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 Jul 2020 Disha
phantom pains
 Jul 2020 Disha
If only my scars were on the surface of my body. Then maybe you’d understand the burden of pain I have held.
 Jul 2020 Disha
Eshwara Prasad
Every day hundreds of people

Spit on me, yet I remain unruffled.

I have normalised humiliation.
 Jul 2020 Disha
Han Drew
 Jul 2020 Disha
Han Drew
You we're my sunshine
But then I remembered that the sun doesn't just shine for one person.
 Jun 2020 Disha
Love poem
 Jun 2020 Disha
Gazing up to the starry sky
It's all beauty I can not deny
But it's not up where my thoughts fly
It has always been you, but I'm too shy

— The End —