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 Jan 2015 Catherine
Joshua Haines
She looked at me and said,
"You should **** me
before you love me."
And so I did.

Her hands covered her *******
and she said,
"I want you to guess which breast
my father touched first."
And so I did.

The bones in her hands shifted
as she fixed her hair into a ponytail.
"You're going to promise me that
you're not going to try to fix me.
You're going to promise me, okay?"
And so I did.

Her lips would start bleeding
because when she lied
she chewed her lips.
She said, "I think today
will be the last day I live."
And I asked her for one more.

Dry blood sat on her inner lips
as she kissed me good morning.
Her voice softly cooed,
"I hope that isn't the last time
I kiss you."
And I asked her for one more.

She bled,
"All you write about are girls.
You never write about me.
All you write about are faces
without souls. What about my soul?
Are you going to
******* write about my soul?
Are you going to write another poem?"
And I asked her for one more.

Looking at me,
she ran her fingers
down her hips,
across scars,
and said,
"Too many men look at me
and see what they want to.
They look at me and see
broken picture frames
that they can repair
and put our faces into."

Our hands met
and our fingers grasped
at the pieces of ourselves
that were deeper than faces.
But it was only me
as she whispered,
licked my cheek
to my ear,
"Don't fall in love
with what you
think you see.
Just **** me."

And so I did.
And so I asked her for one more.
 Jan 2015 Catherine
No matter
What you say or do
Ill be right by yourside
Till 3005
Inspired by childish gambino song:3005....luv u arcassin
 Jan 2015 Catherine
Jamie King
I'm tilted and insist that you know I am grateful now here we
an alliance. Let's see ourselves onwards, be borne by our
fondness-in accord, be our love for the colloquy.

Spry, exuberant. We are free spirits draining oceans of ink, bathing in rivers of lies to find the truth while saturated by pride.
We are propelled to propinquity, as we seek for a better prospect while drowning in propensity.

Our hearts bleed onto the paper,
wanting more love of passion
to spill out endlessly,
so others can relate
to share this burning fire
Deep within our souls.
we seek endlessly for acceptance and relatability,
with someone who we can feel
safe to share these wonderful feelings,
feelings of want from our vulnerable hearts.

In sharing our vulnerable hearts,
I becomes We
the divine flame burns brightly, guiding lonely souls
to meet heart to heart on this happy road of destiny
a stream of gratitude flows from our bloods, and we discover that we write to connect
to the divine source that empties us and fills us.
1 Gwyn
2 Jamie king
3 Cat aka catbrd
4 Silas
One poem four Poets. please comment and repost get it out there this one is for lovers of poetry. What do we have if not passion?
 Jan 2015 Catherine
Joshua Haines
When the girl, I loved, died,
I locked myself in her room
while her parents were in Arizona.

I went through her things
and found
**** photos;
A few where she seemed
and a few where she
liked her body.
She had a gummy smile
and in others
she looked down at her *******
while having a blank expression.

I found empty
alcohol bottles.
Cheap bottles of wine
and a bottle of red,
stuffed with tissue paper.

Under her dresser
I found an unopened
letter she intended to
give the boyfriend before me,
where she admitted
to being ***** as a teenager
and how she hoped
it wasn't too much

I threw out the photos
alcohol bottles,
but not the letter.

I don't know why but I kept it.
I occasionally read it,
because it's her,
and I love her.

I told my friend
and he called me a
because I made sure
she was remembered
as an angel.
She smelled like a poem, like loose leaves in the fall
They say we left our marks in the bark of that tree. But according to fate, we were never there
We were never in that park that sparked our flame. We didn’t start the fire and we sure as hell weren’t matches
We were just birds of a Phoenix feather wanting to write a book worth burning
Wanting to be reborn from the ashes like a new leaf turning in a second wind, we were supposed to bend before breaking
Ask before taking, shiver before shaking hands with crossroads demons. We never felt a thing
I’m gonna need a bigger a ship if I want to rip your name from my jaws and loosen this grip on my trachea
But you don’t give in. Especially when you smell blood in the rudders, fanning out the tension with a propeller pen compelled to
right a wrong
Like we were never here, weary from the weight of the lies. To the Victor go the vices and I’m tied down by the anchor in my mind
Afraid to set sail, this pale coast is so close to home I can still hear your voice
The water is inviting and I can’t decline. It’s time I ride out the storm and find a new place to lay my head

— The End —