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Feb 2020 · 202
Past and Future
Sonia Feb 2020
I look back
At the poems I write
And comprehend that
I have spent my time
Missing the past

No matter
How bad I want it
Or how hard I wish it was my present
I can't relive that moment
Because the past is the past

All I can do
Is wonder how my future looks
If it shines bright
Or if it is drowned in darkness
Either way
The past is gone
And now comes the future
All I can do
Is yearn
And hope it's gonna be good
Feb 2019 · 336
Sonia Feb 2019
Lucky are those
Who are inspiration
For poetry.
Jan 2019 · 519
Sonia Jan 2019
"I'm okay", I say
As I secretly die inside

Okay is a word
That I now use
To describe every single one
Of my emotions

"I'm okay", I say
Even though
On the inside
ONLY on the inside
I am hurting
My heart is broken to pieces
And I feel
Like there's no chance left
For me to get over this

"I'm okay", I say
But on the inside
I'm bursting of joy
My heart is back
Like how it was once
Now it's whole once again
Because I met someone new
And even though it's gonna be broken soon
I wanna enjoy the moment
"I'm okay" is a lie we all tell
Dec 2018 · 528
I miss the days...
Sonia Dec 2018
I miss the days....
When all I had to do
Was scream your name
And I would know that
You would be there
In less than a second
Because you would never leave my side

I miss the days...
When all I had to do
Was say I had a nightmare
And I would use that as an excuse
To cuddle with you
In bed

Those days are gone
And now I have to wait
For you to show up
You tell me that
I'm old enough to face my fears

I don't think
You realize
That I'm growing up
And I need you the most
Because I'm facing
Everything I'm introduced to
Sometimes, you don't want to grow up

— The End —