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To stay in the dark
Will give you a fright
U should be a light
Shining through the night
Like the statue of liberty
Let nothing bring you down
Winners never quit
They fight till they win
The crown and the town
You mustn’t sit around
Because you’re a child
Show them you’re wise
Because you’re wild
Go be a big surprise
And always think twice!
It's a rap for my new tv show for kids.
After a protracted time
I’ve come to realize
Why you and I
Could never work.
I could feel it,
Each time I held you close,
It was all in front of me
Portrayed by your eyes
I could see it
Your eyes betrayed you
Even under an overdose,
With your comatose
I could see my loss
Floating on the waters
Like a putrefying corpse
Your stench haunted my days
And darkened my nights
But the pitch black night finally vanished
And the thick black cloud vaporized.
I realized how pulverized I was,
As I envisioned why we could never work,
What went wrong, how it went wrong and when I felt wrong… When you told me to be strong
And asked me how long I could wait for a ratchet
Only then I would have never,
Never promised you a single second of my time cuz
All you ever made me do was commit crimes in the name of love That’s why we could never work
For a dog can never be a soul mate with a wolf
A monogamous creature betrayed by a polygamous animal
What a shame for a god like me to lust after a dog like you
I should have seen it
But how could I when grief was my poison?  
The venom which took me from the height I fell
And only came to realize
I have to fly high in the sky asking none why
For eagles can’t soar with filthy vultures  
How I hate what I once soul craved
won’t adore dirt in flesh sepulchers
And death from a ***** I once hotly pursued in lust not love.
The hate is unbelievable
It taints the walls like blood stains
If love is red and adorable
What paint is hate
For it stains
Our lovely canvass
The hate is visible
Crawling on my skin
Like insects
It's *******
The last drop of love I had.
Hate is a product of people, if we love the world will be better. Hate makes good bad and love makes evil good. It starts with you.
I try, yes I've tried.

I try to see the good in everything.

I've tried to see the good in everyone.

I've tried, yes I try...

to care but none seems to care.

to be there but none is really there.

Often I'm left alone

To fight my misery on my own

I try, Yes I've tried...

To be insensitive, heartless and inconsiderate.

To be cold as this world is,

So cold making anguish freeze.

So cold like the Indian ocean's breeze.

My heart is a prison with frozen rotten carcasses.

A mortuary where the dead have none to claim their forgotten corpses
I wrote this two years ago
Many say we learn from our mistakes

But mine are more than I can take.

They spoke a joke that threatened my fragile heart.

When threatened I retaliate.

When I retaliate, they call me a racist..

How great is this feeling called hate...

I can't seem to make people enjoy my presence

Because I am never present, always absent lost in my mind.

How can I find true joy when I lack the confidence?

The confidence to show true defiance and a face so radiant.

All the questions I have are answered painfuly so I never ask.

All the pain within me is held prisoner by my strong heart,..

The smile on my face is just a good mask I wear hiding the devil inside.

The miles I run are cycles with no end, circles have no end.

Imagine reliving this pain, over and over again.

Afraid to tell any for none ever will understand.
Pain is master
The Lord is wonderful
He has done wonders for us
We don’t stress
We bless his holy name
We praise Him
With music and poetry
We dance to the beat
Our feet well founded
In Christ our Lord!
The Pillar and ground of truth
Eye Love God
Man is a spirit,
the flesh ends like cash,
vanishes like ashes,
what’s special is what’s in it so preserve it.
If you’re ashamed,
wish to be tamed,
only the tamed are named,
if you are not named you were never made.
True spirits don’t die,
‘because they don’t lie, only tears of joy they’ll cry.
Foul false spirits lie that’s why they die and always try.
Heaven sent soul rippers whispering the echoes of heavenly truth redeeming the time that has no recycle bin.
Time is infinity but for us it’s limited,
we use it whilst we still can to crush iniquity proving we can’t sin. Nothing overrated,
only aware of the life beyond the grave but some rush where angels fear to be.
A pit so deep they dig,
a pit too deep for them alone,
a pit they all invite you to be in, they sing.
Their sin is of death a sting,
a sting in the music strings...
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