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Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Fleeting are my white lace dreams
Aisle of blood red roses guiding
Two lives into one grand eternity
Glimmering like a polished diamond
Clasped hand in hand not clammy
But passionate and exuberant

Candles floating in frosted vases
Two figures sitting atop a cake
Vows to keep each other afloat
Vows to keep each other great

Notebook plans for a grand evening
Surrounded by love and twinkle lights
Aspirations of his and his first dance
But since you nothing's ever felt right
My white lace dreams are fading
They get blurrier every night
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Sedimentary in deep black pools
With blueish bright boundaries
Blinking far less than needing to
Sinking with cement ankle thoughts
Bubbles of air lazily finding the surface
To burst and very quickly blend in

With permission I'd dive inside
To sink to your depth and sit beside
Far down where in darkness you reside
A locked up cage that you're confined

Let those sad eyes fill and spill
I'll find the bottom and retrieve
Disturb the surface with your vessel
Create some ripples and leave
Because all you have is fear
And I can see in the dark
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
You replaced the sun many years ago
An ideal apparition of you floating
My central perfection to dance around
A love that one could only dream about
Now I can only see you when I dream

The claws of fate play the harp beautifully
Leaving me often in shambles and unruly
To fantasies over adoration so wasted
The candles in my shrine now dust
The mechanics inside of me all rust

You brush the hair from her eyes
And lines grow and I go grey
This wound doesn't seem to heal
No matter how many times I've spun
Around you with your arms crossed
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Never satiated
Forever exhausted
Swan song on repeat
Piles of silver trays
And spoons too
Trembling hands
Feed me

Millions of people would ****
To occupy the space that I take
The blessings left unnoticed
My struggles never severe

Never satiated
Chronically dissatisfied
Sulking in circles
Dry tear ducts
Feigning my smiles
Bleeding my poems
This is not related to drugs, or substance abuse.
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Twisting vines
In my mind

Wrists writhing
Eyes sultry
Sweet smirking

Navel to nose
Curled toes
Breath grows

B-roll spinning
****** ensuing
A new beginning
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Constellation Kaleidoscope
Blue and grey plaid flannel
Marlboro reds infiltrating
Front left pocket
Millions of miles
Eyes travel to your smile

Red embers sizzle
Smoke slowly escapes
Michaelangelo sculpted lips
My walking cathedral
Requested sanctuary
My prayers elevated

Constellation Kaleidoscope
Cells growing and dying
Shooting star wishes
To be held betwixt
Your middle and index
To be completely inside you
Johnnyqu33r Jun 2021
Comfortable rectangle
Stranger sleeping
Feeling, breathing
Mostly dreaming

Self exploration
Starlit sobbing
Skin cells
Sweat beads
Strands of hair

Morning whispers
Morning breath
Laughing, touching
Alarm clocks
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