I could memorize your freckles.
Where each is exactly
And how many you have.
I could kiss your lips
A thousand times
And feel my cheeks burn
With each.
I could run my hands
Through your soft hair,
Feeling each curl
Like silk between my fingers.
I could stay in your arms
For as long as you'll let me,
Absorbing the security
I've been trying to find everywhere.
I could forge
These tactile memories,
These sensations I could experience
All over again
If I just close my eyes.
If I just close my eyes
And breathe deeply
It's almost as if
I can feel you again.
I feel your ghost on my lips,
Your shadow embraces me,
Your echoe holds my hand
And I pray to be close to you again.
I count the seconds
Until my tactile memories
Become concrete
And I can feel you,
Not your ghost
Or shadow
Or echoe,
Making me wish
For more time.
I've become what I hate. What the hell