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 Sep 2016 Athena
Hungry Lips
 Sep 2016 Athena
Feed me your mouth,
      so I can satisfy my desires
       with the taste of our destiny.
       I long for the rush,
       from our lips, when they touch.
     symbols of each other,
signaling one another,
    our body language,
   speaking to,

Lost in forever,
the moment consumed,
by passion
missing you doesn't come in flashes;
it come in waves and tsunamis,
which whirls my emotions into a mess

missing you comes like a hurricane;
it ***** up each and every part of my soul,
making me merely an empty shell of what i used to be

missing you comes like an earthquake;
the ground shakes and my fingers quiver,
and i'm swallowed whole even before i can scream for help

you made me whole;
you made my body and soul ignite with fire and passion,
you made me feel like i was whole all along

you made me feel;
the feelings which rarely surfaced in me - happiness, overflowing joy -
i felt it all
but you left,
and you took them all with you

you were a galaxy filled with stars;
you entered my life when it was a sheet of black
but you left,
taking even the moon which would appear on some days with you;
you took them all

i gave you my everything;
everything i could
everything i had
and when you left,
you took them all with you

and so now that you're gone,
what am i?
to the one i gave everything to.

— The End —