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I hate Life right now.
I want to become Invisible.
I want to disappear from society forever.
I want to be off this earth forever.
She is just chilling out when she sees your red face.
She looks up to see your red face.
She sees your crisp blue eyes watery.
And you say to her "I think I am in love with you!"
At first, she is shell Shocked
And then...

You reach around her waist and pulling her to her feet, Embracing her into a hug. Pulling her towards you. Slowly pour your love into your kiss. Deeping it further as you go. Arms still held tightly around her waist. Her hand snakes its way up to your neck and resting it in your hair.
She wishes...
She wishes she can make this last forever. But when the time came, she became deseperate  to have you in her hold. You grabbing her and kissing her. But then you pull her closer to your chest. Both of you are breathing shallow and panting.

"I love you"...
All she could manage to say was "I love you too."
Then you started laughing. Calling her your little ball of fire...
The Dreams I have are Magical.
I have to get out of my body emotional rollercoaster.
Sometimes it is hard to focus on life when you are too caught up in your problems.
I wish there was a getaway from life for just 1 day.
My Lover is Somewhere out in the Sea.
My lover might be far away from where I might not see them.
I might be able to see my true love.
Am I just too blind to see him or her?🤔
Maybe if I just relax then he or she will come to see me.
Maybe if I just wait a little bit longer.
Maybe If I just...
My Grades are straight A's.
My teachers are proud of me.
My dad is somewhat proud.
My brothers are proud.
I am proud of myself.
My stepmother is not proud.
My lowest grade is 97%
Sometimes you just have to have some medicine.
Sometimes you just need a Friend to hold you while you cry.
Sometimes you need medicine for your pain.
Sometimes Medicine wouldn't fix your problems.
Sometimes your friends you think are friends are not friends and they use you.
Sometimes Medicine will help you but not for long though.
Somethings don't need to have medicine.
Somethings are needed for medicine.
Medicine will not always cure your illnesses.
But real friends can cure a lot of your problems in life.
Sometimes you can't always rely on medicine.
My boyfriend is wanting more than I can handle.
He thinks that I am wanting to marry him and I really do not want to.
I feel uncomfortable about this relationship.
I have got threats if I broke up with him.
They threaten to kick my *** And beat the crap out of me.
What do I do?
I don't feel comfortable with him in my space.
He constantly keeps grabbing my **** and slapping my **** and touching me everywhere and I don't like it.
I tell him to stop and then he does it again.
I can't handle it. what do I do?
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