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Dec 2014 · 503
Mercedes Faust Dec 2014
I feel more and more alive with each and every sin you make me commit
Dec 2014 · 546
3:40AM notes
Mercedes Faust Dec 2014
your my best high and my worst hangover

I don't know what it is

I allow you to come into my life, mess it all up, and leave.

The worst part is I love it.

I crave it.

I wouldn't want it any other way
Nov 2014 · 669
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
lonely people are the kindest saddest people smile the brightest the most damaged people are the wisest
Nov 2014 · 365
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
"And in the end we're all just humans who are drunk on the idea that love could heal our brokenness"
Nov 2014 · 310
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
quality over quantity
but my quantity got the qualities
Nov 2014 · 308
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
i'm honestly not afraid of dying.
pieces of me die all the time.
Nov 2014 · 481
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
my generation is sad.

people rather have *** with a absolute psychopath
than to make love with someone who loves them

they blame being depressed, sinful and vicious
on society.

but do you want to know what the saddest thing about my generation is?

a person from my generation will take their own life.

and others say its just for some type of attention.
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
dear 6 year old self
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
i bet your pretty disgusted with me right now.

i never thought i'd be getting drunk
or even high.

but it's just what happens when the first heartbreak happens.
or your first party
your first suicidal thought

i'm writing to say i'm sorry for disappointing you

i'm sorry i went down the path you wouldve never picked

i'm sorry for growing up so sick and twisted.

because i wish i stayed six and innocent
Nov 2014 · 295
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
you can try to hurt me

with everything you've got

but you will never come close to

the pain my heart makes me feel at

Nov 2014 · 383
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
i've realized i've gone mad
when i started looking
for ways to
become sane
Nov 2014 · 365
October 2
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
i remeber being in the hospital room.

i was 7 years old and held your hand for two days straight.

the weaker you got, the harder i squeezed your hand. you'd even squeeze back to comfort me.

i'd fall asleep next to you in that hospital bed every night.

one morning you woke up, and the cancer made you lose your memory.

each night i reminded you of your wedding with my mother, i'd remind you how much of a great father you were. then you'd close your eyes slowly, and fall asleep.

one morning you woke up, and you couldn't talk.

each night i'd put in a movie, so you wouldn't feel bad that you couldn't talk. before the movie finished,  you'd close your eyes slowly, and fall asleep.

daddy it got worse. mom stopped letting me see you, because she wanted me to remeber you as a heathy man.

on October 2, i snuck into your room. Tears rolled down the faces of the people around me.

And at the age of 7 i revived my first guardian angel.
Nov 2014 · 3.3k
Mercedes Faust Nov 2014
i am addicted.

addicted to how your hair flows at the right angle, and how your eyes sparkle when you speak sinful things into my ear.

i am addicted.

addicted to how high i get off of your lips. and with each kiss i think im going to overdose.

i am addicted.

its not something i can fight nor i can control.

i am addicted to all the bad and the good you do to me.

— The End —