Aug 2019
Today may not be the day we envisioned yesterday. It may not be all that which we talked of as we planned, it may never be anything we over thought of.
Today may just turn out to be just So let's share in this day not as strangers but as lost souls whose paths crossed. Let's share the songs we listen to when we need clarity, let's share the pictures that we look back at to retrace our steps and get our true bearing. You may not stay awake long enough to watch the stars with me,but let's share that which lightens us up and calms us. Today may never be the day we planned it all, but let's through it all to the wind...let's be random with us and in the end find the true value in may not be that day, but atleast we shall say yesterday was a great day and in that hope for a greater day tomorrow. So let's make today about you...about me...about us...about all that which matters.
Let's make today the day not planned but still, the day we look back and actually connect with us.
Let's do it all today.
Aug 2018 · 250
Crossed Lines
Joy Munde Aug 2018
I just wish you sent emissaries of truth,
Because my mind would be at peace with me,
I would have a nary a qualm,
And all these glasses would not be broken,
And all these tears would not be shed,
And now these words will never be taken,
And this day will never be forgotten!

I wish I got caught up a little at work today,
Because then you and your *** would have finished business,
And i would be met by the smell of a fresh shower,
And the sound of sheets doing turns in the cleaner,
And the sight of sugar coated lies!

I wish I passed by **** me kwik,
To kiss the bottle with the boys,
Watching the waitress sway her non-existent hips,
As we rant of all the greatnes around
Of the wonders of the green mamba on riparian
Than me coming here...
To witness your sacrilege on our matrimonial bed...
And me calling out to my gone ancestors.

Today I wished to be swept off by the floods
But it's a sunny dry month
Today I wished to have been hit by a bus
And got dragged down it's wheels along the tarmac
But again it's a sleepy village here
Nothing that we wish for ever happens
Yet here I am...
Having to hear the pleasure moans you have him...
Those I always beg for each time I visit your downtown!

Now I'm wishing for more...
I wish for the rumble of an earthquake
For the earth to open up and swallow me whole
For a cactus plantation to grow upon my unmarked grave
At least with that...
The pieces of my shattered heart shall find peace
Than watching the wind blow these pieces away
The pieces you managed to make of my heart.

Aug 2018 · 229
Joy Munde Aug 2018
Memories are made by moments,
That's what the say.

Struggles can be justified,
By who you are now...
That's what they believe.

So here I stand,
Burnt out,
Worn out,
But still with my shine.

Marred by the elements,
Scarred by time,
Full of memories,
Dried up eyes,
With tales to tell.

Old and weary I may be,
Creaky bones are what I have,
More of cracks and rust are seen,
But cast me not away...
For with age comes wisdom,
That's what we know.

Ingrained in me are tales untold,
My scars are pictures of our past,
Dust me up and set me above,
Give me a chance to light up again,
And in my last dimming lights,
Let's turn the rewind button...
Do walk with me down this path.

Aug 2018 · 207
Colour My World
Joy Munde Aug 2018
Like a kaleidoscope,
I see your reflected colours
Hues of greater wavelengths
Not just of reds and blues,
Or green and yellows
But a mixture of it all
A perfect blend of 'em all
Your words show of Your presence,
A presence that's covered in passion,
Your passion gives intensity...
It's this intensity that I crave...
So be my rainbow
A sign of better days
After the storm that was
Of the blacks and whites
Be my kaleidoscope...
And I your canvas,
Colour My world.
Aug 2018 · 228
Joy Munde Aug 2018
I'm scared
To lose you

I try my best
To be flexible

I'm afraid
To hurt you

I need you
Though I say not.

I love you
Though I express it not.

But still...
That's all I do.

I want to stay
But will you let me?

I want to call you anytime
Will you pick my call?

I'm calling out
Reaching out
Just to hold you
As I did the first day.

Will he let me?
Is this the end?
Is this what it boils down to?
Is this all we had in us?

Aug 2018 · 305
Joy Munde Aug 2018
Chaos...the order undeciphered
Pain and pleasure
Our way of life
That tint we can't wash away
So hold not my hands
For physical touch is meaningless
Touch my soul,
See the colour within
Hold my heart
As you listen to it's stacatto rythm
Let me dwell in your gaze
Let our locks to sanity break loose
Follow my lead
As we go through our unchattered path
Guide my step...
Through this trail we hold dear
Fear not 'coz of the darkness,
For me and you...
In our silent convo
We shall make the dance
Our first dance to our world.

Aug 2018 · 401
#Life's Randoms
Joy Munde Aug 2018
Speak your heart out,they all keep saying;as they turn away their glassy stares away from your face. Out of the abundance of our hearts our mouths speak,still said by the many...but what happens when all that's in our heads is let out?

Ain't you just tired of how all seems to keep going and going,I mean, opening the floodgates of your heart, blaring your soul out to other lost beings, but still cage all that which burns and screams within your head?

Thus you choose to write poems. Writing them down for the few who seem patient enough to wait the ripples to settle,making the words much clearer and thus create a less treacherous path to your bleeding self and tormented head.
You take up your feelings and words straight from your over punctured narcotic-filled veins, sharing the learned and acquired lessons in your mind and maybe...maybe seeing the beauty within and amidst your pain.

But...our world being what it is,they all stab you in the back as you lean in for that homely embrace that signifies acceptance and familial bond. Through this it dawns upon you, that you really never stood a chance with them at all...that you were the only standing chance that you needed,and nothing exists in humanity save for our physical lust and greedy wants.

And in all this,you become one with your struggles, not a runner from reality but more of a believer;a crusader for pain.
So next time  you hear them say speak your heart out,just look for the next exit,and run. Run....for your own sanity depends on your agility. And oooohhhh....forget not your pen and paper when you run, for in each step you make,your thoughts and words shall follow you.
All that which resides in your head shall never abandon you. Your blessed curse.

Aug 2018 · 255
The Coffee Date.
Joy Munde Aug 2018
And evening came,
Wrapped in your warm coat,
I drapped in my fluffy scarf,
With our usual chitchats
Bits and pieces of jokes...
Towards the sunset we set off.

Across the table we sat,
At the corner of our favorite coffee house,
Staring at the menus,
Making fun of those in offer
Those which we understood not
But still...
Ordering what we usually had...
Our usual.

There we sat...
Synced physicality
Shared laughs
Stolen gazes
Passing time...
And in it all
We still were one...
United in what we knew not.

Two coffee pots later,
Euphoric state shared,
Emotions laid out bare,
Words left unspoken
And with one final peck,
The evening came an end,
With a promise of another date...
Our coffee date.

Aug 2018 · 197
Serving It As It Is.
Aug 2017 · 403
Joy Munde Aug 2017
Take my hand,
Join me in this trek,
Down memory lane,
To relive it all,
And see it a fresh!

Stories told,
May never be worth,
But once upon a time,
We lived the stories,
We were the main acts,
So buckle up!

Wailing children,
Screaming mothers,
Absent fathers,
Mean nannies,
That was my world,
A bit of my life!

Rob or take,
Was the society...
Shots fired,
The police are here,
Let's just watch from the sidelines.

An eye for an eye,
Or just a tooth for a tooth,
With clenched fists,
And clubs in our hands,
How we dealt with issues!

To have fun...
Just kiss the bottle,
Smoke the puff,
Chew the khat,
Make out as you wish!

The paths I took,
The life I lived,
All not worth a rematch,
For in them mistakes were done,
And in regrets we live on!

So this day I choose,
The paths I take,
The games I play,
The people I meet,
For I'm older and wiser!


— The End —