We soften our No's with Thank You's and apologies We have to tell you we're important to people like Mother and Father before you see us as valuable It's like being Someone's daughter is more important than just being Someone. But we're privileged, of course We can have jobs like you and isn't Free the Nip a thing, too? 'Feminism is outdated' you say to all the women you claim you never hated You tell her to cover up (she's just feeding her baby) but you never think to look away You use the bible as your excuse but never want to pluck out your eye or pay for your version of the truth What's wrong with her? Why is she so rude? That's a funny question to ask Let's not ask it twice when so many women have bled (and died, or worse) for the simple act of being nice.
It can't be me she said. actually, she said, it can't be you, but you didn't rhyme with she, so I wrote me and this allows me to be, me and you simultaneously,
interestingly enough, she also said lots of other stuff, but now I can't remember what.
I’m throwing cries for help at anyone who will catch them. But I am far from athletic. They will either fall at your feet, Or fly right over your head. It’s ok if you miss. This game isn’t for you anyway.
Is this a slow death? Every breath, Is anger and pain, And acting insane. Patience lost, Arms crossed, Stick in the mud, Boiling blood, Ignored cries, Dizzy eyes, Spinning thoughts, Stomach in knots. Hear me call, Or let me fall. Secrets to keep. Bury them deep.
I am the blue sky turning grey. The faded smile. The dark clouds blanketing the sunshine. Silencing the happy chirping birds and buzzing lawn mowers. Small tiny drops like pins upon the backs of necks. A rolling trail of tears down sliding down my cheeks. Feeling relief in letting go. Widening the open sky. Beautifully cleansing rain. Falling, flowing, splashing on the pavement. Breaking these walls and setting me free.