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InLove000 Mar 2019
The day our eyes spoke was the day I questioned everything I ever had.
That beautiful moment,
I lost track of time
I lost myself looking at you
I felt joy, peace and a sense of being back home
I felt love that I didn't know existed in me
For the first time, I felt absolutely complete
I fell in love with your blue eyes looking back at mine, shining bright with so much love.
I felt strange things inside my body, from my stomach levelling up to my chest and getting outside my eyes.
As I watched you slowly trying to look away then turning back to look at me more clearly
I guess you saw the stars in my eyes.
November 6th 2018
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
InLove000 Feb 2016
Loneliness , sadness and tears
things that cannot be explained
are deep inside my heart
since the day you left
I still can't believe
I cannot imagine that I will never be able
to talk or see you again
rest in peace
Feb 2016 · 436
LoveYou Mom <3
InLove000 Feb 2016
I feel dead
deep inside
I am broken
so many holes
too much pain
since the day you passed
I feel the same
Jan 2016 · 431
Mom, you are in my heart
InLove000 Jan 2016
I miss the person who believed in me
who encouraged me
who was there for me when nobody was
who made me feel safe and loved
who taught me everything in life
Mom, you are in my heart deep inside forever <3
Jan 2016 · 805
I miss you Mom
InLove000 Jan 2016
I miss you
without you
life has no meaning
I feel like
this is a dream
one day I will wake up
and see you again
you are in my heart
since the day you left
my happiness fade away
Mar 2015 · 493
I Hide
InLove000 Mar 2015
I smile
I hide
I cry deep inside
no one can hear
the pain I feel
Feb 2015 · 583
Acting Is My Passion <3
InLove000 Feb 2015
Acting is my dream
my passion
Ah how I love Acting!
If only what surrounds me ,helps me to become one
If , If and If ...........
I only know that it won't come true
Feb 2015 · 314
InLove000 Feb 2015
People came and go
But some leave us heart broken
Feb 2015 · 388
I Don't Care
InLove000 Feb 2015
Some loved me
                 Some hated me
                                                    I don't think that I am borned to please any
Jan 2015 · 361
You are beautiful
InLove000 Jan 2015
Why do we do the same things over and over again?
Doing what others tell you to do,trying to impress them or make them like you.
Are you happy with your life?
Are you happy with the people you surround yourself with?
Are you happy learning people judge you for how you look or little mistakes that you have done in the past? If your rich,poor or popular or if you go to parties?
Are you ? Are you happy?
We buy stuff to impress people we don't like
Happiness is a choice! You don't need to make anyone proud only yourself. What makes you proud? Finishing a good book,running or telling others that you like them ?
Get rid of the people that makes you feel bad as soon as possible because the person that teared you apart will never get you back together again.
love the people that are happy for your happiness and sad for your sadness,they are really hard to find! And once you get rid of these sick people life will not feel like a routine anymore .
life is an adventure!
Sometimes you are told something too often that you will begin to believe it. Make it a habit to tell yourself something that you will begin to believe it . Even if you look ugly from the outside , I am sure that you are so beautiful inside .
Breath in ,breath out
Go on and tell yourself who you are and REMEMBER that you are beautiful in and out....
Jan 2015 · 330
A Poem
InLove000 Jan 2015
I wished that I am the lies themselves so you can adore me as much as you adore them ....
Jan 2015 · 656
little do you know
InLove000 Jan 2015
little do you know how I am breaking piece by piece
little do you know little do you know
how I spend days waiting for your call
little do you know how I spent nights imagining you
little do you know how much I have fallen for you
little do you know how I felt while your away
little you will never know how much I love you
Jan 2015 · 282
InLove000 Jan 2015
To Each Who Left Me: Thank You!

You Left Your Place For Someone's Who Is Better Than You!
Jan 2015 · 516
You live inside me
InLove000 Jan 2015
My love for you will never die
Jan 2015 · 252
InLove000 Jan 2015
Things Changed
                               People Changed
                                  The Memories Will Never Go Away
InLove000 Jul 2014
I smile , I laugh , I hide the real me! Because everyone would get away if they knew the real me ...
Jul 2014 · 241
InLove000 Jul 2014
I wonder why I didn't ever get drunk yet?! With all this pain I live with, I bet if you were me , you would have been on drugs .
Jul 2014 · 318
InLove000 Jul 2014
Why do I have to live with this pain?when no body actually cares!
I wish I wasn't alive so I don't have to live in this cage.
I wish I had the things I want so I can easily stay.
Life is too harsh with ne, wish I could know why.
I wish parents were there for me ,sadly they never were.
Screaming and treating me differently! I wish I could know why.
Jun 2014 · 2.0k
InLove000 Jun 2014
no one can see
no one can feel
I smile,pretending to be happy!
no one can see
this is me
I wish I could find that special someone
who could understand the real me
Jun 2014 · 335
InLove000 Jun 2014
no one knows me
no one can feel me
no one can understand me*
*only my bed knows me
May 2014 · 325
InLove000 May 2014
My baby
It's you that I love
Truly with all my heart
Forever our love will grew together
I love you
May 2014 · 359
I Knew
InLove000 May 2014
When you took my heart
I knew that no one will reach it after you
to levels you reached
I knew the first time I met you
that you are what I am looking for
Apr 2014 · 262
A Poem For You
InLove000 Apr 2014
Why do I feel lonely without you ?
without your touch
without your voice
without you here by my side
I never though that I would find someone that special
love someone as much I love you
I just never though.
I remember that day when I was laying in bed
closing my eyes
imagining us together <3
I used to hate it when I get back to reality
know that we aren't meant to be with each other's
I also remember laying in bed praying to God
Praying to turn all my dreams to reality
I Remember
Thanks God for giving me what I asked for
Someone to love me , someone to hold me tight ,someone to take care of me
someone who understand me <3
**You Are My Dream Come True
I love you <3
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
InLove000 Apr 2014
My love
I never thought that I would find someone like you
A Man With great morals
With My side always
I feel safe
from you
You are my baby
But not only my baby
You're my sweet heart
My Dad
My friend
My soul mate
The best thing that ever happened to me
Is You <3
My Sweet Heart

I love forever
InLove000 Mar 2014
Yes Forever Together & Never apart
No Matter What & How Much Ups & Downs
No One Can Distance Us
No One Can & No Matter What ,
We'll Be Together Forever & Never Apart
No Laws , No One Can ....
Those Were My Dreams & Now They Are Real , So No Matter How Much You Try , You Just Can't ;)
Our Love Is So Pure <3
I Love Him :)
Feb 2014 · 364
The Way I See It :)
InLove000 Feb 2014
When you meet a person & fall in love with their personality,
EVERYTHING else sort of becomes just as beautiful
Jan 2014 · 551
My Second Half <3
InLove000 Jan 2014
The Warmth Of Your Hug,
  The Brightness In Your Eyes,
   The Sweetness Of Your Voice,
  The Kindness Of Your Heart
They Are All Memorized In My Mind <3
Jan 2014 · 470
InLove000 Jan 2014
When He Gets Away From Me
One Second
I Realize That Life Without Him Is Meaningless....
InLove000 Jan 2014
The best thing in true love cannot be seen or even heard , but must be felt in the heart*....
Dec 2013 · 399
InLove000 Dec 2013
That Day When I Sent Him That Email
That Says How Much I Love Him,
How Much I Want Him,
From That Day I Fell In Love With Him
Everything That Says When ,How And Why ...

He Called Me That Night
Started Calling Me Baby   My Sweetheart   My Darling
Those Words I Remember So Well
That Special Night I Can't Never Forget
The Day That I Was Waiting For Too Long
Everything Happened The Way I Want
I'm More Than Happy To Continue Forever Now
With The Man That I Was Dying For
The Man That Completes Me
Finally We Are In A Relationship :)))
From That Day 18.9.13 <3
Dec 2013 · 287
Us <3
InLove000 Dec 2013
You Grown In Me
As The World Can See
It's You & I
Forever Together
Never Apart ...
Maybe In Distance
Never At Heart  <3
Oct 2013 · 478
OMG I was right :P
InLove000 Oct 2013
He admitted that he used to get jealous from that computer teacher haha :P
And that I used to give him more attention and it bothered him seeing that .
Oct 2013 · 335
I can't believe :)
InLove000 Oct 2013
I can't believe that we kissed :)
We touched
We slept with each others
I feel so happy
That moment I was waiting for
I thought my dreams won't come true
yea They Just Came & Now We Are In A Relationship :)
InLove000 Sep 2013
That's true that he left but that doesn't mean that we wont be able to see each others
He called me Sweety ,his special girl with a heard of gold !
He'd tutor me for free In order just to meet
I sent him a heart missing him
He sends me a Big red heard saying he missing me more
He gave me his number and I did
He told me that he is glad I gave it to him so he can know it when I call and also because he doesn't want to answer any other calls.
I told him to expect me calling him anytime ;)
Sep 2013 · 289
InLove000 Sep 2013

Sep 2013 · 253
I'd love to do this
InLove000 Sep 2013
If you come back
I'd place my hand on your cheek
Why did you do that ?
Don't you feel that I have been Missing You So Much!
I wish I could kiss him too but I can't :/
he has to kiss me first
Sep 2013 · 947
The **Man** I Want
InLove000 Sep 2013
I Love It
When we used to stand the whole time together In The Recess
All girls are getting jealous because you are standing with me
All Boys are getting so **** jealous when I laugh & smile with you
We used to laugh so hard
I remember every moment
When you used to get so close to me&stare; a lot
looking so deeply onto my eyes
and getting so **** close to the point that I can't move
and forgetting about people
but I used to give you that look we aren't alone here
& you could know
I could see the jealousy eyes around me

But yea
I ignore them all
**Because All I Want Is Standing In Front Of Me
Sep 2013 · 307
It Would Ends With You
InLove000 Sep 2013
My True Love Started By You
I Would End Up Marrying You
Sure there have been others but that MAN Is Exceptional!
Sep 2013 · 351
Whenever I Lay
InLove000 Sep 2013
I lay
stare at the wall
imagining the moments we had together
wishing to have you
on my bed
with me
so I can hug you
lay my head on your chest
holding you so tight
and keep kissing you
until I fall asleep
between your arms ....
InLove000 Sep 2013
We're all humans and it's human nature to fall in love, then why is it " forbidden " ?
Laws are put by humans, why can't we create our own and live by our laws?
Get a life people

Age difference is not a problem when love exits as long as its pure.Love has no age.Love is Love
Sep 2013 · 735
My Sweetheart,
InLove000 Sep 2013
I keep on crying,
All the time, I'm dying,
Your ABSENCE Is killing me!
Staying there,without you
When will all this pain stop?
I think,It will never
Unless you come back
So I can see your everyday,My Sweetheart
Whenever I hear your name baby
Tears slowly comes rolling down my cheek.
Its been 3 days
& I'm dying
A part of me will be always waiting for you <3
Sep 2013 · 298
Sad But True
InLove000 Sep 2013
He's not there,
He left me here,
To dry my own tear.
Sep 2013 · 543
My heart is broken
InLove000 Sep 2013
I heard that he left
Didn't saw him
He left me broken
Dying slowly
hurting so much
But He will come back
I believe in God
I have faith in God
That he will come back soon
I wish
Sep 2013 · 208
InLove000 Sep 2013
I got lost in his **Black Eyes
Sep 2013 · 463
You Belong To Me
InLove000 Sep 2013
I am that type of girl
that gets so **** jealous
When such a girl stands next to you
Simple as you read
-You know why ?
Because,I feel that she's taking you away from me
I Want You To Be Mine

InLove000 Sep 2013
A young man had a girlfriend. He was getting tired of her because she sent him messages every hour that said "I miss you" or "I love you". One night before bed he received a message, but rather than read it went to sleep. In the morning he was awakened by a call. It was girlfriend's mother crying saying that his girlfriend was killed last night. He was in a state of shock, went to read the message: "My sweetheart, come quickly, I think someone is following me!". And Now EveryDay He Comes And Brings One Extra Flower To The Site Where She Was Murdered. Moral of the story: never rejects those who love, care, and try to reach out to you, because one day you'll realize you lost the moon while counting the stars!
If ever you are touched by this story .. Share & click on "Like"
Sep 2013 · 589
New Life
InLove000 Sep 2013
A New Chapter In My Life
Will Start With **HIM
InLove000 Sep 2013
That man has something special
In his magnetic eyes ,maybe in his personality,maybe and maybe.I can't find out.
He Has Something Special That Man!
Never felt it before in any man.
Actually no man had the ability to attract me as he did .
InLove000 Sep 2013
I Open My Eyes Thinking Of You
Thinking Of The Lovely Moments We Had
I Hug My Pillow So Tight
Imaging You Next To Me
Smelling You
As If You Are Next To Me
Hugging Each Others
In Peace
*Simple As That
InLove000 Sep 2013
Personally, I don't think it matters who we marry as long as
a) they are capable of making decisions like that (old enough and mature enough),
b) you're in a safe, caring relationship, and
c) you're not hurting anyone else by your relationship.
*Love is love, we're blessed if we have it in our lives
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