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 Feb 2018 Jessica
Tasa Jalbert
You saw me naked.
Not without clothes, but without my wall.
The 10 foot, steel reinforced, wall around my heart.
You broke in, brick by brick.
And I let you, I let you see me vulnerable.
Forgetting what others had done to me when they saw me the same.
I wish I could say you were different.
But, you saw me naked.
And you laughed, pointed out my insecurities, and broke me so much that I rebuilt my wall.
I rebuilt it higher and stronger than before.
Protecting my heart from so called love.
You also saw me without clothes.
Burned your touch into my skin.
Whispered sweet nothings into my ear, and that's just what they meant.
I can't look at my body without thinking about you.
Because, you saw me naked.
Defenseless and with open arms.
I shouldn't have trusted you.
But I did anyway.
I thought that since you had a wall to we would be amazing together.
I never saw you naked.
Tasa Jalbert Original Poem.
Copyright 2018
 Feb 2018 Jessica
You tell me I am beautiful. That I am perfect. You tell me you love me and then order me to take off my clothes with the same breath. You tell me I'm beautiful as if I'm only beautiful when you touch me, or I'm only beautiful when you have me. Like I'm only beautiful when I'm around you naked. Like I'm only beautiful when you love me. Like your love is the concealer I use to cover up the scars you left on me. You tell me I am beautiful as if it's your decision. You touch me like it's your right. Like no one has ever told you otherwise. Like my "no" means ask me again. Like it means tell me you love me again. Like what you do to me is the only way to love. Like it's actually love. Like the only way you can respond to my "no" is by reminding me of all the things you've done for me. This is not one of those things you've done for me. I repeat, this is what you do to me. Make me feel guilty for saying no because "you can't say no to love". "You can't refuse to accept love". Make me feel bad for you because unrequited love is painful. Make me feel bad for you until you swallow my "no" and spit out "*******", when you take my "no" and spit out "too bad" when you say that it's not my decision, when you tell me that no is just a word and it can't really make a difference. When you tell me that no can't save me. When I realize that no can't save me. I've been told, don't wear provocative clothes and just say no. And it's funny cause I'm here broken, literally broken, cause no one told you to listen when I say so.

— The End —