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 Feb 3 Raven
You left me discarded
a dead leaf drying further
and went on your pursuit
of attention and power.

Not even the acorn
resplendent in its beauty
could pull you back
into orbit.

Well four decades
have taught me well
and I have pursued
you long enough.

I can father myself,
so *******.
 Feb 3 Raven
I pick at my skin
to the sounds of our memories
I pluck the hairs that stand up
when I hear your name
I tear myself down in the love
I have for you
There's a leash around my brain
I'm tired of yanking it away
from the thoughts of your eyes
that wont ever look at mine
there's a cage around my heart
wired with hope
(where is the key?)
and while I'm filled with so much affection
I look at myself as a joke
once a queen, now a blue fool
I apologize to myself for being so cruel
It is not your fault you are tangled
in another soul
but I still blame myself
for always watering a plant
I should have sold.
my words are all over the place, just like my head. I'll make up for this one
Sons, you are pushing your mother to the limit.
Locked up, like it's the norm.
She out surviving everything that comes.

Sons, you are robbing, you are stealing, and this is very revealing.
You are not a survival of society.

Women, you must challenge yourself.
Challenge your man to avoid this or that.
Or the relationship not going to last.

Be like old school parents that told their child.

If you go to prison for crimes?
Don't expect a visit.

Too many society ills.
Where many men avoiding honesty and truth.
What decisions you make?
Will seek your image before many.

Don't get locked to start crying and complaining.
Just go the right path.
Sure, it's hard but it's the challenge to obey all laws.

Sure, a few we all fail.
But not everyone qualifies for bail.
Yes, prison is a living hell.
But you a party of society ills.
 Jan 27 Raven
Ashi Jain
There once was a little girl
Always smiling just perfect
Had friends, family just everything
She was loved by everyone else
She knew how to love herself
Surrounded by myths and sweet lies
day by day, year by year, time flies

Soon she grew up
By the expectations of society she was surrounded
Upon learning the awful truths left dumbfounded
Trying to fit in with everyone one else she forgot how to love herself

A whisper, suspended,
in the breath of time—
You call me to pause,
to drink in Your beauty,
a nature unbound,
shifting through the veil of now.
Creation dances in Your eyes.
I am left undone,
consumed by wonder.

You pull the thread, stop.
The path, unwritten,
crumbles beneath my feet,
I stumble, without Your hand.
But there, in the space
between my breaths, You claim me.
How wondrous to be Yours—
in the pulse of life, a child in Your care.

Your voice, a ripple, “Go.”
The signal— clear as silence,
a knowing beyond knowing.
Peace not in the answers,
but in the stillness of surrender.
Joy blooms,
wild and untouched, when I listen.
When I obey, I am reborn
in the endless song of You.

Written in Your palms,
not just my path—
but the heartbeat of purpose,
carved in eternity’s skin.
I wait, unspeakable,
for the moment we meet.

In this breath,
I release my trust—
unfurling like an ocean,
no storm too wild,
no arrow too sharp.
Your love—
a masterpiece in fragments,
abstract, infinite,
a canvas that has no end.
 Jan 27 Raven
Mitch Prax
I think a part of us
knew this was never
meant to last,
and how could it?
We were too different-
two worlds colliding,
and yet we did not care.
We let love prevail-
it was too strong to deny.
 Jan 25 Raven
brain soup
 Jan 25 Raven
I wonder who sewed my clothes,
who made my shoes, who carved these walls that surround me—
carved my face, the sharp planes and the soft ones.
Who made me fierce, yet left me with a bleeding heart.
Who decided I was to be anything at all— and why it chose to shape the world as such.
Why this universe is one I am forced to grace—and taint.
One that, perhaps, taints me in return.
How these walls I call my skull are truly me,
and not some elaborate illusion.
I am but a piece of meat, a floating brain bumping around in a soup of blood, muscles, and bones.

What even am I?
And who are you?
 Jan 25 Raven
 Jan 25 Raven
I don’t mind that I’m childlike,
With wonder in my gaze,
While grown-ups chase the ticking clock,
Lost in their endless maze.
They talk of rules and weighty things,
Of life that must be tough,
But I wonder when the world forgot
That joy can be enough.
Why call it childish to be free?
To dance in rain, to laugh with glee,
When every “grown-up” part of me
Would rather be wild, bold, and free.
You speak of “adulting” like a crown,
A burden worn with pride,
But I’d trade all the grown-up frowns
For the child I feel inside.
They say we must grow up and conform,
That freedom’s something to outgrow,
But I know deep within my heart,
It’s the child who makes us whole.
So yes, I’ll be childish, and I’ll play,
With love and light to guide my way,
For in this world of rules and grind,
It’s the child that keeps me kind.
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