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Oct 2017 · 160
Eccentric Oct 2017
Studying forever
To get a job never
Forced to feel like I’m achieving
While I’m sitting here just believing
That it will all be worth it in the
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
Eccentric Mar 2015
Scrolling through the internet
I see the world
The beauty of these places
The different countries
The culture
When will I get out of here
See the world without my phone
Mar 2015 · 5.2k
Eccentric Mar 2015
Be like a rose
They see your beauty
They want to come close
So elegant and well formed
Just one touch..
Then theyre deformed
Your thorn so piercing
It had them fooled
Replenished their thirsting.
Mar 2015 · 815
Deep end
Eccentric Mar 2015
Thrown into the deep end
It was impossible to reach
Thrown into the deep end
Its something they couldn't teach
The art of survival, a fight for air
Or ignoring yet another stare
From fish insignificant but i could not foresee;
They own these oceans; its their territory
Indeed a peculiar enigma, left with no choice but to imitate
Or be stuck in an unwelcoming fate
A better status to those who dont conform
I could feel my cartilage being born
I didnt look like the rest, didnt feel like them either
Something was confusing about this prochedure
No scales, only the gills made me feel similar...
Something shining within me, so many sparks
Throw me into the deep end and i'll be swimming with the sharks.
Feb 2015 · 672
Eccentric Feb 2015
Sometimes we like to cry hard,
To be asked "whats wrong"
In order to be hugged
Told we belong.

— The End —