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 Aug 2018 emzee
city of flips
men and their egos (I turned twenty this summer) are

they admit “guess you were right”
believing that will make them heroes,
by full on confessing they are *******

I turned twenty in the summer

my tan legs in cutoffs (it’s summer) drives them to madness,
accused, you are pitiless, for their dreams of you involve ransom  
still, you
search and quiet plead like Abraham, to the heated air,
while listening to Whitney Houston and Ed Sheeran,
(on your earbuds just so nobody knows your weakness)
for just that one good man in the township of
***** and Gomorrah

my mother bitter sneers good luck with that,
forgetting I am now twenty years
so old, so advanced,
that my hopes and aspirations are no longer those
the ones in my high school yearbook

my poetry fills pages,
a human urban renewal,
laying out a city of hope

recalling that ***** and Gemorrah were destroyed
 Aug 2018 emzee
Julian Delia
Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin?
Here's a tip, from kin-to-kin:
If you don't fit in, don't fit in.
Simply, be.
Sometimes the greatest act of rebellion is trusting your nature and holding on.
 Aug 2018 emzee
Futuristic streams of destiny pulling portions of soul into one

Separated bloodlines undergoing transmutations within the sun

Bright coronal plumes change the nature of a living cell

Dipping in cosmic rivers of magical kinds, we cannot tell

Still forks of alterations keep a fated path ever divided

Left to those not third eye blind finding a way to fight it

Gripped by ultimate knowing trapped inside amnesic holds

Lost within the greatest cipher of every ancient story told

Drift into multiple realities after losing sight of the first

As trans-dimensional Beings usher in the brink of a new thirst

Love and oneness are the signposts on a well worn road

All have traveled before, repaying the universe what we owed
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