I’ve broken my own heart…
I regret the self reflection, the realization of my own actions.
How I’ve come to be this lonely,
walking this earth with no one to care for me the way I wish to
so passionately care for others,
it’s like I am not allowed to have someone be
so completely tapped into me,
to understand me,
to have someone that truly allows me to be myself,
to love all of me.
No, I don’t believe there is someone out there for me.
I’ve been cursed to walk this earth alone,
to only be the carer not the cared.
All I’ve ever wanted is to have a glimpse into
what it is feels to be loved.
Have someone wrapped around me so tightly
whispering in my ear — I love you.
** for anyone following what I've posted thus far, These were written during a dark time of unemployment and solitude.