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  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
Lower and higher
Up and down
Do you think for yourself?
Out of control
Know your roll
Taken under
Pulled out
Full of something
  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
Lizzie Bevis
Their eyes ignite
With every word,
Each gesture met,
Each story heard.
They lean in close,
They catch each breath,
Captivated between
Each life and death.

Like sunflowers tracking
The morning light,
They watch and follow,
The characters plight.
No greater gift
Could the heavens send
Than souls who yearn
To comprehend.

©️Lizzie Bevis
  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
sandra wyllie
dancing pirouettes
in front of my eyes.  Floaters
that jump up with surprise. Dimples
of cellulite on both of my thighs. They're

the grease on my kitchen stove. Circles
in my pantyhose. Embedded in
my carpet like carpenter ants. They
do the fandango every month

inside of my pants. The brown
stamp of aging on both of my
hands. They're cute
on dalmatians but not on

my pans. They litter my face
like debris on the beach. And
they're painted on my liver
like navy shirts thrown in

with whites and bleach. And X
marks it on a treasure I cannot
reach. And the sun coats my body
with freckles from the beach.
  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
monsters unleashed I fear
light might freeze on our faces
and what a rush to be generous
an eden of objects, a living emptiness
all in the name of christmas
merciless the geopolitics of hatred
this is not a poem but sheer rage
when streets explode under our feet
exhausted by words turned into death sentences
  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
serpent eats its tail,

time weeps in endless circles,

forever undone.
  Dec 2024 Carlo C Gomez
I could end where you begin
Kerala Dust

some mornings there is a dawn in me
and there I begin, I look at things
and they don't look back
I rehearse your name with different whispers as if
I rehearse the pulse or a pirouette of silence
You give birth to I, I give birth to you, a strange happening
some mornings  I disappear into a satin breeze that carries my almost thoughts
that's how I call your name, my almost thought, only the body knows
there is a fresh dawn and there I begin
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