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Gaurav Gurung Aug 16
I am Icarus as I yearn to fly,

I am Icarus as I sore through the sky,

I am Icarus as I want more and more,

I am Icarus and the sky, I Adore!

I am Icarus as I tend to forget

I am Icarus and later seem to regret

I am Icarus and greed gets the best of me

I am Icarus and only a fall can break me free

Even when I'm gone, my absence will hurt them,

Even when I'm gone, generational will be my name,

Even when I'm gone, I will leave a mark,

My wings burnt and withered- Illuminating yet Dark!

Reliant on aesthetics, I tend to forget nature,

I can't bypass it, Afterall- Human is my stature,

Such madness over crossing human bounds you might ask,

Penetrating limitations might be my greatest task.

Damnation and Mockery- my reward for such foolishness,

Satisfaction and Idolation- I yearn for completeness

My wings might be a commodity,

But my flight is a necessity,

You might forget or might you'll remember me

The leap I took and what completed me

I am Icarus and you might call me a fool,

I am Icarus or you might think my act was cool,

Well It doesn't matter to you, Does it?

In the end I'm just a fragment in you memories!

But for me and for generations to come,

Icarus was a minor Greek legend, The First man to take flight and fall as well! Many consider him a fool for not listening to his father and letting pride take control over him but for me Icarus has always been a legend! The Mighty Soarer above the sky that wanted to break human bounds and conquer the sky! Here's a tribute to Icarus and here's a Kudos for the Icarus within all us!
Gaurav Gurung Aug 16
As the morning songs initiate with singers of feathers,

As the hellish darkness calms with sunrays of answers,

Comes a beautiful new day in the un-urbanized,

The father with his sickle goes on to fetch green to his beloved,

The mother wakes up in devotion and chants mystical speeches

The children wake up with energy of a lifetime

Enough to get them through their carefree lifeline,

The people here are simple not bothered by Mondays,

Nor are they very  happy when there are Sundays,

The birds still chirping, the streams still flowing,

Children with their silly little games, above them the sun still glowing,

People from the country are bored, no TV, no network,

The Villagers instruct them to keep their worries aside

And enjoy the organic meal prepared

Enjoy the carefree environment before the troubles reappear

With a sip of water that’s sweeter than life

They carry on their silent relationship with their wife,

Life here is different, time works strange,

Afternoons are silent- could one be deranged!

A spider likes the one seen on TV lurks from the corner,

In the garden a snake, quite venomous is noticed,

The elder with one courageous might sweeps off the snake

The on lookers are awestruck, taken back by his might,

An hour in the afternoon is like an asylum

So Silent, everyone sleeps due to the heat waves,

The sound of chainsaws are heard in the distance,

Could deforestation be marching?

The sound of engines roaring,

Could the corporate be lurking?

To “modify” the landscape and make it more “mainstream”?

They’d destroy the peace here with a showcase of their money,

Deploying clouds of steel over what was once sunny!

The shining orb of the night returns after her shift,

The Sun with it’s protruding glamour leaves the scene,

The children scatter from the trees and hurry back home,

The elders with their “doko” full of green currency retreat,

In the end, the silence abrupt the call!

Perhaps, it’s now the Owl’s turn to howl!

A Beautiful Day in Heaven comes to a halt….

A Beautiful Day in Heaven comes to a halt….
Inspired by true events, the narrative follows a day in the villages! As someone who's mother belongs to a rural village, visiting her side of the family always ends up fascinating me and hey, as a poet, I've fulfilled my duty to write it down!
Gaurav Gurung Aug 16
On the periphery of Delhi, I recollect as I was on a tour,
A boundary barred the rich metropolitan society and the hellish slums,
My eyes, they landed on a barefoot group of boys- four,
Hello! I called out, they immediately scattered and greeted me with a joyous smile.

Their leader was the smartest little man I've ever encountered,
Raju was his name- full of energy, life and joy
He took a liking towards my golden watch which was a bit tattered,
I gave it to him and I swear I've never seen a much happier boy

His friends congratulated him as it was the most luxurious thing in their inventory,
Poor kids- the state and class in which they were born was pure involuntary,
I asked him, What is your dream, Raju? What is it that you desire?
He smirked and said, A lifestyle, a job, some money is what I want to acquire.

I ponder, the things we call basic necessity are their basic tools of "survival",
The things we discard and waste are their means of revival,
What do we lack? The latest devices? A less comfortable bed?
Poor fellas don't even have a roof over their heads!

I ask him, Raju, what is it that you want to be?
He says, I want to be like our Saheb- successful and rich,
I ask him, How will you do that? His eyes squinched- so titch,
He was blank and clueless about how his torn destiny he could stitch!

In retrospect, I was blank too as to what was my purpose,
I realised that I had no visions as well, I was worthless,
I gazed upon their innocent wandering faces and made up my mind,
My dream was to be an educator and teach those whom I could find!

That day a conversation changed me forever,
It changed the way I thought and saw the world,
It changed me and with my old self, I rebelled,
That day, "The Vision of a gentleman" moved me,
It changed my carefree attitude, it improved me,
It changed "The old me", it constituted "The New me"
Poverty is prevalent in every society and is not easily curable, it's not the children's fault that they were born into poor households..... Not a propagandic poem, it's just a poem about retrospection and a conversation with a poor boy
Gaurav Gurung Aug 16
He asks me, what is humanity? I tell him;
We are as vast as a field of meadow,
Like the countless flowers that bloom,
Each of us, a different variety of flower,
Some, like the roses- Beauty with thorns,
Some, like the sunflowers- Guided by direction,
Some, like the tulips- Beauty with diversity,
Some, like the daisies- Innocent and jolly,
Some, like the lotuses- Adapting in harsh floras.

He asks me again, what is humanity? I tell him;
We are as spread as the distant Star field,
Like the countless stars that radiate,
Each of us shine and emit our own power,
Some shine brighter, their beauty we adorn,
Some are black, some white, all beautiful- God’s creation,
Some morph into comets! Such complexity,
Some are never discovered in the vast void- Not Golly!
Some radiate excellence, Differing are their auras.

He’s awestruck! Taken back by the beauty of humanity,
“However, there’s a catch”, I say
Humanity is as dead as a graveyard,
Such a hurtful place it is, containing a silence that kills silence,
A place so sinister, it breeds violence,
Arena of corruption, A colosseum of hatred,
Humanity is such a place which destroys the sacred,
“Who kills their mother?” Simply – Humanity,
You wouldn’t want to go there! It’s a ticket to insanity,
Humanity is as dead as graveyard! They **** their own kind,
Believe me boy, It’s not for your gullible mind!
A fictional poetic discussion between a father and his son... A brief philosophical insight into the poet's views about humanity! Enjoy folks

— The End —